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"Could you maybe do your convincing in my bedroom? This couch isn't really comfortable, Lucas."

"I can do that." He sat up, pulled her into his lap. "And maybe this time we'll actually make it to a supine position."

"What is that? It sounds kinky." She shivered with delight, the sound hitting his ears at the same time her hot wet center slid against his cock.

Lucas bit back a groan. "It just means lying down on your back, faceup. Which we won't get to if you don't stop doing that."

"Doing what?" she said, even as she lifted her hips and rocked on him again.

"Driving me crazy." Lucas set Ashley firmly away from him and stood up. He shook out his legs, every muscle sore. "Now where are all my purchases?" he said, to tease her. "Let's take them into the bedroom with us, and you can show me how they work."

Not that he didn't already have an idea what to do with them, but it might be fun to play dumb. Let her give him step-by-step instructions.

Ashley's eyebrows rose. "All of your purchases? At one time?"

Lucas thought through what he'd bought. Blindfold, handcuffs… sure, why not? Peachy eating powder stuff, definitely he wanted that. Tickle-whip… yes, yes, and fuck, yes.

She grinned. "Even the cock ring?"

Damn, he'd forgotten about that thing. "Sure," he said reluctantly. Maybe he could kick it under the bed and pretend it was lost. It wouldn't be that difficult to pop it either, he imagined. It was just soft plastic. "And the Ben-Wa balls."

Ashley's grin disappeared, though her breath caught. "We don't need any of that junk, Lucas. All we need is each other."

"True. Very true." He heartily agreed, except for one thing. He took her hand, started walking toward her bedroom, right past the tables of products. Spotting what he was looking for, he paused, turned to pull her into his arms.

"Ashley, I love you." He kissed the side of her jaw, kissed her bottom lip, kissed her nose, knowing there was nothing logical about his feelings for her, but for once in his life not needing the answers.

Ashley pressed her body to his, going up on her tiptoes to kiss him. "I love you too, Lucas."

He reached behind him on the table, his fingers closing around what he wanted. Flicking it open, he slapped one ring of the fur-lined handcuffs on her wrist and clicked it shut.

"What is that?" Ashley jerked back in shock, but he was already attaching the other end to his own wrist. "Lucas! You handcuffed us together!"

"That was the plan." He gave a jerk to test them. Ashley's arm flew toward him. The leopard print fur was soft and comfortable against his skin. "I'm going to leave these on until you agree that we're perfect for each other. That we'd be stupid not to go for it."

"Are you calling me stupid?" She flashed him a big smile, showing all her straight, white teeth. They were away from the light and half of her face was in shadows.

Something in his gut told him now was the time. Go for it. Grab for everything he had ever wanted. "I'll think you are if you don't say yes."

"To what?" She put her hands on her hips, which meant his hand had to rest there too.

"To getting married."

"Married?" Her jaw dropped. "Married?"

Ashley slapped her hand over her mouth. Oh, God, he was serious. He was completely and totally serious. He was giving her that look-that intense, expectant look.

"But we just… but we just…" she babbled, not sure what to say. It would be absurdly impulsive to say yes. It would be irresponsible to just leap into something so incredibly important as marriage without thinking it through.

Too bad she wanted to say yes. She wanted to be with Lucas forever. She wanted to make him laugh, and she wanted to feel his hand steady on her back.

And Lucas was logical, to the very depths of his soul. If he thought this made sense, then surely it must.

It was time to trust her own instincts.

"Okay. Yes."

Now he was the one who looked floored. "Really?"

She laughed, joy rising up in her. "You're the one who said we're perfect for each other."

"We are." He wrapped his one arm tighter around her. "But I thought I would have to do some convincing."

Then he brushed her lips with his, and she wanted to cry at the tenderness of it.

"Damn, you've made me so happy." His kiss was full of passion and love, his tongue gliding across hers.

She sighed. "Oh, Lucas, me too."

"I love the way you say my name." Then he shook their hands linked together and grinned. "We can take the cuffs off if you want. Or leave them." He gave her a wicked wink.

Ashley nearly came on the spot, but she thought handcuffs were more than she could handle at this point. Her emotions, her body, were all on sensory overload. Any more stimuli and she might wind up in a puddle on the floor. "We can take them off."

"How do we get them off?" he asked.

She stared at him blankly. "I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Lucas pulled their hands up to eye-level and studied the cuffs. "What did the directions say?"

Feeling a little panicked, she said, "I told you, I didn't try all these products. In fact, I didn't try any of them. I just read my Pleasure Party consultant manual."

Lucas didn't look particularly worried. He just said, "Well, I guess we leave the cuffs on, then."

What if she had to go to the bathroom? Needed a shower? Who were they going to ask to get these things off? They were naked, damn it, they couldn't just flag down a neighbor. "That's it? That's all you're going to say? You don't have some complex method of melting these cuffs off of us?"

"No." He shrugged. "I'm not wearing any clothes and I'm handcuffed to the woman of my dreams with very soft, furry cuffs. I'm not about to complain."

"That's a very male attitude." But she could see his point. It had to be almost midnight. There was nothing they could do about the situation right this second, unless she wanted to dig through all her paperwork to try and find the handcuffs' directions.

It made more sense to look for them in the morning.

"I'm a male, what can I say?"

Ashley closed her free hand over his penis and cupped it. "Mmm, yes, you definitely are."

He groaned.

She stroked up and down, pleased at his immediate reaction. He had swelled into a nice, thick rod under her fingers.

"We're not going to make it to the bedroom, are we?" she asked.

"If we hurry, we still can." He gripped her elbow, forced her hand to stop moving over him. "Let's go. One, two, three… run."

Neither one of them took a single step.

"Let's just get supine on these tables," she said, trying to push him backward by leaning against him.

He planted his feet apart and didn't budge, though somehow mysteriously his fingers had wound up between her thighs, exploring and stroking and digging through her curls to her clitoris. "I don't think those tables can hold us. The one right behind us is a card table, Ash."

"Then we'll have to improvise." Ashley dropped to her knees in front of Lucas, keeping her left wrist up near his waist so she didn't pull him down.

He swore. "What are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm improvising." She brushed her fingers over the soft hairs on his thigh and ran her lips over the satin smooth skin of his hard penis. "It's so hot, so silky."

Lucas grunted.