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"Too much gore?" The Pillar's munching echoes slightly in the boxed room. "Which reminds me, I need barbecue sauce for my snack."

Instead of screaming at him, I buckle down on my knees and vomit on the floor. I don't even have a chance to resist the urge.

"You're not vomiting, Alice. Or?" The munching stops. "Can't you see I am eating here? That's so Jub Jub."

The cold and fear seal my lips. I can't speak. All I do is wipe my mouth with the edge of the dead man's bloodstained duster. Last time, when I saved Constance, I hadn't come so close to a corpse. Let alone a young boy or girl.

"I need a minute," I tell the Pillar. His annoying attitude doesn't disturb me now. Seeing the corpse stirred the same emotions I felt toward Constance. Someone has to stop the Cheshire. At least stop the killings from spreading. Someone has to stop this sane world's madness.

"You don't have a minute." The Pillar's voice is dead serious. "All you have is sixteen minutes left before the mortician arrives to pick up your corpse."

"I just couldn't believe what I saw." I am on my feet again. Words worm their way out through my lips and cause me pain. I wipe my mouth again, and force myself to stare at the chopped-off head. "I'm ready now, unzipping all five bags." I still do my best to suppress my inner screams. "Two boys, two girls, one I am not sure about, since I can't tell from the head."

"That's fine," the Pillar says. "If we see it's necessary to know its gender, you can check the rest of the body later."

"I only unzipped the bags a few inches to examine the heads," I explain. "The rest of the bodies should be down there if I unzip it totally open."

"No need for that now," the Pillar says. "You came to check the heads. They are the body of the crime, after all. The bodies have been collected from the kids' houses after the discoveries of the heads."

"So the killer chopped off heads in the houses and took the heads with him? That's horrible."

"We're not sure, Alice. He could have chopped the heads and then sent the body back to the house. Anyhow, read the toe tags, please. Let's see if a name clicks."

I read the names, but none of them rings a bell. I read them aloud to the Pillar. They don't mean anything to him either.

"Strange. I thought the names would have a clue. Fifteen minutes." I don't know why he feels he needs to remind me. I'm aware of the scarcity of time. "Try to look for anything the five heads have in common."

"Nothing but the 'Off with their heads' message," I say as I look harder for any details I might have missed.

"That's it?" The Pillar is disappointed. I can tell he has no clue of what's going on.

"No, wait!" I reach for one of the metal instruments on the table and use it to part a corpse's mouth. "There something in boy's mouth," I say. "It's wrapped in a small plastic Ziploc."

"What is it?" I've never heard the Pillar so curious.

"A muffin."

Chapter 14

I bend forward to check the muffin inside the mouth. "How come the police didn't find this?" I ask.

"The police are lazy, logical creatures. They think the world they live in is actually a sane one, so they tend to think of all the useless CSI-like evidence of a crime; fingerprints and other silly things," the Pillar says. "My bet is that some officer saw the muffin but didn't see its significance, especially if the boy is fat."

I can't tell if he's fat, as I am only inspecting his head. I don't have the guts to pull the zipper down to inspect the body yet. Who knows what the killer did to it. I might check this a few minutes later, so I don't vomit again.

"Besides, this is the coroner's job. It looks like he hasn't inspected the body yet," the Pillar adds.

"Why delay inspecting the body of the most important crime in Britain right now?" I am angry at the lazy system that postpones the autopsies of five innocent children. A system that postpones the possibility of justice.

"Well, that's a good point," he says. "Maybe the coroner has been told to delay the matter."

"Told by whom?"

"Parliament? There is always someone benefiting from he death of someone else, Alice?" He is hinting at something that I might not be ready for yet. I witnessed the Duchess Margaret Kent's corruption last time. I know I am still naïve to how the world outside operates.

"I can't get it out." I cut off my thoughts, trying to pull the muffin out. "Why Ziploc the muffin?"

"An intact muffin is a useful clue," he explains. "Whatever we're supposed to learn from it would have been lost through the victim's saliva otherwise. The Cheshire is saving the muffin for us."

"Got it." I manage to pull it out. "Should I open it?"

"If only people wouldn't waste time asking questions. Thirteen minutes."

I open the bag, using the metallic instrument to pull the muffin out. It smells sweet. Very sweet and fresh. My mouth runs for it. Such tempting baking.

"Don't tell me you feel the urge to take a bite." the Pillar guesses.

"Momentarily, I was." I blink, to shake myself awake from the muffin's magic. "How is that possible?"

"How is what possible?"

"How can my mouth run for a muffin in such a horrendous situation? I feel like I'm a bad person." It's true. I feel an uncontrollable urge to eat the muffin. NOW!

"You think you will grow taller if you eat it?" he teases.

"Now, you're silly."

"Shorter?" He munches softly. "Does it say 'eat me'?"

"Stop the nonsense."

"Maybe you need it to get shorter to escape the morgue."

"I don't need to eat it anymore, Pillar. I'm over it," I stress. His comments get on my nerves. "But really, how is that possible? How can a muffin do this to me, even temporarily?"

"That's how the food industry lulls kids—and adults—with their products all the time." He sips some fizzy drink again. Will he ever stop eating today? Where is his hookah? "I'm the best example at the moment. Whatever they put in this food I am gorging, I can't stop eating it. Tell me this food isn't addictive with all its crap, sugar, and saturated fat. Anyways, tell me about the muffin in the boy's mouth. Look closer."

"It's just a muffin."

"There must be something about it. Or the Cheshire wouldn't tuck it in."

I work with the muffin from all angles. A surge of electricity stings my spine. The muffin has the Cheshire's grin drawn on one side.

I tell the Pillar about it. "Is that some narcissistic thing, the Cheshire having his face on the muffin like the Cheshire Cheese before?"

"The Cheshire Cheese has a cat's grin until this day on its package, believe or not. So does the muffin you're holding, by the way."

"You know this brand of muffins?"

"They call it a Meow Muffin. Someone put it on market a week ago, after the Cheshire's killing. You were in the asylum, so you probably didn't know about it."

"Are you serious?"

"Contrary to popular belief, I always am." The Pillar finally puffs his hookah.

"Why would a manufacturer draw a killer's grin on food mostly appreciated by children?"

"To make money. Lots of money."

"Are you saying the Meow Muffin sells?"

"Irresistibly. It's an instant bestseller in Britain. Of course, the Americans are discussing Americanizing the product now."