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“No?” His gaze dropped, ran slowly over every inch of her, leaving a rising heat everywhere it touched. “You should.”

“I’d like to think I’m not run by such an emotion.”

“Ah, and I am.” His lips quirked. “Is that it?”

Dammit, she was amusing him. She pushed at his hand, which was still on her face, but he merely tipped up her chin, his long, warm fingers scorching her skin. “Your father told me what he thought of your mother. How he was always afraid you’d be like her.”

“I see. The two of you sat around and discussed me.”

“You came up a few times.”

When she took a step back, he followed, his big hands tender and gentle as he reached for her. “I’m on to you, you know.”

She slapped his hands away and stepped back again. “I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.”

“You’re not like her, Amber, you never could be.”

Determined to avoid this, she took one more step and hit the wall. “No I’m not, because I’m so careful.” Usually. “I’ve always been, but somehow, with you…” His hands caged her in, her breath backed up in her throat. “Somehow you make me forget to watch myself.”

“Really? That’s interesting.” One of his hands slid down her side now, and since her shirt came to the waistband of her skirt and wasn’t tucked in, his fingers slipped under and touched bare skin. “Always so in control.” His thumb slid over her belly and she drew in a shaky breath. “And yet not with me. Could you have feelings for me then? Deep ones?” That hand danced around now to her back, and his thumb made a lazy circle very low on her spine, causing a shiver.

The flare of desire in his eyes didn’t help. “Dax-”

Those magical fingers played lightly over her tingling flesh. She held her breath when he splayed his big, warm hand over her bottom, pressing her to him so that she could feel his erection.

“You don’t want to feel anything for me,” he said huskily. “But I feel something for you. Can you feel what I’m feeling, Amber?”

Oh yeah. He was huge, pulsing against her.

“Can you?”

“I…yes.” Definitely yes.

“Today scared you.”

She stared at him, and he stared back, achingly patient, silently demanding her honesty.

“A little, maybe. All of you. All that passion, all that wild jubilance.”

“And all that unpredictability. You don’t know what to make of me, do you Amber? Or what to expect?”


“You hate that.”

“Yes.” But she looked at his mouth and a part of her burned for it to touch hers, fear be damned, all the while aware of how turned on he was. How turned on she was.

“What’s between us is a work in progress,” he said. “It can go as you want. You can be in control.” He nudged even closer. “Or not.”

“Is there really an ‘us’?”

“Yeah,” Dax whispered huskily, no longer surprised by that very fact. “There’s an us.” To show her, he took her mouth with his, the promise echoing in his head as he tasted her.

She kissed him back, but then put a shaking hand to his chest. “I’m not ready for this. For you.”

Neither was he, no matter what a certain body part was screaming. “No rush.”

“Okay. Good.” She licked her already wet lips in a self-conscious gesture he was certain she didn’t mean to make so damn sexy.

“We could just let this attraction sit in the driver’s seat,” he said. “And see where it takes us.”

“I feel as though I should pull over and ask for directions.”

He smiled. “Do we need a map then?”

“I do, yes. I need a plan.”

“You can’t always plan matters of the heart, I’m learning.” He set his forehead to hers. “You’re my case in point.”

Her dark eyes were liquid and full of unmistakable yearning. He wished, just once, that she would speak of that yearning, instead of fighting it.

Then she closed her eyes.

“No fair hiding.” He touched his lips to the corner of her mouth, hovering there, thrilling to her quick intake of breath. “Look at me.”

Both her eyes and her mouth opened slightly, and she leaned toward him, clearly wanting, expecting, needing a kiss. “Dax…”

“Tell me what you want, Amber.”

Instead, she shifted closer, dropped her gaze to his lips.

“With words.” He smiled wickedly. “It’s your plan, you’re the one in control, remember?”

“You want me to say it.”

She sounded so scandalized he nearly laughed. “Yeah.” Softly, in a barely there touch, he kissed the other side of her mouth.

She moaned, and the sound made him hot. “Tell me.”

Pleasure sighed out of her when he slid his fingers into her hair, but though she turned into him, pressed her body to his, she remained silent.

He drew back.

She let out an exploding sigh. “Okay! Kiss me, dammit!”

“If you insist,” he murmured demurely.

The connection was combustive, instantly sizzling, and there was no way to hold back his low growl of helpless arousal, no way he wanted to.

Already it wasn’t enough. The kiss wasn’t enough.

Threading his fingers through her silky soft hair, he angled her for a deeper, hotter, wetter kiss. Their bodies swayed together. He could feel her breasts against his chest, her belly flat to his, and when he rocked slowly, melding their hips into a perfect fit so that he could feel the heat between her thighs, he nearly died right there. “If you need a road map to my feelings here,” he murmured. “Let me assure you, I want more.”

Her breath wasn’t any more steady when she met his gaze warily. “How much more?”

He wanted it all. He wanted her to willingly shed that cool, calm control to give him the real Amber beneath. “You know how much I want. Now tell me what you want.”

She loosened a fist from his hair, then smoothed that hand over his chest, from one side to another, and just that light touch sent his head spinning.

“Words,” he said. “Tell me in words.”

“I want…” Helplessly, she lifted her head. “You. But I don’t know what to do.”

“Are we talking about a physical want?”

She nodded.

If it had been any other woman telling him they wanted him, it would have made Dax’s evening.

But this wasn’t any other woman, it was Amber, and he suddenly wanted far more than her physical want. Swallowing his disappointment, he let out a laugh. “I remember you knowing exactly what to do before.”

Her body was taut and quivering as he kissed her this time, telling him plainly what her mouth seemed to be struggling with, and heat roared through his veins. He caressed her slim back, up and down, slowly, fingers spread wide so he could touch as much of her as possible. She did the same, running her hands all over him. Then, slowly, he ended the kiss.

Her eyes were huge on his. “What?”

“I just wanted to make sure you’re still in the driver’s seat. I know how important that is to you.”

He’d been only teasing, but she frowned, seriously considering. “I’m okay. I think.” She looked at him. “More.”

“Mmm. Aggressive.” He stroked his hands down her hips, past her thighs, to the hem of her skirt, then skimmed them back up again, beneath the material now, to…ah, those legs. At the feel of lace, then soft, bare thighs, he groaned.

She squirmed and looked defensive. “They’re more comfortable then regular nylons.”

“Thank God for comfort.”

“And they don’t seem to snag like the others-”

“And thriftiness, too.”

“They’re very practical, you know.”

He laughed. “You can’t be thinking I don’t like them.”

“I-You do?”

“I do. Is it okay that they turn me on?” He had to laugh again when she considered.

“Why don’t you just enjoy the reaction you’re getting from me…?” He slid his hips to hers and lowered his lips to her ear. “Feel what you do to me.”