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“So, I be a submissive masochist?”

“That would sum up your sexual tendencies. Luckily it meshes very well with my own. I don’t love causing pain as much as others but I love being in complete control. As you want me to control you to such a degree I am more than happy to give you what you desire, which is pain.”

“Karen be a dominatrix? I notice ya didn’t try to dominate her when the three of us played together.”

“I’m fairly certain she is. She might be a switch, but I don’t think that’s likely. Anyway, now that we’re all clean I think it’s time for breakfast. Go get us some tasty noms. Once we’re done we’ll head out.”

Stacia quickly donned her adventuring outfit then hurried downstairs to get them food. Alburet took the time to get up and had his gear together by the time she returned. They spent the next hour sipping coffee and eating. During the meal Stacia asked him about his past relationships, so he took the time to explain his few relationships and why he had so few attempts at them.

“It never bothered ya, master?”

Alburet shrugged, “Not as such. I eventually gave up on the idea of having a relationship. I was happy enough to hang out with David and Kaylee…” He trailed off his face closing down as the name came out of his mouth.

Stacia frowned as she watched his whole demeanor change as he cut off, “Master? Be ya okay?”

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Alburet looked up at her with a strained smile. “I’m fine, Kitten. Just a bad memory.”

She took his hand as her eyes conveyed her concern. “I will listen iffin ya want to talk about it, master. I can see it pains ya in some way and I want to help ya feel only joy.”

His hand shook slightly at her words while he blinked his eyes to stop any moisture from escaping. “I’ll keep that in mind, Kitten, but not right now. We are about to go get you some clothes.” He stood up, pulling her up with him. “Shall we?”

She took note of his strained smile but didn’t comment as he clearly didn’t wish to talk about whatever was upsetting him right now. “I will follow ya anywhere, master,” she said as they exited the room hand in hand.

They made it down the stairs, where Stacia was pulled from his arm by her sisters. Alburet marveled at the genetic lottery the family had won before recalling it was a game. The three older girls were all as beautiful as Stacia. One had strawberry blonde hair, though technically it was red hair with blonde highlights, called Erin. The next had deep auburn hair with a good bold red still very visible, called Marian. The last of the older three, called Deidre, had the same vibrant red hair as Stacia. All four of the older girls shared roughly the same build, give or take a cup size. The last of the sisters was the nine-year-old he had seen on his second day in the city, called Emily.

They surrounded Stacia and were congratulating her on the upcoming wedding, then they all turned their attention to Alburet. Alburet, coming under the intense combined gaze of them felt like he was being weighed and measured. His cheeks heated slightly, not used to being stared at by so many beauties at once. He brought himself to attention then bowed to them deeply, “Ladies, it is an honor to meet the sisters of my love. I do hope I am not a disappointment in your eyes.”

Erin smirked, “Oh, a right fancy one eh? Do ya have a brother tha’ I might talk to, love?”

Marian snickered, “She’s heard Stacia crying out when cleanin’ the halls at night and has been a bit jealous. Can’t say as I blame her if ya was able to tame our sis.”

Deidre sighed while shaking her head, “Forgive them, iffin ya will m’lord. Stacia did tell each of us a little about ya over the last two weeks. What she did say makes me welcome ya with open arms.” Deidre stepped forward and hugged him. “Welcome to the family, Alburet.”

He soon found himself mobbed by the other two as well, leaving him as the meat in the middle of them. Stacia cleared her throat a few seconds later as none of them seemed inclined to let him go right away. “Tha’s enough, ya lot. We are goin’ out, so clear off me master.”

Grumbling, the three older sisters let him go and headed back to their work while chuckling and speaking softly amongst themselves. Alburet cleared his throat, trying to center himself again when he felt a gentle tug on his shirt sleeve. He glanced over to see Emily standing there, “Yes, Emily?”

“May I have a hug as well, brother?” She looked away when she asked.

Lips quirking up slightly, Alburet bent down and gently hugged the child, “For Stacia’s youngest sister, of course.” He turned her loose after a second, “Now back to work. Don’t want your father upset, now do we?” Emily nodded before hurrying off with a skip to her step, seemingly happy to have been treated equally. “Cute kid,” Alburet said, watching her go.

“Aye,” Stacia said, taking his arm again. “She does the best she can. She always feels left out though, bein’ so much younger than the rest of us. Be mindful of me sisters. They very well might try to get ya to bed them.” Stacia said as they left the inn arm in arm.

Alburet's mouth twisted in distaste, “No. Just, no. I would never do something to cause you harm or grief like that. While any man would be lucky to entertain one of them, to do so when engaged to marry you should warrant a death sentence.”

Eyes full of love, Stacia squeezed his arm, “Thank ya, master. Not knowin' anythin' about the world ya come from it be hard to know what is and is nay acceptable there.”

“Even on the other world sleeping with your wife's sister is not a good thing. Not that stupid people don't do it anyway, but it almost always leads to broken relationships.” He stopped her for a second to meet her eyes, “I will never do that to you.”

Stacia leaned up to kiss him softly once, “It makes me happy to hear.”

Alburet started them moving again. “Let's go sell stuff then get you some more clothes.”

They made it to Almira’s shop just as she was flipping her sign to open. “Welcome Stacia, Alburet. I see you are eager to get about your day. Show me this armor you want to get rid of.”

It didn’t take them long. She took all of the armor, even the chain, at a fair price. Once she handed off their coin she dropped the shopkeeper personality. “I wish you both the best going forward in your soon to come joined life. I look forward to the big day.” She kissed both of them on the cheek before showing them out.

They made it to Grimgar’s shop next, again just as he was opening his shop. “It be good to see ya. Let’s handle business first, eh?” He took the weapons they didn’t want, giving them coin in return. Once the transaction was done Grimgar turned to Alburet with a grim countenance. “Lad, just a word in ye ear. While I believe ye will treat Stacia right, iffin ye ever don’t I will be displeased.”

“I understand, Grimgar. It warms my heart some to see so many worried about her. You will never have to take action on that warning.” Alburet shook Grimgar’s hand before he left the shop with Stacia on his arm.

“Does it worry ya master, havin’ all of them threaten ya like tha’?” Stacia asked as they started towards the tailor.

“No, because they all said if I hurt you, which is something I will never do intentionally. It does make me happy that you have all these people who care about you,” he replied while patting her hand with his free one.

After that they walked in companionable silence until they reached the shop of Margret Wilson, Silken Needles. The sign said the shop was open so Alburet ushered Stacia in to the sound of the small bell that all shopkeepers had to announce customers. Margret looked up with a professional smile, welcoming them to her shop. Her smile faltered just slightly when she recognized Alburet. “Welcome to Silken Needles. How can I help you today?”