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Все это ушло и забылось — и на полке в витрине оба бюста стояли рядом.

Краткий список источников

1. Mussolini’s Italy, by Max Gallo, 1964, by Librarie Academique Perrin. English Translation 1973, by Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. New York.

2. The Day of Battle, 1943–1944, by Rick Atkinson, Henry Holt and Company, New York, 2007.

3. Mussolini’s Italy, by R.J.B.Bosworth, The Penguin Press, New York, 2006.

4. Mussolini, by R.J.B.Bosworth, Arnold, London, co-published in USA by Oxford University Press, 2002.

5. Mussolini, by Denis Mack Smith, Vintage Books, A Division of Random House, New York, 1983.

6. My Rise And Fall, by Benito Mussolini, in two volumes. Foreword to Volume I by Richard W. Child, Former Ambassador to Italy. Volume II with Preface by Max Ascoli. The Introduction — by Richard Lamb. DA CAPO PRESS, New York, 1998.

7. M. Алданов. «Прямое Действие», изд. «Новости», Москва, 1994.

8. The Europeans, by Luigi Barzini, Simon And Shuster, New York, 1983.

9. The Italians, by Luigi Barzini, A TOUCHSTONE BOOK, published by Simon And Shuster, New York, 1996.

10. Б. Тененбаум. «Великий Макиавелли». Яуза, ЭКСМО, Москва, 2012.

11. The Rise and Fall of Great Powers, by Paul Kennedy, Random House, New York, 1987.

12. Franco, by Paul Preston, Basic Books, A Division of Harpers Collins Publishers, New York, 1994.