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Cecco d’Ascoli, 30

Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Recognitions, 438

Celestial Hierarchy, The (Pseudo-Dionysius), 152–153, 156

Ceñal, Ramon, 40

Cevolini, Alberto, 83, 87, 87n53

Characteristica universalis, 46

Character pro notitia linguarum universalis (Becher), 430

Charity, principle of, 73, 272, 552, 555, 557

Charlemagne, 278

Chartres, school of, 342, 403

Chenu, M.-D., 244

Cherchi, Paolo, 21n13

Childers, Peter G., 57

Chinese ideograms and language, 425, 440

Chomsky, Noam, 297, 424

Christianity, 112, 230, 396, 425

Christie, Agatha, 91

Chrysippus, 175, 176, 177, 179, 181, 583

Churchill, Winston, 234–235

Cicero, 22, 74, 81, 83, 116, 119, 445

Clavius, Christopher, 420, 422

Clement of Alexandria, 129n12, 131

Cocteau, Jacques, 311

Cognitions, 513–514, 515, 522, 523, 524

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 336–337

Collison, R., 21n13

Columella, 185n12

Comenius, 422

Commedia (Dante), 105, 299, 307

Commentarius (Beatus), 261

Commentarius in Canticum canticorum (William of Saint-Thierry), 105

Common Writing, A (Lodwick), 42, 427

Communia Matematica (Roger Bacon), 112

“Communication and Convention” (Davidson), 555

Compagnon, Antoine, 243

Comparetti, Domenico, 138

Compendium artis demonstrativae (Llull), 400

Compendium studii theologiae (Roger Bacon), 369

Complementarity, 19, 69

Componential theory, 553

Computer science, 3, 473

Conclusiones cabalisticae (Pico della Mirandola) 411–412

Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de, 183

Confessions (Augustine), 258

Connotation, 353, 379, 380–381, 382

Conrad of Hirsau, 137

Consilium de Encyclopedia (Leibniz), 46

Constitutum Constantini (Donation of Constantine), 228

Contra Gentiles (Thomas Aquinas), 17, 115

Contrariety, 19

Convivio (Dante), 145, 146, 148–149, 190

Copernican revolution, 55, 486

Copernicus, Nicolaus, 62

Coq et l’arlequin, Le (Cocteau), 312

Cordovero, Moses, 398

Corpus Dionysiacum, 230, 235, 239, 240

Corpus Hermeticum, 230, 240, 248

Corpus Hippocraticum, 194

Corti, Maria, 295, 296, 306

Corvino, Francesco, 378n16

Coseriu, Eugenio, 553

Cosmography, 34

Coumet, Ernest, 421

Counter-Reformation, 160, 321, 332

“Coup d’oeil sur le développement de la sémiotique” (Jakobson), 1

Courtés, Joseph, 551

Coussemaker, Edmond de, 242n31

Cratylus (Plato), 1, 212–213, 289, 440

Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry (Maritain), 319, 323–328, 336, 337

Critique of Judgment [third Critique] (Kant), 457, 461, 479, 481, 483, 485

Critique of Pure Reason [first Critique] (Kant), 457, 460, 462, 463, 466; on perceptual judgment, 469; schematism and, 471, 478; on time and memory, 474

Croce, Benedetto, 318, 339, 531–547

Cryptometrices et Cryptographiae (Selenus), 417

Curtius, Ernst Robert, 148, 320, 339n25

Cyrano de Bergerac, Hercule-Savinien de, 427

Dahan, Gilbert, 104, 111

D’Alembert, Jean-Baptiste Le Rond, 28, 47, 49, 52, 437

Dalgarno, George, 42, 425, 427, 432, 435, 463

Dante Alighieri, 42, 105, 122, 132, 135, 164, 537; Croce’s aesthetics and, 540, 541, 547n4; De Bruyne’s historiography and, 343; Hebrew as protolanguage and, 298–308; Maximal Encyclopedia and, 50–51; on metaphors, 125, 144–150; poetic allegorism in, 137; relation of language to experience and, 425; on souls of animals, 190–191; on speech acts in Genesis, 286–298; vernacular language and, 291–293, 294

Da Verona, Guido, 546

Davidson, Donald, 552, 555–557

De abstinentia [On Abstinence from Killing Animals] (Porphyry), 176, 178, 181, 186, 189

De anima (Aristotle), 96, 173, 174, 182

De anima (Avicenna), 125n43

De animalibus [On Animals] (Philo of Alexandria), 177–178

De Antechristo (Hippolytus), 282

De artibus liberalibus (Grosseteste), 111

De auditu kabbalistico (Llull), 414, 415

De Bestiis (attrib. Hugh of Fouilloy), 186, 192

Debenedetti Stow, Sandra 308

De Bonald, Louis-Gabriel-Ambroise, Vicomte de, 441

De brutorum loqui (Fabrici d’Acquapendente), 221n50

De Bruyne, Edgar, 139, 238, 311, 315; historiographical lesson of, 338–345; intellectual intuition and, 345–352

Decadent movement, 312, 339

De causis (attrib. Aristotle), 240

De Chirico, Giorgio, 236

De civitate Dei (Augustine), 231, 277, 280

De claustro animae (Hugh of Fouilloy), 272

De coelo (Aristotle), 21n14, 96

De consolatione (Boethius), 104

Deconstructionists, 516, 570, 571

De corpore [Computatio sive logica] (Hobbes), 380–382

De dialectica (Augustine), 195

De dignitate et augmentis scientiarum (Bacon), 171–172

De disciplinis (Vives), 23

De divinis nominibus (Pseudo-Dionysius), 238

De divisione (Boethius), 12

De divisione naturae (Eriugena), 403

De divisione scientiae (John of Dacia), 111

De doctrina christiana (Augustine), 28–29, 195–197, 218n46, 233, 490

Dee, John, 385

Deely, John, 172n, 321n12, 348n34

De ente et essentia (Thomas Aquinas), 16–17

De fide catholica (Alan de Lille), 244

De generatione et corruptione (Aristotle), 96

De Gérando, Joseph-Marie, 436

De Ghellinck, J., 243n12

Degrés du savoir, Les [The Degrees of Knowledge] (Maritain), 317

De imagine mundi (Honorius of Autun), 135

De interpretatione (Aristotle), 96, 173, 200–206, 208, 357, 373; on symbola and semeia, 217; Thomist reading of, 125, 207, 364

“De la connaissance poétique” (Maritain), 319

De la grammatologie [Of Grammatology] (Derrida), 554–555

De lampade combinatoria Lulliana (Bruno), 420

De Leo, Pietro, 228

De l’esprit des choses (Saint-Martin, Louis-Claude de), 441

Deleuze, Gilles, 475

Della Volpe, Galvano 545

Del Rio, Martino, 385

De Lubac, Henri, 341

De magistro (Augustine), 195

Demaria, Cristina, 86n51, 89n54

De Mauro, Tullio, 457–458

De memoria (Aristotle), 182

Demetrius Phalereus, 119n4, 129n12

De mirabilibus auscultationibus, 24, 26–27

De modis significandi (Boethius of Dacia), 296

De motu animalum (Aristotle), 97

De Munnynk, Maurice, 313n5