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And Jill buffeted back against this invader like a rutting bitch dog in heat, harder and faster, harder and faster as her tongue licked columns of swelling heat across the huge cock in her grasp. Her fingers were convulsive talons of fire splayed on Will’s balls as she bent his swelling rod to her face, and her breasts were as swollen in Prescott’s fingers as were his testicles.

Cum, she begged them, all of them. Cum, my darlings, all of you, cumcumcumcumcumcum mmmmmmmmmmmm!

Suddenly then, as if they had somehow heard and understood her mute, salacious plea, they came. Oh God, how they came!

Prescott was the first, arching his naked buttocks high off the carpet, his fingers digging into the spongy softness of her breasts as if he wished to mold them into some sculpture for his future amusement. “Oh God, oh God, I’m cummmmmmmmiiiinnggggggggg..

Then his cock in Jill’s grasping fingers began to jerk out of control, spewing forth great geysers of his hot molten cum, flooding Jill’s mouth and throat with the bittersweet liquid. She tried to catch and swallow as much of the fluid as she could, her brain dancing crazily with the joy of the moment.

The sight of Will Prescott emptying his scrotum of seed into his wife’s hungrily swallowing mouth was all that Tom needed to set off his own crashing orgasm. He gave one almost superhuman thrust into her tightly elastic cunt, shoving his finger as far as it would go in her ecstatically squirming rectum, and then his cock was ejaculating as well. a swirling, roaring inferno of cum that filled Jill’s cunt to overflowing. He watched it roll out around his wildly cumming cock to flow down along the dampened furrow of her pussy and along the backs of her thighs to pool on the carpet, and he continued to pump into her with prodigious power as she endeavored to milk his balls of every last droplet of the precious liquid with fantastic contortions of her buffeting hips.

Cum, oh cocks, cum,’ cum, cum! thought Jill blissfully insane with lustful delight as she swallowed the last vestiges of Will Prescott’s semen. Cum and never stop, make me cum, hurry oh cocks, I can feel it building, building… there! There it is! I’m cumming, too, aaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhhh!

Her orgasm lifted the very essence of Jill Parker free from the earthly confines of her body, sent her on a journey of such indescribable wonder that she screamed like a woman dying and never knew it, screamed and screamed and screamed as their cocks volcanoed the final dregs of their seed into her and onto her and out of all her bodily orifices, covered her and filled her with that which she had come to love and want more than any single thing in the whole wide wonderful universe.

Jill was rendered completely unconscious by the magnitude of this orgasm and she collapsed across the body of Will Prescott when the final height had been attained. She was completely unaware when Tom, in unutterable thankfulness, lowered his head and tenderly lovingly, kissed her pink, sperm covered lips moments later.

The remainder of that night, and well into the wee hours of the new day, the five couples at the party performed every conceivable act of physical lust – by twos and threes and fours, and more. It was a raging bacchanal, an orgy of impossibly mind-blowing proportions that left all of them completely exhausted, physically and mentally drained of all desires and emotions.

For Jill, however, nothing she subsequently did after awakening quite reached that immeasurably beautiful experience she had had with Will Prescott and with her husband, the man she now knew she truly loved, would always love. The man for whom all the pain and torment of her past life was small payment to win. The man, she knew, that was her life.