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Al-Farabi, Muhammad, 107, 111, 112, 114

Fathers of the Church, 93, 132, 243, 258–259, 272

Feature semantics, 18

Felix, bishop of Urgel, 278

Ferdinand and Sancha of Madrid, Beatus of, 265–266, 266

Fichant, Michel, 420

Ficino, Marsilio, 186, 235

Fillmore, Charles J., 56

Finnegans Wake (Joyce), 67, 70, 439, 569

First Cause, knowledge of, 159

Flaubert, Gustave, 255

Flavius Mithridates, 408, 414

Flores Rhetorici (Master of Tours), 127

Florilegia, 243

Flowcharts, 53, 473, 474, 475, 528

Focillon, Henri, 280n11, 338

Fodor, Jerrold, 18n12

Foigny, Gabriel de, 427, 430, 432, 433–435, 437

Forest (sylva), metaphor of, 36

Forgeries, in Middle Ages, 223–225, 248–249; appropriation from unjust possessors, 246–248; categories of false identification, 235–240; difficulties of authentication procedures, 228–235; historical truth and, 241–244; influence of tradition and, 244–246; meaning of knowledge and, 240–241; semiotics of, 225–228

Forgetfulness, 82, 83–84, 85, 89–93

Formaggio, Dino, 545

Foucault, Michel, 27–28

Fowler, Robert, 21n13

Francesca da Rimini, 164

Francis of Assisi, Saint, 189

Fredborg, K. M., 214n42, 216n44, 369

Frege, Gottlob, 354

French language, 424

French, Peter J., 385

From the Logical Point of View (Quine), 558

Frontières de la poésie, Les (Maritain), 317–319

Frugoni, Arsenio, 146

Fumagalli, Armando, 511, 513

Futurists, 582

Galen, 303n12

Galileo Galilei, 38, 62, 259, 489, 552

Galla, Giorgio, 97n4

Gargani, Aldo G., 379, 566

Gargantua and Pantagruel (Rabelais), 22–23

Garin, Eugenio, 409, 414, 545

Garland the Compotist, 206

Garroni, Emilio, 457

Garzoni, Tommaso 415

Gelasius I, Pope, 86

Gellius, Aulus, 24

Gematria, 398

Genette, Gérard, 440

Genot-Bismuth, Jacqueline, 306–307

Gensini, Stefano, 47

Gentile, Giovanni, 545

Genus/genera, 6, 42, 81, 103; difference and, 8, 11–12; existence of, 5; genus generalissimum, 7; language and, 446; limits of nature and, 582; metaphor and, 116–117; Porphyrian tree and, 406; as predicate of own species, 7; schematism and, 480

Geodetics, 46

Geoffrey of Vinsauf, 123–126, 169

Geography, 25, 34

Geomancy, 308

Geometry, 31, 34, 386, 404, 472, 473

Gérando, Joseph-Marie de, 436–437

Gerard of Cremona, 96n3

Gerbert d’Aurillac (Pope Sylvester II), 230

Geschiedenis van de aesthetica (De Bruyne), 343

Gesualdo, Filippo, 75–77, 92, 93

Geyer, Bernhard, 127, 199n24, 362, 364

Gibson, James J., 581

Gil, Ferdinando, 16

Gilbert of Poitiers, 159

Gilbert, Katherine, 341

Giles of Rome (Egidius Romanus), 104, 109, 115, 307

Gilson, Etienne, 230, 232n8

Glaber, Rodulfus, 284–285

Glunz, Hans H., 340, 343

Gnoseology, 524, 560

Gnosticism, 88, 131

Godwin, Francis, 427

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 155

Gombrich, Ernst, 520–521

Goodman, Nelson, 227n5

Gorni, Guglielmo, 308

Gouguenheim, Sylvain, 280n11

Gould, Stephen Jay, 481–482

Grabmann, Martin, 243

Grammar and grammarians, 31, 46, 213, 214n42, 291; denotation and, 359; Modistae grammarians, 232, 296; of original Hebrew, 444; paronymity and, 361; transcendental grammar, 424

Grammatica Speculativa (Thomas of Erfurt), 240

Grande Antologia Filosofica, 340

Grazia, Roberto, 486

Great Chain of Being, 6, 33, 37, 87, 136, 170; constraints imposed by metaphysics of, 420; Llull’s trees and, 400–408

