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‘Did you drive here today?’ Slider asked. Markov’s eyes flitted about, looking for escape. ‘We know that you are insured to drive it. Did you drive it here today? Is it downstairs?’

‘Well . . . yes,’ Markov admitted, like someone swallowing a too-large lump of steak.

‘Then we’d like to have a look at it, if you don’t mind. Do some tests.’

‘What sort of tests?’ he asked faintly.

‘Forensic tests. Whoever took the car will have left traces of themselves – hair, skin cells, sweat and sebaceous oil on the steering wheel and so on. You can’t get into a car without leaving DNA behind. Everyone who was ever in it will be there.’

‘You’ll find my DNA in there,’ Markov said in a dry voice. ‘And Steph’s.’

‘Of course we’ll have to eliminate those. We could start with yours – if you’d be so kind as to let us take a buccal swab.’ He brought out the kit. Markov was sweating now, but he still couldn’t see where this was going. ‘You’d have no objection to that, would you?’

‘Well, I—’

‘Thank you. This won’t take a moment.’ It was done in seconds. ‘Thank you,’ Slider said. ‘And if we could have the car keys . . .?’

Markov handed them over. Atherton handed them and the swab to the constable outside the door and returned to his seat. Markov’s eyes flitted between them anxiously.

‘Of course,’ Slider said amiably, ‘the other traces we’ll find in the car will be Zellah’s, but we already have her DNA typed, so we’ll recognise those.’

‘Zellah? She . . .’ He stopped.

‘You won’t try to pretend she was never in your car, I hope,’ Slider said lightly. ‘You were having an affair with her.’ Markov only stared, helpless as a rabbit before headlights. ‘Quite clever to try to make me think she was a lesbian,’ he went on conversationally. ‘Throw me off the scent. Unfortunately, there was too much evidence the other way. Including the sad fact that she was pregnant.’

Markov went so white Slider thought for an electric moment that he might throw up. ‘You said – my wife – you implied she needn’t know. That’s why I came here. You won’t tell her?’

‘I won’t tell her you were having an affair,’ Slider said, ‘but I think she’s going to find out anyway. Your DNA will match the baby’s, and when that’s added to all the other evidence we have against you, we will be charging you with Zellah’s murder. I think your wife is bound to hear about that sooner or later, don’t you?’

Markov’s mouth opened and shut a few times, but he didn’t seem to be able to get any words out. At last he said, ‘I didn’t. I didn’t. I didn’t. You’ve got it wrong. It wasn’t me.’

‘Let me see your hands,’ Slider said.

Markov’s hands were on the table, balled into fists. He looked at them as if he didn’t know what they were, and lay them flat, palm down. Slider reached across the table, took hold of a forefinger of each, and turned them over, palm up. Across the palm of the right hand was a thin, faint red mark, the healing scar of a long but minor cut. ‘How did you do that?’ he asked.

‘I – I cut myself by accident. With a palette knife. Grabbed the wrong end. I’d had a glass of wine or two,’ he added with an attempt at a light laugh.

Inventive, Slider thought. Even at this stage. He shook his head and said, ‘You cut it on the chain around Zellah’s neck. We have a DNA sample from that, too, and it will match yours, just as the foetal tissue will. I think, Mr Markov, the time has come for you to tell me everything. We know you killed her, you see. We have all the evidence we need to charge you. There is just this one window of opportunity for you to tell your side of the story, mention any mitigating circumstances we might not know about. Now’s the time to talk. Otherwise, it’s premeditated murder of the worst kind, and nothing will save you from the full penalty of the law.’

To his surprise, Markov began to weep. ‘I didn’t mean to! It was a mistake! An accident! I never meant to hurt her! You don’t understand. It wasn’t my fault.’

They were tears, Slider decided, of self-pity. Under-standable, but not very noble. He thought of Zellah, and wished her nemesis had been a bit more of a man, even though that would have made his job harder.

‘I never meant things to get out of hand,’ Markov said, his hands folded round a mug of tea as if it were a cold day. He was shaking a little. ‘I mean, I teach pubescent girls all the time, and they all fall in love with me. Well, most of them. It’s the whole art-master thing. I could have had dozens of them if I was that way inclined. But I’m no Humbert. But Zellah . . . Zellah was different. She was . . .’ He paused a long time, thinking, and then drew out his handkerchief and wiped his nose. It was still leaking, though whether from the recent tears or last night’s snow, Slider couldn’t tell.

‘She had a talent,’ he resumed at last. ‘It wasn’t just in drawing. She was brilliant academically, and she had a real feeling for music, painting, dance – everything. There was something about that girl – an artistic spirit. And she was beautiful. I don’t mean just physically. She was remote, shut away, like a frozen princess on an ice mountain, waiting for the prince who could ride his horse to the top and rescue her.’ He wiped his nose again, and then looked sharply at Slider, coming down to earth with a bump. ‘I don’t mean I ever intended to do anything about it. I’m an artist. I can look without touching. It all came from her side. She threw herself at me.’

‘And you and your wife weren’t getting on.’

‘We haven’t been for a long time,’ he said with a sigh. ‘We should never have married. Steph and I – well, we’re not right for each other. She’s too practical; I’m too romantic. And – well, there are money troubles. The mortgage is hefty, and I’m maxed out on my credit cards. I’ve got an overdraft, too. Painting in oils is expensive. Steph refuses to understand that. Of course, when I sell something, I pay the loans off.’

‘So, like many a man whose wife doesn’t understand him, you started an affair,’ Slider said.

Markov looked sulky. ‘I told you, that was her idea. She was crazy about me. I could take it or leave it.’

‘But you took it,’ Slider said. ‘Your wife working shifts made it easy for you to fit it in.’ Markov wanted to protest, but Slider waved that line away. ‘What happened on Sunday?’

‘I hadn’t seen her for a while. It wasn’t so easy for her to get away in school holidays. It must have been over a week – two weeks, probably. I was hoping, actually, that she was cooling off. You see, much as I liked her, I was afraid of Steph finding out. She owns the flat, you see. She could make it very awkward for me. If there was a divorce, I’d lose everything. I wouldn’t even have a roof over my head. OK, I’ve got the teaching job, but it’s part-time, and it doesn’t pay much, and if I took a full-time job I wouldn’t have time to paint.’

‘And you have an expensive drugs habit, and your wife’s income helps pay for that,’ Atherton said neutrally.

Markov looked at him resentfully. ‘It’s all right for you to sit in judgement over me. You don’t know what an artist suffers. The pressures,’ he put his hands to his head, ‘are unbearable sometimes. I need cocaine to be able to relax—’

‘Let’s get back to Sunday,’ Slider interrupted. He didn’t want to go off on the drugs line again. ‘You hadn’t seen Zellah for a while, and then suddenly she telephoned you. Oh yes,’ he added, ‘we know about that. Telephone calls are all logged, you know.’