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"Bend over," he repeated.

Jill took in a deep breath and then reluctantly bent at the waist. She heard a zipper and felt a chill snake down her spine. Then she groaned as she felt the boy's cock, which was already quite hard, push into her and sink to the hilt in a single, fluid motion.

Jack smiled down at his beautiful neighbor and watched his cock sliding back out of her. She really was perfect in his mind. But then he looked around the room at the other three slaves who were watching him claim the new one and realized that they were all perfect. Each was different but each one was exceptionally beautiful.

His cock was glistening with the juices of the girl he was fucking and he leaned forward again, letting his shaft seat itself in Jill's sex again. He hoped he had not overstepped his bounds by taking Jill the way that he did. He did not think he had, though. Her verbal resistance was very feeble and there had been no physical attempt to stop him. Plus, he already knew that she loved sex and had no problems about seeking it outside of wedlock. He frequently heard her groaning or gasping or even shrieking sometimes as she made love in his parents' bedroom. He hoped to be able to frequently add this girl to the growing Dawson harem. She would probably not be able to become a permanent slave like the others; at least not as long as she was married. But things could change, he knew. He would be going away to college in a little over a year. He would love to be able to take his beautiful blonde neighbor with him to service him there.

Angela and Kim and Alaine watched in awe as Jack claimed their playmate. It was almost like watching a trainer taming a wild horse. No whips were used. There was no shouting or threats. But in the end, Jill was broken and had been tamed.

Angela once again marveled at her neighbor. Jill had always been her favorite of all of the various people she and John had invited into their bed. She was energetic and enthusiastic in love making and was tender and caring as a lover. Right now, Jill's eyes were closed and she had a far-off look on her face. And the seductive swaying of the breasts that hung beneath her chest was almost hypnotic.

Angela's life as a permanent slave became bearable and enjoyable after she got over the initial shock. She even grew numb to the incest issues that had bothered her so much when she was first immersed into this life of servitude. Jack claimed her most nights, although John had to frequently intervene so that he could spend some time with his wife.

When Jill could join them, which seemed much more frequent since Jack claimed her, she spent half her nights with John and the other half with Jack. And Jack's favorite nights were when he could claim both Angela and Jill and enjoy both of his fantasy women together.

There was only one incident during Angela's current stay with her family. It occurred the day before she was to leave for England. Cedric had phoned the week before and reminded her that she would be spending her first week with Fiona and then joining him on the island. The incident occurred when she was grocery shopping for her family. She remembered how barren the pantry and refrigerator were when she returned home the last time. She vowed that they would at least be fully stocked before she left this time.

"Nice melons," she heard a female voice say as she was standing in the produce aisle.

She turned and recognized the woman as the mother of Jack's friend, Gary, and Jenna's friend, Dawn.

"Oh, hi Denise," she responded. Then she glanced over at the melons which were not even near Denise. "Yes, they look very nice."

Denise walked over to Angela and Angela anticipated a friendly hug. "You can tell if they are ripe by squeezing them," Denise said.

Then Denise surprised Angela by reaching up and grasping Angela's breasts, giving them each a squeeze. "Yes, these are nice and ripe."

"Denise!" gasped Angela. She tried to keep her voice down so that she did not attract the attention of the other shoppers. "What are you doing?!?!?!?!?"

"I'm just checking to see if my son was right," explained Denise. "He tells me that you've got beautiful, ripe melons and that he loves to suck on them as he fucks you."

Angela groaned at the words and had no idea how to respond. "He said that?"

Denise nodded. "Yes, he did. He's under-age, you know. That could land you in jail for a long, long time. But I'm not a vindictive person. There's no reason for you to get a criminal record when there are other ways to fix the matter. So from now on, these melons belong to me."

Then Denise laughed. "And everything else attached to them, also. Report to my house at noon tomorrow. You will be staying a few days but you don't need to bring anything with you."

Angela groaned again and had no idea how to shut this down. "Denise, I'm sure we can straighten this situation out. But tomorrow won't work for me. I have to catch a flight in the morning and I won't be back for a month. Can we talk when I return?"

"Oh, it's that time again, is it?" asked Denise as she palpated Angela's breasts. "Yes, Gary told me about that too. Okay, you go serve your master. But I want a phone call from you as soon as you get back. Otherwise, I will make sure that the police pay you a visit."

Angela groaned for a third time. "Okay, I'll call you as soon as I return."

Denise finally released her new pet and Angela finished her shopping. She shook her head in disbelief as she loaded the groceries into the car. This was out of control! Pretty soon, everybody she knew would own her.

Chapter 7

"Whoa, Hellfire," Angela heard and then quickly felt her nipples being yanked to the sides. She stopped as quickly as she could but the momentum of the cart carried her forward a few more steps. The pain in her nipples continued until the cart came to a stop. Then, she felt the cart shift and knew that the male had stepped to the ground.

"Hellfire still needs some training," the male said. "And she could use some strength training. But she has a beautiful arse. Watching that makes up for her shortcomings."

Angela groaned as she listened. This week had been horrible as far as she was concerned. She spent her days in the stables or running around being trained or pulling a cart. They named her Hellfire for some reason that only they understood. And they stuck a plug up her ass to hold her tail in place. That was one of the most distracting things she had ever experienced.

Her clothing consisted of a harness which was really nothing more than a minimalist latticework of leather straps, and a bit and bridle. She hated those last two items worst of all. The bit painfully clamped her tongue between two metal bars, rendering her speechless. And the bridle had blinders on it, which severely restricted her vision. A brightly colored red plume seemed to sprout from the top of her head as it was attached to the bridle.

The whole week seemed to be meant to demean and degrade her. Each day, she was treated as if she was a pony. She was taught to prance and canter and trot inside the corral and under the tutelage of a very strict mistress who rarely spared the whip. And in the afternoons, she took people for rides in one of the many carts, with her nipples serving as attachment points for the reins.

There were only two bright spots to how she was being treated. The first was the exercise. While she didn't like what she was being forced to do, she knew that it would tone her up. She only worried about her breasts which were completely unsupported. She knew that too much bouncing could tear the muscle and cause her to start to sag. The other bright spot was that she did not have to sleep in the stables like most of the other human ponies did.

That second bright spot came at a price, however. The only time ponies, as they were referred to, slept outside of the huge barn was when they were entertaining someone sexually. So each night, Angela was somebody's toy.