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“Hey you wanna drink?” Luce whispered to me.

“I wish, Lex has me on house arrest until I have eaten.”

She sniggered at the recollection of me pissed and then pulled her ‘so what’ face.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the bar.

“Four sambuca shots please,” she called over to the barman.

“Here you go love, that’all be eighteen pounds”.

She handed him a twenty, “keep the change”.

“Oooh Lex is gonna kill you” I giggled, “such a bad, bad, influence Lucy”.

Lucy winked. “Ready Evie, 1,2,3”. The strong flavour of aniseed worked its way through my mouth down to the back of my throat, leaving behind a lingering warm trail.

“Again, one, two, three” I necked the next one, I wasn’t a big drinker, well I didn’t think so. The main reason being that I was notoriously bad at handling my drink. And that Henry didn’t like me drinking. He found it irresponsible and tasteless for a woman to be intoxicated. Blah blah blah. Cocktails were my preference; wine would normally go to my head and turn me into an emotional spinster or a drunken ASBO.

As the Sambuca warmed my body I started to feel happy, I was confident, I was me.

We moved to the dance floor and my body started to feel and move with the music, my hips swayed and my arms moved through the air. Kings of Leon were playing, sex of fire heating the dance floor. I grinded my hips to the undercurrent base of the music, trailing my hands down my body. I felt sexual and I was taking advantage of my mood. Especially as it was fuelled by alcohol.

“That’s my sister, Evie”.

The comment grabbed my attention. Who was Lex talking to? I turned around and my mouth nearly hit the floor. It was him, my shoulder to cry on. Shit, shitteddy, shit. I smiled over briefly, but carried on dancing. I did not want to be left alone with him. He must already think I am a complete broken down pre-menstrual hormonal mess with a ton of baggage. Lucy caught onto my reaction and my apparent lack of enthusiasm for seeing him.

“Mmmmhmmm, I definitely would, wouldn’t you Evie” smirking.

“No I wouldn’t, I’m with Henry and you are bloody well with Travie”.

“Yeah but a girl can dream. Good to keep our options open.”

Lucy and I carried on dancing and I was aware of him watching at me. I felt his eyes boring into my skin as if I had been put on a pedestal for his eyes alone to consume my body. I did not usually welcome the attention… but…I could make this interesting, the sinister part of my mind fuelling my need to rebel. If he wanted to watch me then maybe I should give him something to watch. The alcohol was working, removing all of my usual inhibitions. I swayed my hips, arching my back ever so slightly to make the curve in my buttocks more dramatic and my breasts more defined. Feeling brave I deliberately held onto his deep wanting gaze. Not allowing myself to break eye contact as I slowly ran my fingers from around the back of my neck, sensually down along the ridge of my collar bone. His lips parted. His focus intense and not breaking from my body. Oh I was having an effect on him. This was beyond liberating.

I continued the tour of my fingers, trailing them over my fully clothed breasts. My dress highlighting their silhouette. I then ran my fingers further down following the curve of my waist and over my hips. I closed my eyes for a split second, allowing myself to enjoy the erotic trail of my fingers. When they opened my eyes my heart skipped a beat. There he was; standing right in front of me. My pulse raced. Our eyes pressing into one another. His hands brushed against my hips. The shudder of energy that pulsed through me was exhilarating.

Without speaking a word I turned away from him, his hands dropped from my body. The longing of his touch was too overwhelming. I needed it. Glancing over my shoulder I bit my lower lip. His chest was raging with movement. I could see his heart beating against his white shirt. I took a step back and pressed my body into his. Grinding my hips with him to the music. His strong arms wrapped around me placing the palm of his hands on my abdomen. There was no way of me not noticing his ripped biceps and stone hard chest, he was exquisite. I lifted my arms up and laced the around his neck, connecting our bodies as closely as physically possible. Wanting to feel his warm skin against mine. I could feel how much he wanted me. His erection pressed against my lower back. Knowing that he wanted me made me feel powerful and sexy, something I had not felt in a very long time. I closed my eyes and just let our bodies move with each other to the music. It was rhythmic bliss. Our bodies were as one. No one else mattered.

As the song ended something in me awoke to the reality of our surroundings. I stepped out of our clinch and saw Lucy. Her mouth ajar and eyes wide, standing completely bemused at what she had just seen. I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the bar before she could utter a word. I locked eyes with Alexis and she followed us over.

“Another six Sambuca shots please.” I was practically begging the bar man. I needed these now. There was no way I was going to get through this night sober.

I handed two to Luce and two to Lex and we downed them.

As the Sambuca hit me and I started to feel calmer, my actions began to seem more justified.

We walked back over to our table. He was gone, nowhere to be seen. Although I was relived part of me was saddened, longing to feel his touch once again.

“Phew.” I muttered.

“I think I just witnessed full sex on the dance floor, my God that was hot Evie”. I cringed at Lucy’s recollection of my actions.

“Why was he asking after you?” Lex asked genuinely interested.

“Oh I just, um bumped into him once.”

Screams of voices gained my attention. I followed the growing crowd with my eyes. He had not gone. He was standing in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by a host of women screaming his name. Typical. Confused I looked at Alexis.

“Who is he?”

“Some fighter or something, He is friends with Travie.”

Fighter? That explained his frame and his raw rugged look.

“Not just any fighter Evie”, Jake shouted over, “he is Conner Ryan, the next big thing to hit the MMA. He is going to be world class.”

“MMA?” I questioned, what the hell was that?

“Mixed Martial Arts, it’s like a toned down version of cage fighting, UFC all of that”. Jake summed up, not that I knew much other than he must have been a fighter, the closest I get to knowing about and fighting sports is the Haymaker. Jake seemed ridiculously excited by the fact Connor was here and Travie knew him, like he was his very own fighting celebrity who he wanted to be-friend.

“Oh okay” I mused. Hot, Half naked, sweaty, muscles clenching.

“Where did you run off too?” his sultry tone slid over the words as he whispered into my ear from behind me. I turned around and met his gaze. He was stunning. Masculine in every form. His voice was raw, sinfully sexy and his body was ripped to just the right point, not over bearing, just right. He was wearing a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, they gripped around his toned biceps. He exuded charisma and charm. I completely understood why all of those women were screaming his name. I would love too. I shook the thought from my head.

My eyes were objectifying his body and I didn’t care. The club was chaotic, but all I could focus on was him.

“Wow, you look amazing Evie, and you felt even better,” He winked at me.