Greek language, ancient, 22, 23, 96, 97, 231, 235, 454; formation of compound words in, 446; grammar of, 296

Gregory, Tullio, 245n

Gregory of Nyssa, 187n15

Gregory of Rimini, 186

Greimas, Algirdas Julien, 551, 552, 553, 554

Grosseteste, Robert, 96n3, 97, 111, 342

Gruber, Tom R., 60

Grünbaum, Adolf, 527

Guattari, François, 54

Guichard, Estienne, 426

Guiraut de Borneill, 122–123

Guldin, Pierre, 420–421, 422

Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), 426

Gundisalvi, Dominicus, 111, 112

Habermas, Jürgen, 583–584

Hackett, Jerremiah, 113n18

Haiman, John, 55n33

Halm, Carolus, 120, 122n7

Havet, Julien, 230

Haywood, Ian, 225n2

Hebdomad, 442

Hebrew language, 22, 23, 231, 232, 235, 408; adulterated translations of original text in, 490; grammar of, 444; letters used in Kabbalism, 386, 397, 398, 399, 411; as matrix language, 440; as perfect original language of Adam, 293, 294–295, 297, 298, 299, 300–301, 424; philology and, 286; as protolanguage, 304; representation of divine name and, 302, 303, 304; Thomassin’s dictionary of, 453

Hegel, G. W. F., 245

Heidegger, Martin, 240, 374, 441, 460, 471, 582; “death of God” and, 564, 565; on intuition, 458

Heraclitus, 84

Herbals, 30

Hermann the German (Hermannus Alemmanus), 97, 98–99, 100, 102–104, 107–108, 111, 113

Hermeneutics, 132, 242, 258, 259, 580, 582

Hermes Trismegistus (mythical), 235, 240

Hermeticism, 122, 235, 419

Herodotus, 24, 182, 306

Herren, Michael W., 122, 342n32

Hesiod, 445

Heuristics, 414

Hexaemeron (Saint Basil), 182, 186

Hieroglyphica (Horapollon), 192

Hieroglyphica (Valeriano), 192

Hieroglyphics, 27, 40, 81, 229, 444

Hildegard of Bingen, 284

Hilduin, 238

Hillel of Verona, 306, 307

Hillgarth, Jocelyn N., 411n16

Hippolytus of Rome, 129n12, 256, 282

Hisperica Famina, 122, 342n32

Histoire des Sévarambes, L’ (Vairasse), 427

Histoire naturelle (Buffon), 183

Histoire véritable du bienheureux Raymond Lulle (Vernon), 409

Historia animalium [History of Animals] (Aristotle), 174, 182, 185

Historia Naturalis (Pliny), 25

Historiarum libri (Glaber), 284

Historicism, 337

Historiography, 93, 230, 242, 337, 510

History of Aesthetic (Bosanquet), 339

History of Aesthetics (Gilbert and Kuhn), 341

History of Aesthetics (Tatarkiewicz), 341

History of Criticism and Literary Taste in Europe (Saintsbury), 339–340

Hjelmslev, Louis, 18–19, 80, 353–354, 514, 582–583

Hobbes, Thomas, 380–383

Holt, Elizabeth G. 341

Höltgen, Carl Josef, 192

Holy Grail, 227

Holtz, Louis, 209n37

Homer, 131, 138, 147, 445, 571

Homonyms and homonymy, 81, 161, 257, 259, 558, 574

Honorius of Autun, 87, 105, 111, 135

Horace, 147, 285, 315, 546

Horapollon, 192

Hugh of Fouilloy, 186, 192, 272

Hugh of Saint Victor, 105, 111, 137, 186

Huizinga, Johan, 339n25, 343

Humanism, Renaissance, 235, 308, 343

Human sciences, 38, 556, 557

Humboldt, 424

Hume, David, 459, 528, 529

Hungerland, Isabel C., 382

Husserl, Edmund, 354, 461, 477

Huysmans, Joris-Karl, 254, 342n32

Hylomorphism, 344

Hyperonymia and hyperonyms, 7, 19

Hypertext, 45

Iamblichus, 129n12

Iconicity, 213

Iconism, primary, 508, 509, 520, 522, 529

Idea del theatro (Giulio Camillo), 35

Idel, Moshe, 408