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So he wants to integrate his work much more closely with what Price, Anthony - For the Good of the State you need in the future.’

Henry Jaggard opened his mouth. ‘God bless my soul!’

‘Yes.’ The next nod was so vigorous that it hurt. ‘Regular meetings

—joint policy briefings, the lot.’

‘God Almighty!’

Garrod Harvey swallowed. ‘There is a price, though.’

Henry Jaggard came down to earth. ‘A price?’

‘He thinks we should be a lot more accountable. So if he comes into the fold he’ll be bringing the Stansfield Turner CIA recommendations with him: he says that if we don’t meet Parliament halfway, Parliament will come and get us.’

So that was the way the land lay, thought Jaggard. ‘I see!’

And then he did see. Or, at least, he began to wonder whether David Audley might not be behind this last joke also: the very obvious wheeling-up of a huge Trojan horse to the as-yet-unbreached walls of British Intelligence, with Audley himself inside it. The trouble was, he couldn’t decide whether it was an attack or the last, best defence of Research and Development.

‘I see.’ What he needed was time. ‘Well, I’ll go and talk with Colonel Butler, Garry. We’ll sort something out.’

For the time being, he decided R & D was best left well alone, to its own devices.


Price, Anthony - For the Good of the State

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Price, Anthony - For the Good of the State