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Elaine heard Diane's terrible words. More terrible yet was the fact that they made her cum. Then the svelte, sexy blonde was dressed and gone, and the boys had surrounded her again. She screamed insanely when she saw that there wasn't one limp cock in the house. She also climaxed again.


"That was pretty hot and heavy, Aunt Elaine," Peter said as he and his two brothers dragged her back into the living room and stripped the chains off her arms and legs. "I hope she was serious about coming back around. I'd sure like to get a shot at that sexy blonde babe."

"And you really ought to love her, whore," Roger said. He dragged a huge wooden of the corner. When Elaine saw what it was, she shivered with fear. "She's got that sweet woman's touch, right, slut? She really made you cream."

"She stuck her whole arm up Aunt Elaine's witchy cunt and asshole," Steve added, picking a big paper bag up off the floor. He pulled something out of it, then handed the bag to his brother. "I almost shot off again just looking."

"No!" Elaine whispered, looking at the cruel wooden stocks they had pulled out for her. She was cumming just looking at it, just imagining how much it would hurt to be locked into it and have the boys take turns using her helpless body. "No! No! No!"

"Look, guys," Peter said as he pulled his unresisting aunt toward the stocks. "We're running kind of late here. Never expected the neighbor to put on such a fucking good show. Now me and Rog and Steve have got a special little good-night fuck for Aunt Tits here, but then we're going to have to close down shop. Shit, some of the guys are already in trouble for being out this late. So while we fuck her, you guys are going to have to get off however you can."

There was some grumbling, but none of the boys tried very hard to argue about it. They realized that Peter and his brothers had done them a favor by letting them in on this action in the first place, and all of them had gotten at least one shot at the gorgeous redhead's cunt or mouth or asshole.

"Bend over, Tits," Peter said, then kicked Elaine's feet out from under her before she could follow his order.

Elaine hit the floor hard, and before the room stopped spinning around her, Roger had grabbed her wrists and pulled her arms high above her head. She felt rough wooden half circles on her wrists, then heard the squeak of rusty hinges as Steve swung shut the wooden stocks. A moment later there was the scratchy click of a padlock, and Elaine knew she was once more bound and helpless.

She pulled, then winced as the pain of the tight, splintery wood cut into her wrists. Then Peter yanked at her feet until she was stretched out painfully on the floor, and Roger pushed another set of stocks into place beneath them. Elaine groaned with shame and fear at how helpless she would be bound hand and foot by the wooden restraints, but she didn't try to fight. Even when Peter wrenched her feet apart so that her body was twisted cruelly, Elaine only whimpered like a beaten dog. She knew Peter had bound her in such a way that both her cunt and ass would be easy to reach.

"Almost ready," Roger said.

He grabbed Elaine by the sides of her head and she wondered frantically what he was doing. Then he jerked her forward and she screamed in pain.

Tears filled her eyes as knives of anguish stabbed through her legs and sides. She didn't see the final stock, the one that hooked over the one that held her hands in place. She felt it, though, locking down over the back of her neck while her throat was crushed painfully into the harsh wood of the first set of stocks. When the lock clamped shut on this one and Roger let go of her head, Elaine slumped almost unconscious against her fetters. She was held inches above the floor, and somehow that seemed the most terrible thing of all.

"Look at this, Aunt Tits," Steve said proudly, walking around in front of her and twisting her head until she was staring directly into his crotch. "We made these special just for you. I bet you're going to just love them."

Elaine wanted to die. No, she thought, she didn't want to die. But surely, if the boys fucked her with the horrible things they were wearing on their cocks, she was going to.

"We each made our own," Steve said proudly, wagging his, and his cock, back and forth. "I think mine is the best, though I guess Roger's is probably the meanest."

Steve was wearing a thin rubber sheath over his cock. At the end of the sheath was a construction that looked like the blades on a helicopter or the decoration on top of a beanie. The blades were made of some sort of very hard-looking plastic, and the edges looked sharp enough to hurt badly.

Each blade was about three inches long and tapered out from no more than a quarter of an inch wide at the base to over an inch wide at the tip. There was a string connected to the rotary, a string that ran back along the rubber and looped around Steve's fingers. It was only when he pulled the string that Elaine understood the full horror of what was going to happen. The blades spun so fast.

"Yeah, Aunt Pisslicker," Peter said, stepping up beside his brother. "Everybody wears masks on their face at Halloween. We figured we'd be a little more original and wear some masks on our cocks."

Peter's rubber was even worse than his brother's. At first Elaine had thought it was nothing more than an ordinary rubber with a grinning devil's head at the tip. Hard plastic, sure, but nothing compared to the torture device his youngest brother had invented. Then she noticed the thin tubing that led back along his cock, and the rubber bladder he was holding in his hand.

When he squeezed the bladder, the horns sprouted from the devil's head and the tongue stuck out from its mouth and she knew she was finished. The horns were almost six inches long and shot in opposite directions from the devil's head. They would spread her cunt almost a foot wide, and the terrified beauty knew that her cunt couldn't stretch that far. The devil's tongue was even longer, shooting straight out from the end of the rubber. Its tip looked needle sharp. Elaine didn't think she was going to survive that terror.

"Here, Aunt Asslicker," Roger said, and with an evil laugh he fitted a pointed black witch's hat down over her head. "Since you don't have your witchy dress on anymore, maybe this will make you feel better."

Then he showed her what his rubber did, and Elaine passed out from the terror.

When she came to she was being fucked, and a half dozen boys were rubbing their cocks over her captive face and hands. As soon as the boys noticed that she was awake, they made her clamp her hands around cocks and take a cock into her mouth. Through the haze of pain that encompassed her squirming body, Elaine hardly noticed. Steve was fucking her, and it was even worse than she had imagined.

The blades of his device weren't spinning yet, but they didn't have to spin to tear her cunt to pieces. Steve was kneeling between her thighs, his strong young hands clamped around her full hips, and he was fucking her to death. The rotary blades on the tip of his cock dragged and scratched at her sore pussy flesh. His big young cock drove the blades deep inside her, and when he pulled back, Elaine was sure he was pulling her cunt out with it. She howled in agony the instant she opened her eyes. Then she realized that she'd made a terrible mistake.

"Rev her up, baby brother!" Roger shouted, dancing around like a savage with his own terrible device hugging his cock. "Take this titsy bitch out for a little spin!"

"Nooooooo!" Elaine shrieked, but by then it was far too late. Steve yanked on his string, and the blades began to spin.

Elaine thought she was screaming, but she couldn't be sure. She twisted helplessly, arched her shoulders and wiggled her legs in a futile, desperate effort to escape the awful pain. She shook her head up and down wildly, exciting the boy who she had been sucking so much that he flooded her mouth with cock cream. The gooey jism flowed out over her chin in a silvery wave.