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"I doubt that," I said. "Many estates must have been struck and plundered. Yet, doubtless, guardsmen, sooner or later, will arrive here."

"I am prepared to deal with you, Jason," she said. "Jason," she said, "why are you tying a strap on my throat?" I knotted the strap under her chin. I took the strap, then, and wrapped it several times about her throat, and then tucked in the loose end. It might thus, if unwrapped, if I chose, serve as a leash.

"I do not understand," I said.

She struggled to a sitting position, her hands bound behind her, the dark strap wrapped several times about her throat.

"You have much abused me," she said. "But I am tolerant. I can forgive much."

"Lady Florence is generous," I said.

"Free me," she said. "Untie me. Remove this horrid strap from my throat. It is too much like the leash of a slave."

"It is much like the leash of a slave," I admitted.

"Please, Jason," she said.

"Position!" I snapped.

Swiftly, as she could, she assumed the position of a slave and, this time, automatically, as she could, the position of a pleasure slave.

"You were going to deal with me," I said.

"Please, let me assume another posture," she said.

"No," I said.

"It is difficult to speak with you as I wish," she said, "while I am bound, while I wear leather on my throat, while I am kneeling before you, and in the posture of a slave"

"Speak," I told her.

"I am prepared to be lenient with you," she said. "I am prepared, even, to overlook to some extent your indiscretions of yesterday and last night."

"You are indeed generous, Lady Florence," I said. I smiled to myself. It amused me to hear the rapine to which I had subjected her, and the paces through which I had put her, suitable almost for a slave, referred to as indiscretions.

"I am prepared, even," she said, "to consider permitting you to remain on my estates."

"Why should you do that?" I asked.

"You saved me from brigands," she said, "and from the unspeakable fate of slavery." She smiled. "Were it not for you, Jason," she said, "I might even now have felt beneath my feet the sawdust of a slave block and have been auctioned to the highest bidder."

"Perhaps," I said. Actually I doubted that things would have happened that fast. Most girls are not sold for a few days after their capture, and some girls, if subjected to professional slave training, in a slaver's pens, not for weeks or months. Trained girls, of course, other things being equal, bring higher prices.

"And as a reward for this great service which you have rendered me," she said, "I am prepared not only to overlook your occasional and somewhat casual disregard for my dignity but to offer you a handsome employment upon my estates."

"Such generosity is almost overwhelming," I said. "Your conditions?"

"They are two," she said.

"And what is your first condition?" I asked.

"That you must never speak of my weakness, my sexual responsiveness to anyone," she said.

"But that is Preposterous." I said. "You are helplessly and deliciously responsive. That is an important fact about you. Men have a right to know it. Thev have a right to know the delicious pleasures which may be derived from you."

"No!" she said.

"Ah, but yes, my dear Lady Florence," I averred.

"Do not tell my secret," she said.

"Under the touch of a strong man," I said, "your own body will tell it."

She shuddered.

"Such facts," I said, "about women such as yourself, like their height and weight, and the coloring of their hair, are usually made public."

"Public?" she asked. "About women such as myself? I do not understand."

"What is your second condition?" I asked.

"That you, in my hire," she said, "will obey me in all things, that you will do whatever I wish."

"That I would be, in effect, your hired slave?" I asked.

She tossed her head. "Yes," she said.

"I reject your offer," I told her.

"No, Jason," she said. "Please."

I went to the door of the barn and opened it. It was now light, shortly after dawn. I must be swiftly upon my way. I did not wish to dally. Though I did not think the guardsmen would arrive for several Ahn, even if they arrived today, I did not wish to risk encountering them.

I looked back at the girl.

"I will pay you much," she said.

"No," I said. Actually I did not think, any longer, though I was not interested in her offer, that the Lady Florence was truly in a position to extend a handsome employment. Her house, and several of her buildings, had been burned. The tharlarion had been released. Though doubtless she retained assets the Lady Florence, I suspected, stood upon the brink of being a ruined woman.

"Do you intend to flee the guardsmen?" she asked.

"Certainly," I said.

"Do not do so," she said. "I will intercede with the guardsmen. I will not permit them to hurt you. Remain with me on the estates."

"As your hired slave?" I asked.

"Yes," she said.

"No," I said.

"You have nowhere to go," she said. "You have no money!"

I looked at her. She shrank back.

"Do not break position," I said.

She held position. kneeling back on her heels, her knees wide, her back straight, her head high, her small wrists tied behind her back, the dark leather strap coiled about her throat.

"Do not look at me like that," she said. "I am not a slave!"

I smiled.

"I am not a slave!" she said.

"I must go," I told her. I gathered some supplies, which I had, yesterday evening, brought to the barn. Among them was food and water, and the blade I had taken from the brigand, Orgus.

"Are you determined in this matter?" she asked, bitterly.

"Yes," I said.

She pulled at her bonds. "Surely you will not leave me behind like this, to be found by guardsmen, as a naked, tied slut."

"No," I said.

"Bring me clothing," she said.

"No," I said.

"I can find my own clothing," she said. "I know you wish to move swiftly. Simply unbind me."

"No," I said.

"I do not understand," she said.

"Surely you have noted that your ankles are not bound," I said.

She looked at me.

"On your feet, Lady Florence," I said.

"No!" she cried.

I glanced to the slave whip.

Swiftly she rose to her feet.

I thought she would make a lovely traveling companion, for a portion of my journey.


"It is madness!" she said. "You cannot seriously intend to take me with you!"

I looked at her. She trembled.

"It would be a difficult and delicate matter to hold me for ransom," she said.

"That is doubtless true," I admitted.

"Abandon, then, the idea," she said.

"I have never held it," I said.

"I do not understand then," she said.

"I seek an Earth girl," I said, "one called Beverly Henderson, who was brought with me, as a slave, to this world. She is owned, I believe, by Oneander of Ar."

"She may have had many owners by now," said the Lady Florence.

This was true. Slave girls often change hands.

"I must seek her out," I said.

"To put her at your feet?" asked the Lady Florence.

"Of course not," I said. "It is my intention to free her from the collar of bondage."

"But she is an Earth girl," said the Lady Florence. "Earth girls are natural slaves. They belong in the collar."

"No," I said. "No!"

"It is common knowledge," she said.

"Do you wish to be whipped?" I asked.

"No, Jason," she said.

I thrust her toward the door of the barn, and, in moments, we were crossing the meadows, beyond the ruins of several buildings, the sun on our left.