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Lucas wondered if Ashley had any idea what she looked like bent over that fan completely naked, wearing high heels.

Given the tone of her voice, he suspected she did. Which meant she wouldn't be shocked when he came up behind her and slid his cock back into her.

Because once wasn't enough for him. He didn't think a lifetime would be enough, but he was hoping to settle for that.

It was stifling in her apartment, a side effect of being on the second floor of a ninety-year-old house with the original windows. Her air-conditioning was twenty years old and mediocre, and the sun had pounded heavily all day. It was probably still seventy-five degrees outside and eighty in the house, even though it was eleven at night.

So there was definitely a need to stay naked. And Ashley looked so good doing it. She was bent just a little, enticingly, her back arching, the bumps of her spine curving gracefully. Her ass was high and firm, her waist dipping in so it created an hourglass shape. Those blond curls of hers blew behind her as she dug her fingers in the crown of her hair, her head tilted.

Lucas walked toward her, sweating from want more than from the heat. There was just something so unbelievably sexy about the lines of her body. He dropped down on his haunches and caressed her ankle.

Ashley jerked. "What are you doing down there?"

"Making my way up." The cool air from the fan came between her spread legs and hit him in the chest. Lucas licked the back of Ashley's calf, tracing the curve of the muscle to the back of her knee.

She sighed, the sound almost lost over the hum of the fan. He kissed the soft skin behind her knee, let his fingers follow along behind his mouth as he edged higher and higher, inch by luscious inch. Lucas let his eyes drift half closed, let himself hold onto her other leg and nudge his nose up to the underside of her ass.

"Lucas…" she said in that plaintive way she had of drawing out his name. She had always strung his name out, sometimes in humor, sometimes in annoyance, sometimes in affection, but he liked this way the best, the way she sounded so aroused, so shocked at her own reaction, so sure they were being naughty and yet liking it.

"Hmmm?" He got his head between her legs, urging her legs farther apart. "Hold onto the fan, baby."

She did, even as she was saying, "This is crazy, what are you doing?"

It took a little maneuvering, but he was able to twist and reach her soft inner folds. He spread her, blew on her swollen, slick, secret spot. "Cooling you off."

Her voice was strangled. "That's having the opposite effect."

Allowing one quick lick first, he retreated. "Sorry." But he had ascertained she was still moist, ready for him. Important information since he was about to stand up and enter her.

"No problem." Her breasts heaved and her eyes were clamped shut.

Lucas moved out from between her legs, enjoying the cry of disappointment she gave.:

"That was cruel," she remarked. "What am I holding on to the fan for if you're leaving?"

"Because I'm planning on doing this." He aligned himself behind her, held her waist, and urged, "Bend over a little more."

"Why?" But she did it anyway, and he figured she had to know what it was he wanted.

Then he was nudging deep inside her, groaning as her vaginal muscles clamped around him and squeezed. "Is this cruel?"

Ashley clutched the fan and decided these shoes needed to be flung out the window. Lucas kept catching her off guard, and she was going to sprain an ankle with one false move. Since he had her straining and squirming and wiggling, it wouldn't be hard to take a tumble off the heels.

"If you start moving, I'll forgive you." For anything. Ever. For the rest of their lives. He seemed to know instinctively how to please her. And was doing it in spades.

"That can be arranged."

He was thick inside her, full, and when he moved, her tender swollen body ached with pleasure. "Lucas? Would it be rude if I came, like, right away?"

It was almost embarrassing how quick he could bring her to the point. She had never thought she was quite this easy. She was never really difficult, exactly, but usually she required more than three strokes.

Not now.

"No. That's what I want. I want you so turned on you can't help yourself."

"I think I can wait a second." Ashley licked her lips, which were rapidly drying from the fan blowing on her. There was something extra sexy about the cool air rushing over her hot body, teasing her nipples tight, while Lucas pounded into her.

"Don't wait too long. I'm about done."

"Oh!" Well. That changed everything. Ashley rested her head on her forearm and just felt. Just let her body absorb the thrusts, enjoy the brush of his testicles against her backside, and relax into the rhythm.

When he paused, then came in a silent orgasm, straining and digging his fingers into her waist, Ashley went right after him.

Only she didn't try to keep it quiet. She let out a yell to rival an Olympic shot putter. It encompassed all her excitement, pleasure, satisfaction, and a myriad of other emotions that she wasn't ready to deal with just yet.

Lucas's head dropped onto her back, his breath ragged as he stopped moving inside her. "Holy shit."

Her thoughts exactly. Ashley peeled her fingers back from the fan, not surprised to see deep grooves in them from the slats she'd been pressing against. "I'm going to fall down. My legs don't work anymore."

Lucas pulled out of her. "Couch. That's what we need." He took her hand and they stumbled the two feet to the sofa.

Ashley collapsed on him, letting her shoes drop off. Her breasts pressed into his chest and her thigh settled between his. With a sigh, she lay her head down on his shoulder, thinking it was much too heavy to keep upright any longer. "Well, this was unexpected. Incredible, but unexpected."

She meant the whole twist in their relationship, not just the second sex session so fast after the first, though that was pretty amazing too.

Lucas idly stroked her back, his mouth rubbing back and forth over the top of her hair.

"You could sell me anything right now, Ashley. I mean anything. That's how good I feel."

She laughed. Playing with his fawn-colored chest hairs, she let herself think about what Lucas had said. He had said he loved her.

What did that mean? She loved him too. Like a brother… well, okay, not exactly like a brother. But like a friend.

Only that wasn't right either, not when she was intertwined with his naked body. Not when it was very possible that she wanted to repeat this night. But there were so many complications, including her younger brother.

"What about Jason?" she said, thinking out loud, curious if Lucas had given any thought to what his best friend would think about what they were doing.

"What about him?" Lucas cupped her butt, squeezed a little.

"I don't think he'll like us doing this." Ashley had palpitations just thinking about her brother's reaction. He would be horrified. Furious with her. Of course, it was a little late to be worried about that since she was naked and Lucas had had her over an electric fan.

"I'm not sure it's really any of Jason's business. But why do you think he'll be upset?"

Distracted by the sight of his lips moving, so close to her, she ran her finger across the cherry redness of his lower lip.

He added, "You worried he won't think I'm good enough for his sister?"

That got her attention. What a joke. Ashley let her hand drop. "No, I think Jason thinks I'm not good enough for you! His best friend, fellow chemist, being defiled by his shopaholic, blond, brainless sister? I think he knows you can do better."