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‘Yes, Sir Arthur, my lady is at home. If you would care to wait in the front parlour I will see to your luggage and inform Lady Mornington of your arrival.’

Arthur nodded, paid off the cab driver, and made for the parlour as the footman brought his bags in.The floor of the parlour was carpeted and the furniture was neat and expensive. Clearly his mother had done well out of her sons’ improved financial standing, Arthur mused. He took a seat and glanced round the walls. Above the fireplace were a series of small portraits of his brothers and sister, beneath a larger picture of his father, but no picture of Arthur.

Before his thoughts could become more melancholy, the door opened and his mother stepped into the room.Anne Wellesley was more gaunt than he recalled.Ten years had hardened the lines in her face and her bright eyes had sunk a little further into their sockets. She stood and examined him in turn.

‘You don’t look well,’ she said abruptly. ‘Your hair is cropped too close and your complexion is altogether too common and ruddy, as if you had been working the fields alongside common labourers.’

Arthur smiled faintly as he rose to his feet.‘It’s good to see you again too, Mother.’ He crossed the room and leaned forward to kiss the cheek she offered him. She forced a smile and took his hand.

‘It has been a long time, Arthur. Too long, perhaps.You did not write to me very often.’ Her tone was hurt, or affected to be hurt, Arthur thought.

‘You hardly wrote to me either, Mother.’

‘I was busy.A mother has to spend her time watching over her whole family. I did not have time to write in detail to every one of my children.’

It was a lame excuse and Arthur felt his heart harden a little.Ten years appeared to have changed very little between them. She gestured to the two seats opposite the fireplace. ‘Sit down. I have asked for tea to be served to us. I expect you will want to stay here for some time, while you find your feet in London.’

‘Yes, Mother. If that would not be too much of an imposition.’

‘Of course not,’ she shot back.‘And now that you are here I will send word to William and the others to let them know you have returned. They will want to see you again.’

‘And I them.’

‘Yes, I am sure you will have plenty of tales to relate of your adventures amongst the savages.You and Richard may have had a high time of it in India, but you have stirred up a veritable wasps’ nest of criticism back here in London.’

‘I gathered something of it from the newspapers I read on the voyage back.’

‘It seems that not everyone is appreciative of your efforts on behalf of the nation. The East India Company is furious over the cost of Richard’s wars in the subcontinent.’

‘War is an expensive business.’

‘Perhaps, but there are men in Parliament who say that Britain needs every penny just to continue the fight here in Europe.’ She pursed her lips. ‘It doesn’t help Richard’s case that he is reported to have been lavishing every luxury on himself out of the public purse.’

‘If that’s all they are saying I am not unduly concerned.’ Arthur shrugged. ‘Some people are envious, others are malicious and the rest are merely ill-informed. I shall make the case on Richard’s behalf until he gets back.’

‘Well, you had better make a better go of it than William has managed thus far. At times it has been as if Parliament was a pack of hounds baying for the blood of our family. Speaking of which, there was a message for you this morning, from the Colonial Office in Downing Street.You are required to attend Lord Castlereagh’s office at your earliest convenience. It seems that news of your arrival preceded you.’

‘By God, that was quick. Word must have been sent the moment I landed.’

‘Then the powers that be are wasting no time in calling you to account.’ Lady Mornington leaned forward. ‘Be careful, Arthur.You are a soldier amongst politicians.You are out of your league. Do nothing to embarrass the fortunes of the family.’

Arthur stared at her for a moment, his heart filled with bitterness at her obvious disregard for his qualities. He swallowed and replied tersely, ‘I will not discredit the name of Wellesley, Mother. I never have. And I never will, and I pray that we both live to see the day when you regard me with pride.’

Anne Wellesley smiled faintly.‘I hope so. Now, you’d better go. Don’t make a hash of it.’

Chapter 5

In Downing Street, Arthur made directly for the office of Lord Castlereagh, Secretary of State for War and the Colonies. Arthur was surprised to find that his heart was beating fast and that he felt apprehensive over the coming interrogation, assuming that was the reason for his summons. It was strange, he thought, how he had faced shot and shell on the battlefield with less trepidation. Or was it that he had been so acutely focused on his duties as commander that there was no time for fear? Arthur had long since mastered the art of hiding his emotions, and he did so now when he approached the clerk seated at the large desk in the main hall of the Colonial Office.

‘May I help you, sir?’ asked the clerk, rising to his feet.

‘Indeed. I have been asked to attend Lord Castlereagh.’

‘Your name, sir?’

‘Major-General Sir Arthur Wellesley.’

‘Ah yes, you are expected, sir. Please follow me.’The clerk led the way up the stairs and along a narrow panelled corridor, passing several other hurrying officials and stopping outside an open door. ‘If you would be so kind as to wait in here, sir, until his lordship is ready to see you.’

Arthur nodded and entered the anteroom. It was modestly sized, with a number of chairs and small tables arranged around the walls. A large window looked out on to Downing Street. There was only one other occupant, a slight naval officer, somewhat shorter than Arthur, who was sitting half turned away as he read an article in the newspaper spread across the table in front of him. From the heavy gold epaulettes and the ribbons and stars on his left breast Arthur knew he must be a senior officer. He did not look up as Arthur entered the room and took a seat a short distance away. Only when he had finished reading the article did he raise his eyes to examine the new arrival. His left eye was a brilliant blue and his features were sharp and sensitive, making him look much younger than his fine grey hair seemed to indicate. His right eye, by contrast, was dull and empty-looking and Arthur realised that there was no sight in it. Then he noticed that the naval officer’s right sleeve was empty and pinned to his coat, and with a flash of surprise he realised who the man must be.

‘Lord Nelson, it is a pleasure to meet you, sir.’

‘I’m sure.’ Nelson gave him a friendly smile.‘And might I know who you are, sir?’

‘Arthur Wellesley, sir. Major-General Sir Arthur Wellesley.’ Arthur could not help smiling back as he crossed the room and instinctively offered his hand in greeting. Then he drew up in embarrassment as Nelson glanced meaningfully at his empty sleeve and chuckled.

‘I’m sorry, Sir Arthur, you’ll have to pardon my rudeness, but I lack the wherewithal to shake your hand. Ah, but I see that I have discomfited you. I am sorry. Do take a seat so that we may talk.’ He gestured to the chair opposite with his surviving hand and Arthur sat down gratefully.