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  A real warrior must have the character of a beast, but not the intelligence of an animal!

  In the world of wolves, as a rule, jackals mark in place of a lion!

  If you want, it has a strong blow that lays down the enemy, do not hit, lying on the couch of the baklush!

  The strongest blow, the one who does not care about patriotism!

  The chop of the enemy is made by those whose brains are not beaten off, and their eyes are not flooded!

  You can win with numbers, but you can use the fruits of victory only with skill!

  An egoist who does not want to give in will definitely give in to a problem!

  Attacking, of course, there is a risk of defeat, but being attacked, you have already lost!

  Don't go to the left boy, you'll be in the hole, even if, in fact, you're right!

  With slanting hands you can"t squint, from an old woman with a scythe!

  Better to be Ostap Bender than a poor fool!

  Cunning does not always enrich, but ingenuity ruins for sure!

  A fox in human form is not always bright with a fur coat, but always dark in intentions!

  A bright soul, usually brings the flesh to deathly pallor!

  A donkey can sit on a throne, but it won't make you kneel!

  Not the lion who roars loudly, but the one who bites hard and hits hard!

  No need to burn down the house, fighting mice. Do not turn the country into a concentration camp - trying to defeat corruption!

  Intuition is certainly a traitor, but not in your camp!

  Don't be afraid of the smart crook - be afraid of the honest fool!

  Whoever praises the tyrant will sing like a rooster on the bunk!

  A tyrant, like a lion, even stroking, rips off meat and skin with his claws!

  In war, comfort, like chocolate on bacon, only vomits corpses!

  It is customary to put candles in the church, but even in the largest number they are not able to extinguish the flame of human passions!

  You can have an icy heart, blood as cold as running water, but a person"s thirst for success will always be hot!

  Haste in everything leads to bad consequences, except for a suicide attempt!

  Any people can win the conflict, but only the Russians can win the war, so they do not seek to gain material gains for themselves!

  The fireworks of war is a holiday for all but cowards, and universal mourning, except for the last fools!

  Most often, it is the direct convolutions that are confused!

  And they get out of trouble, convolutions, clearly laid out on the shelves!

  He scratches his tongue a lot, the one whose head itches from emptiness!

  The best investment in the coffins of your opponents, although it is never direct!

  The army does not produce anything, but more than pays off the investment under a bold ruler!

  When a man wins, the consequence is death and humiliation! When a woman is life and pleasure!

  Women spend more on their victories than all the armies of the world, but they take indemnity from the vanquished, which is given with much more willingness!

  A woman, unlike an army without uniforms, wins faster!

  Unlike men, for a woman, real victory is achieved after surrender!

  In a war, like in cards, you need to be able to fight back, and unlike them, you need to save the lead, and pass it on to the enemy!

  War is poker, just peeping a card is not a scam, but a feat of a scout!

  To fight without cunning is like sipping soup without a spoon, but for some reason hypocrites only discuss the latter!

  Dashing men fight - separate them faster! If women fight - better not fight!

  In war, everything is cooler than in civilian life, except for the sloping forehead of the boss!

  Strength without good, raises civilization like a hanged noose!

  Without repulsing someone else's face, you can't eat your own!

  Donkey is always beaten, but they kill only when he ceases to be useful!

  The brave kills the enemy, the coward - the slave!

  Initiative in war is expensive, especially to an enemy accustomed to cheap templates!

  For beings of a lower order, sometimes their own negative experience is more useful than any positive instruction!

  Daily bread is watered with their sweat, and festive bread with the blood of their enemies!

  When a politician grinds a lot with his tongue: it turns out not flour, but flour!

  When the ruler talks a lot, the dough may turn out fluffy, but it quickly goes rotten!

  The callous heart of the ruler, the whole country is able to put on crackers!

  Politics differs from mathematics in that in mathematics it is impossible to divide by zero, but in politics solid zeros divide!

  The politician is a brilliant mathematician, but only in one action - subtraction!

  You can talk about everything, and condemn only what benefits!

  A conversation without meaning is chatter, a conversation with meaning is a controversy, a conversation with benefit is a lesson, and the greatest profit comes from silence to the point!

  Only a small mind takes up a lot!

  Two are better than one, but not if they are dead comrades!

  Blessed is the one who believes, and the one who does not believe in doubly good, so he has confidence in his own strength and mind!