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"You only gave me half a kiss, Phoebe, I must have a proper one," pushing her back on her chair, and seating myself on her lap. "This is how I want it, just as you used to do. Now kiss me nicely."

Her rich-colored face crimsoned, and I felt her splendid bosom heave with emotion as I fairly glued my lips to hers, and tried to push my tongue between her lips, and one hand tried to get inside her neck-kerchief.

"You mustn't, you wicked boy. What a flutter you have put me into: now get away do, Master Percy. You ought not to kiss me like that."

But she only struggled faintly; my hand slipped inside her bosom and felt those still lovely firm orbs, as her heart palpitated and her lips gradually relaxed till my tongue fairly met hers tip to tip.

"Ah, you rogue! how bad you make me feel," returning my caresses, and rubbing one hand up and drown my back, as if she only wished she dared put it in front.

"Percy, Percy, Master Percy, for shame, don't be so rude," as I suddenly placed her hand on my big prick which I had let out of my trousers. "What a size for a boy of fourteen, and I believe you know a lot."

"Yes, Phoebe, I know what 'cunt' and 'fuck' mean; shall we have a game?

We're all alone, and it is so nice-you have made me feel wild." I was now raising her skirts and soon had my hands up a splendid pair of thighs, fit for Venus herself, and quite innocent of drawers, as a delightful aroma of cunt made me feel still more randy. Separating her legs, as she lay back in the chair, I could see what a splendid white skin she had, and the lips of her cunt just peeping out from a profusion of almost black brown hair. Not a word passed between us as I tried to get into her, but I could hear the heavy breathing and the almost audible palpitation of her heart. I was a little awkward, but her hand helped me to go straight: the head of my eager prick got in, and, she pushing herself forward, I progressed upwards within the folds of her vagina and found myself at full length in one of the hottest cunts I had yet felt. "Wait a moment, don't hurry, dear; let me enjoy it-this is a treat, Master Percy. I couldn't help myself, but it is so awfully wicked you know."

She kept me like that for quite five minutes, the inner folds of that amorous cunt of hers pressing and nipping the head of my prick, her arms were tightly clasped round my back, so I could scarcely move, whilst her lips seemed as if they would eat mine, and her tongue was regularly fucking my mouth.

"Let me fuck you, Phoebe, you're making me come. I can't stop it, dear.

Ah, oh! There it is shooting up you. Can't you feel it?"

"Yes, yes, I'm spending too, Percy, you love; what a grand prick to hold in my cunt-Peter's isn't near so big-you fill me up so beautifully, besides he only fucks me on Sundays; he is too tired to do it during the week. Will you come and see Phoebe as often as you can?

Now fuck me well, you dear boy."

Without losing my stiffness, I went on drawing right out to the head of my instrument and pushing it slowly in again, which soon drove her quite wild.

"Faster quicker, fuck hard, darling!" she almost screamed, and as I did so with all my force, she lay back and gave quite a neighing squeal in the excess of her lubricity. I came again at the same moment. So finished my first fuck with the splendid country woman, who was indeed a rough jewel in her way. She would not permit any more just then, so I took leave of her after we had kissed each other's parts, and she made me promise not to be long before I called again.

All the way home my prick was very troublesome to me, I had not had enough; it repeatedly stood stiff so that I could hardly walk, and I think it must have been that, like many quiet women who seldom think their cunts require a bath, she had treated me to rather too much essence of woman.

Mamma made me read to her and Auntie after dinner till it was time to retire. My morning's adventure, as I thought over it and all the possibilities it promised for future pleasure (not only with Phoebe, but also her three girls) now roused me to a state of quite furious lust.

"Mamma, Mamma!" I shouted as I jumped out of bed and rattled at the door between our rooms. "Open, oh open, mother, I'm so ill!"

This ruse answered at once, and I found Mary was with her, as, opening the door, anxiously enquired what was the matter.

"Look, look, I shall die! It's so stiff," lifting my night shirt to let her see my glorious state of erection, as I rushed in and jumped on her bed, where I found darling Mary under the coverlet. Being mad for a fuck I tried to uncover her, but she rolled herself in the bed-clothes laughing at my baffled efforts to get at her.

"Help me, Mary, to hold him tight. I'll make his bottom tingle for cheating me like that," grasping me by her left arm round my waist and keeping me face downwards on the bed. "You're ill are you, Percy? Well I'm the doctor; a few good spanking slaps will do you good. Hold him tight, Mary, he's so strong and so wicked. There, there, how do you like that-and that-and that? Kick away my boy!" as I plunged and yelled under the smarting smacks.

"The poor boy; pray don't be too hard on him," said Mary, holding me tightly with both arms around my neck, and kissing me amorously at the same time.

"Well, well, you take his part, do you, you wanton girl? you are as bad as he is. No doubt this has been planned between you; have him then and see what you will get by it."

Mary disentangled herself from the coverlet, etcetera, and opening her delicious thighs, my randy weapon instantly found its way into her spending cunt, which was so well lubricated that the entrance was effected almost instantly, and she heaved up in delight as she felt the full insertion of the object she so desired. My mother was equal to the occasion, having perhaps even rehearsed it with her beforehand; taking two long long leather straps, she passed one underneath dear Mary's buttocks and buckled it tightly over my plump bottom, so that we could not enjoy the proper fucking motion, and in answer to our expostulations that it was too tight, quickly passed the second strap over my left shoulder bringing it back under her left and my right armpit.

Thus strapped together we could scarcely move, excepting our hands and feet.

"Mamma, Mamma, this isn't fair, how can we do it like that? I shall never come unless I can push it in and out properly; do, do, loosen the straps a little."

"Or, no, Percy, that is not my game; you'll spend soon enough, my boy."

She had now got a broad strap, something like the one to the window of a first-class railway carriage, made of tough, hard webbing, with a knotted, tasselled end.

"Look here," she said, "all you have got to do, is to roll over, so I can touch up first one and then the other; the uppermost bottom gets the worst of it, so it's a fine game both for me and you." Then a dull thud made me feel that strap. Thud! Thud! Thud! in succession, each blow a little harder. It not only made me smart and twist, but the knotted ends hurt amazingly.

Wriggling both hands feet, I tried to turn Mary over me, but she was strong and lithe as a cat. Both bums now caught it hot, the stinging thuds helped us to roll over one another, so that neither escaped the incessant attack of dear Mamma. After a few minutes the painful novelty wore off, and I awakened to the awfully nice sensations I was experiencing, for although debarred from proper fucking motions of the in and out thrust as usual, the way we twisted and the little, short perks each impact of the tawse gave to our buttocks made us more excited each moment; added to which, Mary's nutcrackers acted their part on the head of my member most deliciously. Needless to say the spending with both of us was continuous, and the emitted sperm fairly gushed from us at each jerk.

"Oh, Mary you darling, you love! Keep on. Mamma dear, you are giving us a lesson in pleasure. This beats all I have felt yet!" whilst Mary hugged me closer every moment, kissing my lips and cooing out her words of loving endearment.