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“I was twenty-nine and had been married for seven years before I had my first illegal affair. I was at a party with William and, as usual, he flirted with every female under the age of fifty. A busty blonde who was still in her teens flirted back. 'I may be late coming home tonight, dear,' William whispered to me and took off after this latest bit of fluff.

“I knew that William would not show up until after dawn and he expected me to go home alone. By now I knew his routine. I watched him make eyes at a girl who was a full decade younger than he was and burned. As he neared middle-age he still felt no compunction against chasing teenaged girls. But he was a male, after all, and males could chase girls of all ages no matter how old they got themselves. As a woman pushing thirty it would be unseemly for me to chase teenaged boys. If there had been a nineteen year old kid at the party I would've flirted with him just to spite my husband.

“After a few drinks the idea of shacking up with another man became more acceptable to me. When I saw William leave the party with the blonde I made up my mind to have another man for the first time in our marriage.

“My eyes fell upon a guy in his thirties. He was very good looking and had arrived at the party stag. His name was Alvin and I knew him slightly as a recent divorcee. This, to me, made him fair enough game. As anxious as I was to commit adultery I wanted to do it with a single man.

“I was just drunk enough to be obvious. Alvin could see that I was an easy lay and invited me outside. We grabbed a cab and were inside his apartment moments later. As soon as the door closed he pawed my body and started to take off my clothes. 'I saw William leave with that blonde,' he whispered. 'He must be crazy to turn down steak for hamburger.'

“I'm kind of stale steak,' I told him, 'I'm pushing thirty.'

“'I'm pushing forty!' Alvin answered, 'You're a kid to me.'

“Yes, I thought, but you're a man and men could free lance through fields of women until they can't get their staffs up anymore.

“My heart pounded wildly as Alvin pulled off my bra and massaged my breasts. I felt like a fifteen year old girl again in the basement with that boy with the stag pictures. William was right about variety being the spice of life. There was nothing like a new man to make love seem fresh again.

“Alvin stopped playing with my breasts and began to remove his clothes hurriedly. When he was naked I looked at his trim body and his erect penis. I was almost thirty, yet this was the third penis I had ever seen in my life. Somehow I felt cheated. My husband, that boy of years ago and Alvin all had seen breasts and vaginas by the hundreds. I was just another woman to the fellow I had picked up at the party, but he was a full third of the men in my life.

“'Okay, Ellen,' he smiled, 'Let's go to the bedroom.'

“As much as I wanted him I hated the way he was being so casual. It was as if he was taking me for granted. I was 'sure ass', to put it in masculine terms, something he could brag about the next day over a poker table.

“'I don't want to go to bed,' I told him just to bring the man up short.

“Alvin pressed against me. I felt his stiff dick slide up along my pubic triangle. He grabbed my buttocks. 'I'll screw you anywhere you want, baby,' he said thickly.

“Again he was only too sure of himself. 'I don't want to screw,' I told him. When his leering expression changed to one of disappointment I felt happy.

“'You a cock-teaser or something, Ellen?' he complained. 'You like to lead guys on only to slam the door?'

“I wanted Alvin badly enough, but somehow I just couldn't allow him to go all the way with me. I wanted to be the one to call the sexual shots and not submit myself to a male ego. And then I knew one way to resolve the situation. I slipped to my knees.

“'Oh, baby!' Alvin sighed with relief and lust, 'You want to do it that way? Go right ahead!'

“His erect manhood was thick and powerful with a clump of reddish hair at the base. His testicles were taut, hairy balls and I licked them. The man quivered under my oral touch. I ran the tip of my tongue up along the seven-inch length of his erected tube slowly until my lips found the shiny head of the organ.

“'Ellen, oh, Ellen!' the man all but cried with passion.

“He placed his hands on my head as if to push me forward to complete the act of fellatio, but I didn t want to be rushed. I wanted to show him that I was seducing him and he wasn't seducing me. I nibbled on the head of his sex organ until he pleaded with me to go easy.

“'Maybe I'll bite your damn thing off!' I told him and then plunged my open mouth down.

“As I fellated him I worked my teeth on his meat knowing that I was hurting the man. Alvin didn't want to complain because he wanted the pleasure so much that he was willing enough to endure the pain. I clutched at his rump hard and fingered his anus. Alvin groaned again at this display of sex. It was obvious that he hadn't expected such an onslaught from a woman he only intended to screw.

“I ran my mouth up and down Alvin's impressive sex organ. While he was slimmer and shorted than my husband, he was better endowed. Alvin pressed his hands against the back of my head and held me against his body when he started to come. As I swallowed he kept moaning with ecstasy. When his warm juice filled me I moaned along with him. I kept sucking until he was drained. When his flesh went limp I still hung on. I experienced a keen feeling of power over the man. His most valued possession was flapping helplessly between my teeth. All I would have to do was to bring my teeth h together…

“'Ow!' Alvin screamed.

“He pushed my face away roughly and examined his damp digit. I had, in a daze of alcohol and sex, almost bitten his dear dick in half! I knelt on the floor with my butt against my heels as I watched Alvin stroke his penis soothingly. 'What the hell are you, some kind of nut?' he cried. “'Sorry, I guess I just lost my head,' I smiled sweetly.

“Alvin wasn't in the mood for more fun and games after that and I dressed. When I got home I went directly to bed and fell fast asleep. Usually I turned and tossed when my husband was out on one of his affairs, but this time it didn't bother me to know he was screwing around.

“I told William about leaving the party with Alvin and claimed we had had straight sex along with the French kind. Somehow adultery didn't seem to be adultery when it was restricted to the oral level. My husband tried to pretend that he was tolerant of my wanderings and insisted that he had wanted me to take up with other men all along.

“'After all,' he said without much conviction, 'If I have other women, you should have other men.'

“As much as William tried to play the role of 'modern' husband I knew that it galled him to realize that his wife wasn't all that dependent on him for sexual pleasure. For once I had the upper hand in the war between the sexes.

“The next time we went to a party William kept an eye on me instead of me keeping an eye on him. It was a wonderful change of pace. To prove that I was a woman of passion I made a point of flirting with a fellow I had never met before. He was about my age and his name was George. I didn't ask if he was married or not because I didn't want to know. As long as he was willing to leave me, that was enough.

“For the first time I was the one to leave with a new love instead of my husband. George wasn't exactly my type, but he served his purpose. He was crude and grabby. As soon as we got into the elevator he started feeling up my boobs. Another male who thought he could have women casually and at his leisure. I was tempted to drop him somewhere but then I thought of how I made Alvin suffer. Sex could be a weapon as well as an instrument of love.

“George took me for a ride in his car and parked in a lover's lane. This told me that he was either too cheap to rent a room or so anxious for sex that he couldn't wait.