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“Yes, we are small one,” Dr. Peels grinned. Her eyes grew oddly large as she peered down the length of the syringe, nearing it to my face. I was almost ready to jump off the end of the bench. These people were creeping me out.

“Wait.” I screamed. “You haven’t numbed me, yet.”

She grabbed my wrist. My eyes widened, as she wrapped her lips around my flesh, murmuring, “Numb, numb, numb, hummm you taste delicious.”

“What are you doing?” I quipped; mortified at her bedside manners… she wanted to eat me.

“I am trying to get you to calm down.” She giggled blandly.

“That’s not going to work… I am not six years old.” I scoffed. “I just want some numbing… not gumming.”

She frowned, pouting her lips. “No need for that. Now just relax… you won’t feel a thing… but a little prick.” She said reassuringly. I held my breath, tying to relax. Within minutes she announced she was done. “That wasn’t so bad, now was it,” she said in a condensing baby voice. I’ll be damn. I think she was mocking me.

“Really you’re done? I didn’t even feel a prick at all.” I giggled, at my innuendo. She didn’t seem to get my joke.

“I will see you in a year or so, good luck with Steele—” she turned her back to me—“talk about a big prick.” Her voice trailed off to a whisper.

“What…?” I turned to her.

She handed me a mirror. “We are all done. Here check them out.” She set the mirror on my lap… and she slipped behind the curtain again—gone without answering my question.

Did everyone in town know he had a huge dick? Is that what she was referring to—the size of Mr. Maximillion’s manhood, or his personality? I wasn’t sure. She seemed fond of him. I was jolted from my thought, when the assistant Camilla swabbed cotton over my lips. I didn’t even know she had reentered the room. She never spoke to me. I wondered if she was ordered not to. The assistant took the mirror from me, and held it out for me to see my lips. She had an enormous grin plastered on her face.

I stared at my reflection. “Wow.” I whispered out loud. They looked bee-stung and so natural. Better than Angelina’s lips. Very angelic, and thank god, not fishlike, in the least. I had the cutest Cupid’s bow now too.

* * *

As I approached my car in the parking garage, I felt as if I were walking on air. I had a new pair of pouty lips. Mission completed. I felt ecstatic. Out of the blue, I heard a husky voice. It was coming from behind me.

“Let me see them.” A man’s voice demanded. See what, I thought. Instantly a feeling of panic raced to my brain. I am being followed, I thought. I pivoted on my heels to face my assailant head on. My heart almost stopped.

“You scared the shit out of me.” I yelped demandingly at the one and only Mr. Maximillion.

My heartbeat increased, but this time not from the fear of being followed. I was secretly thrilled to see Mr. Maximillion had been stocking me. This was my hope anyway.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I yelled. My voice resonated through the parking garage. He flashed me a wounded look when I accosted him. “Why are you following me?” Oh, yes, I questioned him, as if I had the right to, and I did.

I walked right past him angrily. He really scared the shit out of me. A little toot even slipped out. “Leave me alone.” I didn’t want him to think his sneaking up on me was acceptable behavior.

“Hey, hey slow down baby-doll. I just wanted to see what I paid for,” he replied, catching up with me and latching on to my forearm. He was making an effort to stop me from fleeting. A smile rose at the corners of his mouth and settled in his eyes, as he appraised my face. I felt my anger dissolving. I almost forget how beautiful he was. I questioned myself how could I have for a millisecond forgotten his dreamy eyes, perfect physic and devilish smile. My heart nearly stopped.

“See,” I pursed my lips, sensuously. His eyes danced over me. Oh my, what sexy mesmerizing eyes this man donned. The sun-rays flickered through the opening in the parking garage causing a glistening effect in the black specks of his gray eyes. This momentarily took my breath completely away.

“Perfection is possible with my connections,” he gloated, flashing me a wolfish smirk.

“I didn’t expect you to pay for me.” I uttered, nonchalantly. “Thanks I heard you can afford it… but thanks.”

“Oh. C’mon you can lie better than that—can’t you? Surely you expected me to pay.” He smiled ruefully at me, but looked vaguely disappointed. “You have to learn to lie better than this, how do you expect to convince fifty million viewers to become your biggest fans?” I felt a pang of disappointment; here he was criticizing me again. He was relentless.

“No, really I didn’t expect you to pay… it’s so generous of you Mr. Maximillion.” I glanced shyly into his eyes. I was lying, of course.

“That’s better… I almost believe you. You will make a good little contestant after all.” He stuck out an open palm.

“What do you want?” I asked. My eyes searched for a clue.

“Your hand in marriage,” he said. His prose made my heart leap. “Your keys, silly.” He beamed brightly. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach. He was playing me. Teasing me. Asshole.

“Oh… yeah, you’re so funny,” I laughed, playing his marriage joke off as best as I could.

Without missing a beat, I fished out my keys from my purse and handed them to him. This was not like me. I have never just given in so easily to a man’s commands. I felt like a puppy, licking my lips and fetching for him. Steele walked toward my car. There was no exchange of words. The silence felt awkward, so awkward. What was he up to? He hit the unlock button on my keyless remote then politely opened the door for me. I quickly slid in behind the wheel, glancing up at him, and pursed my lips again, waiting for him to say something—anything nice.

“Okay there you are slim. I would like to take you to dinner and fatten you up. Put some meat on your bones. Tomorrow night that will work for you…? Alright.” He clasped his palms together, loudly. I think he asked if tomorrow night would work for me, but it sounded more like a demand. He set the date in stone before waiting for my reply.

A numbing shock rocketed through my mouth and down my spine. Was it from the lips injections? How strange. I was speechless. That was not like me either. Usually I never shut up. Did getting lips injections make me lose the ability to carry on an intelligent conversation?

“I will call you tomorrow.” He pivoted on his heels, I watched him weaving between the parked cars and suddenly disappeared; he vanished like a ghost or an otherworldly creature.

My hands furtively shook. I put the key in the ignition turning on the car’s engine. When I looked down into my lap a beautiful shiny red apple laid there. Where did this come from? I don’t remember Steele holding an apple or in the least setting it in my lap. What was with him and these apples? I picked up the apple… beneath it was a small note.

Eat me, slowly… enjoy. BTW Love your new luscious lips. SM

He loved my lips. My heart leaped with joy. I was overwhelmed. Quickly, I grabbed the rearview mirror and titled it down towards my face. In the reflection of the mirror I could see my lips were quite plump, red and indeed, luscious. What a simple procedure leaving behind huge results. Eat your heart out Angelina.

My stomach growled rather loudly. Without further thought I placed my swollen lips around the shiny apple and bit down softly. It was so juicy, bursting with the most exotic flavors; different than any apple I had ever tasted in my life, even more so than the one I ate in the elevator at Steele’s office building. I was uncannily horny. Before I knew it, I had devoured every inch of the delicious red fruit. I felt more satisfied then the best sex I had ever had in my entire life. God, I had to know where Mr. Maximillion’s bought this potent fruit. It had to be organic.