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“Wow, that makes me feel so much better, Lorelei,” Alex deadpanned finally.

“That’s not-that’s not you and I,” she said, softening her tone and tracing a finger down his chest, which had him inhaling sharply. “I cannot mislead you, Alex. No one is a masterful lover their first time. But you’re doing fine for natural endowment,” she said, her finger tracing further down past the waistband of his sweats to give him a genuine rush. “I like everything that I see. And you have the best teacher you could possibly ask for.”

The conflict in his eyes remained. She tried again, still speaking in sultry tones.

“Bound, Alex. Permanently. All the security anyone could dream of. And don’t worry about making me feel like I’m some slut. That’s very much what I am.” Her look became much more direct and meaningful. “Only from now on I’m your slut.”

Another heart attack. He’d fantasized about girls saying something like that before. But he knew fantasy from reality-and this was no ordinary girl. He’d seen her breathe fire all over someone tonight. “Maybe we could just… take it slow?”

She shook her head, trying not to laugh in exasperation. “As you wish, of course. The angel herself said you had nothing to fear from me. May I lie next to you? I promise not to steal your virginity in your sleep.”

“Sure,” Alex said. Lorelei pulled the sheets over them both and curled up beside him.

“Lust is not a real sin, Alex,” Lorelei told him softly. “Your churches have had that part wrong all these years and the angels never bothered to straighten it out. The sin comes from causing harm in pursuit of lust. That has been my purpose in this world: to lead the wicked to abandon all responsibility and virtue for carnal pleasures.

“Yet there is no wickedness in you. I was naked and in your power, and your first thought was to offer me the shirt off your back. Even now, you are concerned with showing me respect, which makes you rather unique in my experience. I don’t think you need to fear your lust.”

“Maybe I’m just too inexperienced to understand it,” Alex said, “but it just doesn’t sit right. I can’t explain it. I don’t want to do something I’ll regret.”

“I could explain your lust to you, if you wanted. I could learn it and explain it in ways you would not articulate for yourself.”

“You could? How?”

“It’s simple. I merely have to taste it,” she smiled, delicately brushing a suggestive hand across his groin as she reached over and turned out the light. “Goodnight, Alex.”

That had him lying awake for hours.

Chapter 3:

The Devil Made Me Do It

Naturally, the first thing Alex heard when he woke up next to Lorelei was a DJ bitching about women.

“She’s not interested in you, she’s interested in your wallet!” the radio squawked. “You want action at the end of the night? You gotta pay out. And they dangle that whole marriage thing in front of you like it’s the keys to her panties, like you’re gonna make love every night ‘til you’re old and gray, but we all know better, don’t we, guys?”

“I really fucking hate this dude,” Alex sighed to the ceiling.

“The lingerie? The slutty behavior in the bedroom? The action?” the DJ continued as Alex fumbled for the radio. “That stuff’s all on a clock, gentlemen! And that clock runs out as soon as they get their hooks in-!” The nasally voice was finally silenced by a swat from Alex’s hand.

Lorelei stirred and cuddled closer. “I’ll be happy to prove him wrong,” she murmured into his ear. “Every day and night of your life.”

Alex gulped. He wasn’t entirely sure he’d survive even the first time.

“I’m. Um.” He stammered and shifted a bit to create a little space. “I’ve got to go to work today,” he managed. “Soon.”

She raised an eyebrow. “You couldn’t call in sick? You had a rough night.”

“They’re gonna be slammed at work today and I’m supposed to do some heavy cleaning in my workspace,” he mumbled. Alex got up out of bed, fighting the urge to stare-or worse. He turned to his dresser and fumbled for clothes. “Look, I need to figure all this out,” he said.

No matter how awkward or lame his dodges were, his resistance continued to astound Lorelei. She didn’t let it show. “As you wish,” she replied simply.

“Uh…can you stay here?”

“I can. Would you like me to remain concealed?”

“I would,” Alex nodded. “I know it’s probably going to be a bit boring, but…”

“I can entertain myself, if you will allow me a bit of trust,” she assured him.

“Even if I ask you to stay here alone?” he asked warily.

Lorelei gave a nod that was more than a little sultry-but then, it seemed her every word and gesture was geared toward seduction. “That is no imposition. However, if you wish me to remain undetected, I should see to that first. I can ensure that I am completely obscured from your mother, even while I am before her. She will ignore me and rationalize anything that would lead her to suspect my presence, so you won’t have to worry about covering anything up. And no,” she added with rolling eyes, “I will not harm her or do anything to jeopardize her immortal soul.”

“Thanks,” Alex said. He closed and locked the bathroom door.

Lorelei felt an immediate rush of pleasure as Alex promptly set about relieving himself of sexual tension. The sensation brought a wicked smile of realization to her face. She enjoyed the same connection with all of her victims. They had apparently formed that bond, too; he was master, but also prey. The energy from this was a mere trickle compared to her hunger, but it was a start, and a good sign.

She slipped out of his bedroom and across the hallway to his mother’s room. The door was slightly ajar, allowing her to creep in with absolute silence. Glancing around quickly, Lorelei found a checkbook on the dresser. Her name was Michelle.

Alex’s mother stood facing an open closet, freshly showered and clad in slacks and a bra but as yet no shirt. Lorelei smiled as she slipped up behind her. It was Alex’s wish that Michelle made no discovery of Lorelei. The succubus had an agenda slightly beyond that. There was stealth, and then there was the removal of obstacles.

Ssshhhhhh,” the succubus whispered into Michelle’s ear. The blonde shivered and her movements slowed as she quickly fell into a daze.

“Michelle,” Lorelei hissed. She was so close that her lips brushed against Michelle’s ear. Again, the entranced woman shivered. Her eyelids drooped. Lorelei’s fingernails traced lightly up her back and eventually began running through her hair, giving the blonde chills.

“You’re a pretty woman, Michelle,” Lorelei murmured.

“Oh,” the other whimpered.

It was true enough. Michelle wouldn’t be posing for a modeling job anytime soon, but for her age she remained attractive. She was pretty enough to catch an eye on the street… and affected just enough by age to be self-conscious about it. Lorelei considered a more seductive approach than this, but Alex seemed to suspicious to risk it. He might start asking direct questions that she wouldn’t be able to dodge.

“Have you a lover, Michelle?”


“A shame. You’re quite lovely,” Lorelei hissed.

“It’s not that,” Michelle murmured. “Just no time. No time…”

“Oh, but you can make the time,” Lorelei encouraged softly. “You work hard. Your son is grown. Responsible. You can take the time for yourself, Michelle. Is there a man you like?”

“Mh…maybe,” Michelle admitted in a voice just barely above a whisper. “Eddie.”

Lorelei’s left hand continued to stroke the blonde’s hair. Her right slid around Michelle’s belly, which only recently began to sag slightly with age. As her fingers moved, however, Michelle’s stomach tightened. “I can make you prettier,” she said.


“Much prettier,” Lorelei continued. “Pretty enough to have any man you want.” Her fingers continued to trace across the mesmerized woman’s body as well. All the while Michelle’s flesh became more toned and smooth. Wrinkles vanished. ”Tell me about Eddie.”