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I didn’t say anything.

After a long, heavy silence, she said abruptly, ‘Perhaps you’ll drive me back to the club. I don’t think there’s anything else to discuss until the night after next. Will you come to the house at six? We may have to wait, but we must be ready to leave at a moment’s notice.’

‘I’ll be there.’

We drove to the club in silence. As soon as I parked the car, she got out and gave me a meaningless, automatic smile as she said, ‘The night after next then, at six.’

I watched her walk towards the clubhouse; a graceful, lovely figure in the gold dress; diamonds sparkling in her hair; fear and jealousy in her heart.


I toiled up the stone steps leading to Mifflin’s small office on the fourth floor of Police Headquarters’ building.

Mifflin was staring out of the window, his hat over his eyes, the stub of a cigarette stuck on his lower lip. He had a brooding, dismal look on his red face and his eyes showed the energy of his thoughts.

‘You,’ he said gloomily as I pushed open the door and edged my way into the small office. ‘Funny thing, I was thinking about you. Come in, and park. I’m out of cigarettes, so don’t ask me for one.’

I pulled up a hard, straight-backed chair, sat astride it, and folded my arms along the back of it.

‘How’s the kidnapping going?’

‘Awful,’ he said, and sighed. ‘Nothing to work on, and Brandon’s going around like a fiend. He reckons someone will make him Chief of Police if he catches the kidnappers.’

I searched in my coat pocket, fished out a package of cigarettes, offered him one.

We lit up and brooded at each other.

‘Anything on the Jerome dame?’

Mifflin sighed.

‘Have you come in here just to pick my brains?’

"No; nothing like that. I came here to swop some information.’

Mifflin’s face lit up and he gave me a quick, searching look.

"You got anything?’

‘Not much. It’s confidential. Last night, Mrs. Dedrick called me up. You can guess what she wanted.’

‘She’s got the ransom demand, and you’re to deliver the dough, is that it?’

I nodded.

‘She doesn’t want the police to know.’

‘She wouldn’t,’ Mifflin said, bitterly; ‘but she expects us to get her husband back. When?’

‘Tomorrow night. They’ll call her and give her final instructions.’

‘Brandon will have to be told.’

I shrugged.

‘That’s up to you. There’s nothing he can do about it, unless he moves in and grabs the guy who collects. If he does, he’ll kill Dedrick as if he shot him himself.’

‘It’s my bet, Dedrick’s dead already.’

‘Maybe, but we don’t know for sure.’

‘Well. I’ll have to tell him.’

‘So long as he doesn’t let Mrs. Dedrick know I’ve been here. What will you do—tap the telephone wire?’

‘Could do,’ Mifflin said, closed his eyes and frowned. ‘If that woman doesn’t want us in this, the chances are Brandon won’t do anything. He’s scared to make a wrong move with her. Once the ransom’s paid, our troubles will be over. The Federal Bureau will take charge.’

‘Getting back to Mary Jerome; anything or nothing?’ ‘Brandon’s leaving her alone, but I’ve traced her car. A patrolman spotted her coming from Ocean End and got the number. He’s one of those freaks who remembers car numbers. He shoved in a report when he heard about the kidnapping. She rented the car from the Acme Garage. Maybe you know the joint. It’s run by a guy named Lute Ferris. We’ve had our eye on him off and on for smuggling reefers, but have never pinned anything on him. He was in Los Angeles when I called, but I talked with his wife. She remembers this Jerome dame. She arrived the night before last—the night of the kidnapping—around eight o’clock and asked Lute for a car. She paid fifty dollars deposit and said she needed the car for a couple of days. She gave the Orchid Hotel as her address.’

‘Trusting of Ferris to let her have a car without checking on her first, wasn’t it?’ Why should he care? The car’s insured. Anyway, that’s the story, and we’re stuck with it.’

‘You’ve checked the airport and the station to see if she came from out-of-town?’

‘Yeah, we’ve done that, but can’t get a line on her.’

‘And that’s as far as you’ve got?’

‘That’s as far as we’ll ever get,’ Mifflin said, stubbing out his cigarette. ‘A kidnapping case is the worst kind of case you can get. If they knock off the guy who’s kidnapped and the money ain’t marked, you’re up a tree. The only hope is for one of them to be dissatisfied with his cut and give the rest of them away. It makes it ten times as hard now Brandon’s scared to move. This Jerome dame is our only lead, and I can’t go after her.’

‘Well, maybe you’ll have another murder on your hands to cheer you up,’ I said bitterly. ‘It wouldn’t surprise me if I don’t get knocked off tomorrow night.’

Mifflin eyed me thoughtfully.

‘That’s the only bit of good news I’ve had this week,’ he said. ‘Yeah, come to think of it, it’s an even bet that’s what they’ll do to you.’

I left him, rubbing his hands and whistling the Dead March in Saul.


‘Have you made a will?’ Jack Kerman asked as he watched me load a .38 from a box of shells on my desk. ‘I hope you’ve left me all your money. I can do with it. That redhead of mine seems to think I’m made of the stuff.’

‘Do be quiet, Jack,’ Paula said sharply. She was trying not to show how worked up she was, but the worried expression in her eyes gave her away. ‘Haven’t you any sense of decency?’

‘Oh, shut up, you two,’ I said, scowling at them. ‘You’re giving me the shakes. Now, let’s get this straight, Jack. The house will probably be watched, so you’ve got to keep out of sight. I’ll let you know where we’re going on my way out. Give us a good five minutes to get clear of the house, then follow on after us. Make certain no one sees you. We can’t afford to slip up on this. Whatever you do, don’t show yourself unless trouble starts, and then come out shooting.’

Kerman gulped.

‘What was that last bit again?’

‘I said come out shooting.’

‘I thought that’s what you said. Come to think of it, it mightn’t be a bad idea if I made a will myself.’

‘And for the love of Pete, try to shoot straight,’ I went on, looked at my wrist watch, stood up and shoved the .38 into the shoulder holster under my coat. ‘We’d better get off. If you don’t hear from either of us, Paula, by midnight, get on to Mifflin and tell him the tale.

‘She’ll hear from me,’ Kerman said, looking worried. ‘Well, damn it, I hope she will!’

‘Be careful, Vic,’ Paula said anxiously.

I patted her shoulder.

‘I can’t make you out. You worry over a little job like kidnapping, but think nothing of sending me into a room full of dope fiends. Be your age, Paula. Think of the money we’re going to make.’

‘Well, don’t do anything silly,’ she said, trying to smile, ‘and for heaven’s sake don’t show off before that rich blonde.’

‘You’re making me nervous,’ I said. ‘Come on, Jack. Let’s get out of here.’

Together we went along the corridor to the elevator. ‘Think we have time for a drink?’ Kerman asked hopefully as we reached ground level.

‘No; but there’s a pint in the car. And, Jack, don’t make any mistakes. This might turn out to be a nasty job.’

Kerman gave an exaggerated shudder. ‘It’s already nasty enough for me.’