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"Well, so long, you two. Don't do anything I wouldn't do," he said in a kind of frantic jovialness. He almost tripped over the low metal sill as he stepped backwards through the doors and slid them almost shut, leaving just enough space for Victoria to hear him mutter, "Lucky bastard dog." And then he was gone, a lonely hulking figure heading towards another night of desperate alcoholic forgetfulness among people he despised but needed.

"Well!" Victoria said with a little sigh. Never having seen Ben quite this way before, she was a little upset, but quickly passed it off to the whiskey her friend had obviously been drinking. Everyone on campus knew that Ben drank, but few had ever seen him really drunk. With good-natured tolerance the young student passed the whole thing off as another one of those inexplicable bits of adult behavior, and then turned her whole attention to her canine companion for the night.

"Since you're my guest, Prince, I suppose I should offer to entertain you," Victoria said with pretended gravity. "Would you like to play cards? Or perhaps you'd care for a cup of tea? Do you take milk and sugar?" Then giggling girlishly, the happy girl put her arms around the animal's powerful neck and pushed her warm pink young nose up against his moist black one. Immediately Prince's long pink tongue shot out and licked the girl on the face, making her giggle again. On impulse, the young blonde stuck out her own tongue and tried to lick the dog, but their tongues met in mid air and caressed for a moment. Victoria thought of it as funny for a second but then became aware that it felt good, very good – too good in a weird sort of way – so with a little shiver she quickly pulled her tongue back in, a strange look coming over her face.

The big dog looked up at his young human friend, a little puzzled, wondering why she had pulled back so hastily from him. But getting to her feet, Victoria went to her desk and pulled out a small package of dog candy she had brought this afternoon just for tonight. With slightly trembling hands the young coed tore open the package and poured out several pieces for her delighted animal companion, laughing as Prince nosed eagerly through the little mound of candies, searching for his favorites.

In a moment both dog and girl were back to the lighthearted mood of a few moments before. Victoria was tossing pieces of candy into the air for Prince to catch, trying to race him to the pieces he dropped. Eventually both became tired and sat quietly watching one another, the dog sitting on his haunches and Victoria leaning back on her bed propped up on her elbows.

For the thousandth time the blonde girl found herself thinking how truly beautiful and handsome Prince was. Not just handsome in an animal way but also in a virile, male way. Some inclination of the universality of sexual attraction began to seep through into the young woman's mind and this time she let it linger there, not letting herself be afraid. She knew now if she met someone, some man she could trust a little the way she trusted Prince, then there would be no problem with sex. The trouble was that she trusted Prince precisely because he was a dog and didn't have the inbred human ability to trick and to deceive – the mental agility to use others for his own ends. Too bad humans and dogs weren't interchangeable as lovers, Victoria mused, and then laughed to herself a little nervously at the thought.

"Oh, Prince, just be glad that you're a dog and don't have a nutty human brain that imagines all kinds of problems," Victoria sighed. Suspecting that it was just general tiredness that was making her so introspective the young girl stood up and stretched languorously.

"Time for bed, I think," she said to the dog as he got to his feet, thinking she wanted to play again. "Now let's see, where am I going to put you?" Victoria mused more to herself than to the dog. "Maybe Penny wouldn't like it if I let you sleep on her bed, and it wouldn't be hospitable to let you sleep on the floor, so…" and a mischievous little grin flickered over the girl's beautiful features, "so why don't you sleep up here with me? Oh, I know it'll be a little cramped, but it'll be nice and warm and friendly too."

Victoria began to get ready for bed, pulling off the white sweater that still had Prince's paw-prints on it from earlier in the day. As Ben had noticed then, the blonde young student was wearing no brassiere and her high firm breasts stretched even more taut and proud as she reached her arms up to pull the sweater over her head. The rough-knit material caused her nipples to harden involuntarily as it scraped over them and a little rash of goose-flesh spread over the girl's skin from the unexpected sensation.

Wearing only her jeans now, Victoria walked over to the wash basin and noisily washed her face before groping blindly for the towel.

"That's another thing, Prince," Victoria spluttered. "You never have to wash your face or hands. Life must be easy for a dog." Walking over to the closet next, the rosy-cheeked girl began to peel her tight jeans down her legs, almost losing her balance once before she was able to kick free of them. Unlike her roommate, she carefully hung the jeans in her closet and then stood a moment in indecision. Should she put on her nightgown or not? Maybe not, she finally decided. If Prince was going to sleep on her bed it might be too warm. So, wearing nothing now but her tiny bikini panties, the young blonde virgin walked over to the bed and sat on the edge.

"Okay, buddy, you sleep next to the wall," she said to the dog and patted the bed for him to jump up. This was quite confusing to the animal since his master never let him get on beds and he looked up at the girl with a questioning but adoring expression. Some strange emotion was starting to form inside the dog's great heart. He had never seen a naked or semi-naked human female before, and there was something oddly exciting to Prince about the subtle symphony of pink and cream-white flesh before him. He loved the girl and now the nearness of her plus the intoxicating warmth and smell of her velvety flesh caused him to automatically nuzzle in closer to her, forcing his heavy body between her slightly open thighs.

"Why, Prince," Victoria asked in surprise. "What's the matter, don't you want to sleep with me?" And then the startled young virgin jerked back in surprise and shock as the dog's long pink tongue shot out and licked her nakedly exposed left breast.

"Uuuuuuhhhnnn," the stunned girl said in involuntary reaction as the hot rough tongue scraped over her already erect nipples, sending a jolt of raw pleasure all through her body. Victoria squirmed backward trying to escape the insistently nuzzling dog until she was half-lying, half-sitting, propped up against the wall next to the bed. Although the most sensible thing would have been to reach down and force the dog's head away from her nakedly tingling breasts, somehow the young virgin's arms seemed paralyzed, unable to move up the short distance necessary to protect herself from the affectionate animal's lingual caresses.

"Oh, no, no, Prince," the confused young woman kept repeating ineffectually as the big animal continued to lick and slaver at her exposed breasts, moving impartially from one to the other.

Despite her best intentions, Victoria felt a delicious and sensuous warmth begin to steal over her tingling young body, rippling over her flesh in electric waves with each further swipe of Prince's long hot tongue. A dreamy, vacant look came over the blonde student's face, and for a moment her lovely half-naked body held completely still. Then finally she permitted the exquisite sensations from the dog's licking of her firm, trembling young breasts to pour over her in uninterrupted waves of pure sensual bliss. Then and only then did her hands steal slowly up from her sides, but instead of pushing the dog away, they trailed lovingly over the big animal's powerful head and finally settled firmly behind his ears, actually pulling the furiously licking animal's muzzle tighter against her now palpitating breasts.