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Prince too had seen Victoria coming and his tail began to wag, because he liked the young girl and often curled up next to her on those occasions when she sat talking to his master, seated cross-legged on the grass with the ease only a young girl can master. Little did the faithful animal know what agonies those talks caused Ben, particularly when Victoria was wearing a pair of brief shorts that would pull tight over her flat-stretched pubic mound and suck up between her legs as she sat. One time Ben had even been able to see a silky wisp of soft blonde pubic hair peeking around the edge of her maddeningly narrow crotch band.

Ben's reputation had not been unknown to the authorities of the college when they were considering him for the post of watchman. When the decision had finally been made to hire him, one of the foremost conditions had been to extract a solemn promise from Ben not to become involved in any questionable behavior with the young coeds on campus. At the time, this had seemed like a joke to Ben. He couldn't imagine any young girl becoming interested in a broken-down old man like himself, but then the friendship had started with Victoria and the sight and smell of her and the soft gentle sound of her voice had brought back sweet memories of the past when he had spent night after glorious night with a seemingly endless stream of just such lovely young creatures.

Well, that stream had dried up, Ben thought to himself, first to a trickle and then fading away completely to a dry channel lined with the bleached rocks of hopeless memories. Once in a while Ben took some of his meager salary and went into town to rent a prostitute for the night, but with the little money he had, he didn't get much back in return. Besides, his mind had stayed stuck on the young ones ever since the days of his greatest glory when they had all been his for the asking. If it hadn't been for the company of his dog, Ben thought he would probably have cracked up long ago. His dog and the whiskey, his faithful life-long companions.

Whiskey had been his downfall and now it was a part of his salvation, the big man thought to himself. He had long ago brought his drinking under control so that he now only drank on his own time. And never enough to turn him into the shambling, swearing, sloppy mess he had once been, but only an amount sufficient to deaden his mind and his senses to the point where he didn't care what happened. He had scheduled for tonight another of his regular binges and it looked like he might need it because he was always depressed after he talked to Victoria, his unobtainable dream. And sure enough, here she came in his direction.

Victoria had finally looked up from her reverie and spotted her two male friends, the one human, the other canine, and headed instinctively toward them. It always made her feel good to talk to Mr. Wright, even if he often did seem a little strange. Sometimes Victoria wondered why the man seldom looked straight at her while they were talking but always seemed to be staring at his fingernails, or the sky, or his dog.

"Hi, Mr. Wright," Victoria said in that clear soft voice that sent chills up and down Ben's spine whenever he heard it. "Hi, Prince," and the young girl gave a delighted little laugh as the big dog ran eagerly to her and jumped up with his feet on her shoulders to lick her face.

"Down, Prince!" Ben ordered. "You're going to get mud all over Victoria's sweater." But what really bothered the middle-aged man was the way Prince and the girl were romping together, Victoria's playful motions causing her full, taut breasts to jump and sway excitingly inside her thin white sweater.

Oh Christ, Ben thought to himself, she's not wearing a bra! The playful scratching of Prince's paws across the nubile young girl's lush breasts had caused her nipples to harden slightly and the sharp little tips stood out clearly through the flimsy synthetic material. For a moment Ben even thought he could see the darker shading of the areolas through the soft white wool. If there was one thing that had turned Ben against Women's Liberation, it was the no-bra movement. God, it was just too cruel a torture to let all that hang loose in front of a horny old man like himself.

Finally Victoria collapsed in a laughing heap on the grass and Prince sank down next to her, his long pink tongue lolling loosely from between his powerful jaws.

"Well, watcha been up to lately?" Ben asked to make conversation.

"Oh, nothing much," his young friend answered vaguely. A slight cloud seemed to come over her beautiful face and then she asked abruptly. "Mr. Wright, do you ever get lonely here?"

The question floored Ben for a moment and he almost began to laugh. Lonely? God, if she only knew.

"Oh, maybe a little," he lied. "But then, I've always got Prince, and he's the best company in the world. Next to you, of course," he gallantly added.

"You don't have to say that, Mr. Wright," the young blonde answered with a pleased smile. "I think I'd be about the happiest person in the world if I had Prince."

The big dog looked quizzically at both of his human companions as he heard them say his name. He was very content at the moment, being in the company of the two persons he loved most.

"Well, I don't know about that," Ben replied, scratching his head as if he were doubtful about the dog. "He can be a lot of trouble. Eats a lot of food, more than I do, and he stays out to all hours chasing after lady dogs. Sometimes I think he's a bad influence on my morals."

"Sounds like me and my roommate," Victoria said grimly.

"You mean you're a bad influence on her morals?" Ben asked, feigning shock.

"Oh, no," the young girl said in alarm and then saw that Ben was kidding her. She and her old friend often played little word games with each other and Victoria found as usual that it was making her feel better.

"Never mind," she amended. "I'm just an old wallflower making jealous sounds."

"The only things you should be jealous of are the sun and the moon," Ben said with continued gallantry, but he began to get an inkling of what it must be that was bothering the girl. She certainly had seemed preoccupied and depressed when he'd first seen her walking. Ben had met her roommate Penny before, and his long years of experience helped him to recognize the sheer sensual drive in the dark-haired young beauty. Even though Ben preferred the gentle young blonde sitting before him, he had to admit that her roommate was the sexiest girl on campus. From what he had seen on some of his night rounds, the old watchman suspected that the sultry young temptress knew what every little part of her body was for. Once she had looked him full in the eye, one of the most challenging, sexual looks that Ben had ever experienced and he had thought his cock was going to explode right through his trousers. What a temptation it had been to proposition the girl, but the stern warning he had received from the Trustees when he took this job made him cautious. As a young instructor he'd long ago learned about the unbalanced young girls that led a man on and then cried rape when you took them up on their invitation. Ben doubted that Penny was one of these warped oddballs, but he just didn't want to take the chance. Ben wondered what it must be like for a seemingly innocent girl like Victoria to live with Penny. Maybe it was time to change the subject – for both of them.

"Say, Miss Victoria, I wonder if you could do me a favor? I have to go into town tonight on some… business and I wonder if you could kind of look after Prince for me? You're the only person I'd think of asking."

"Why, I'd really like that, Mr. Wright," the delighted coed said, a smile of real pleasure coming over her face.

"Great. That takes a load off my mind. What time do you usually get back from the dining hall?"

"Oh, about nine."

"Could I bring him over to your place around nine-thirty then?"