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  A new age is coming

  This place is so beautiful...

  The person will be happy

  Let the path be dangerous!

  Let the planet flourish

  Soon to be a lush paradise...

  Open a winning account

  May the world be radiant!

  How good is it

  If the sun shines bright...

  Woodpecker drills a chisel

  Everyone is wonderful on the planet!

  How much fun we have

  Happiness full valley...

  There will be a dawning hour,

  Golden mean!

  Who would make our destiny,

  Very valiant handsome...

  If there is a redistribution

  Then you become more powerful!

  We will not lower our heads

  Straightening your back proudly...

  To pancake butter, cottage cheese,

  At once the hostess adds!

  So there will be happiness, know

  And the light with the Name of Svarog...

  The real paradise will be

  People prayed to God!

  The Lord gave one answer:

  We must work happily...

  And then hello will come -

  Faces will light up!

  Here is a barefoot girl

  I saddled a turtle...

  Gotta hit it with a fist

  Throwing a lot of fear!

  Where the fire happens

  Well, where is the fire burning ...

  crushing blow,

  The cruel enemy is attacking!

  We will not surrender to the enemy,

  Consider this aspiration ...

  Straightens the cherub

  Wings and forgiveness to enemies!

  Says it will be soon

  What is called victory...

  The circus is Chapiteau,

  And sometimes dogs bark!

  Soon it will be like in paradise

  Let's make the world beautiful..

  Lada I thank -

  Cherubim shine with gold!

  The boy Gulliver clapped his hands and said with admiration:

  - How lovely! Now that's poetry! And the girl's voice is just amazing!

  The girl answered modestly:

  - This is a gift from the gods! In general, what is presented is not appreciated!

  The boy remarked again:

  - It's hard not to agree with this! But in any case, we are not children by experience and life knowledge!

  The viscountess chuckled and asked:

  - Can you prove that you are no longer a child? Moreover, it is in the mind and knowledge!

  The boy Gulliver nodded:

  - Of course! I can do it and of course I want to!

  The girl angrily stamped her bare foot and bellowed:

  - So come on, prove it right now!

  The boy began to spew out winged aphorisms with fury and passion;

  To see the enemy win half, to remain invisible yourself - win completely!

  Champagne of victory, they drink only for three warriors; valor, courage and honor. However, unlike a human feast, the fourth friend is luck, by no means superfluous!

  Of all the troubles, the most harmless death, because it never happens again and after it it doesn"t get any worse!

  In war, the most acute sense of routine comes from dulling the sense of danger!

  It's good to fly when you soar over nonentities - where to fly from a kick in the ass!

  Who flies, using the fuel of bitter human tears, will fly by in his sweet dreams!

  Witty criticism is better than stupid praises!

  A person does not want to fall into a hole for any money, with the exception of the Bosom of Venus! For this he is ready to pay extra and even give the last!

  Drop prestige are not afraid of those who never fall dignity!

  Who does not sing in the hour of trials will howl when he realizes that he suffered in vain!

  You can grind everything with your tongue, except for the stones of tongue-tiedness and the cobblestone of stupidity!

  A doe woman is good, a deer man is bad!

  The deer differs from the elk in that the first is disturbed by the second, and the prey goes to the fox!