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It was like someone had turned on an electric fan inside her. The blades were whirling in a vicious, cutting circle, beating her tender pussyflesh into so much hamburger. She could feel the give of the plastic, knew that the blades weren't cutting her, but the pain was still too much for her. She kicked and thrashed insanely, and every time one of the blades hit her tiny clit, it was like her heart had been torn from her chest.

She was cumming!

The orgasm tore through her body like a maddened tiger, ripping and snarling and tearing her apart. It was the same feeling she had experienced with Diane earlier, only now it had been magnified a hundred times. She swung back and forth in the harsh restraints of the stocks, cutting her wrists and ankles and neck with her frenzied struggles. Her cunt cream gushed from her pulverized pussy, drenching her thighs and Steve's crotch. Her pussyjuice streamed down over his balls in a rushing waterfall of lust.

Steve groaned and fucked her harder, shattering her body with his savage lunges. He pulled the string again and again, making the rotary blades spin faster and faster.

Elaine's abused pussy grasped at the torturous device like a strong hand, puffing and twisting at the blades until they were bent beyond recognition. She heaved herself back on the cock with every ounce of strength her beaten, wearied body could muster.

She pumped expertly on the two cocks she was holding. She slid her hands over their heated, throbbing lengths until both boys spilled their loads. Her face was no more than three inches away from either of the spurting cocks. Their jism slapped her face on both sides, striped lines of gluey white down both her cheeks.

Another boy pushed his cock over her lips and she accepted his thick rod with a groan of hellish lust. She took him to the root with his first punishing lunge, squirming her lips over the hairy sac of his balls and constricting her throat tightly around the head of his wrist-thick prick.

"Oh gosh!" Steve whimpered, yanking on the string and fucking his gorgeous aunt with uncoordinated, jerky movements. "She's cumming! What a hot old whore! What a dirty slut! Shit, I'm cumming too!"

Elaine shrieked in ecstasy at the unexpected feel of cock cream dousing her battered pussy. She had thought the rubber would catch Steve's jism, but he must have torn a hole at the tip for his cum to shoot through. Her cunt spasmed powerfully around the bent, spinning blades of the torture device, milking every drop of wonderful jism from her nephew's spitting, jerking cock.

"Love it!" she screamed around her mouthful of boy cock. "Love it! Love it!"

Her cunt was smashed to rubble, her asshole was torn and swollen. She had just been fucked with a terrible instrument of torture, and there were still two more of them waiting. The boys had stripped her of every ounce of her dignity, forced her to commit every perverted act imaginable. And still she was cumming, still begging for more.

The boy she was sucking blasted his jism straight down her throat. She choked on the burning cock slime, coughed up a huge mouthful only to have the boy fuck it back down her throat. The two new boys she was beating off came too, plastering her pretty face with their viscous white fuck cream. Elaine felt as though she was caught in a blizzard.

Steve pulled the string again and again, finally pulled it so hard that it tore free from the rubber and slipped from his aunt's cunt. It didn't matter. One of the blades was already broken, and the other two were bent back almost flat from the powerful contractions of the redhead's lust-maddened cunt. The last of his cum dribbled inside her and he pulled his cock out. When he saw what was left of his invention, he whistled in awe.

"Look what she did!" he whispered, turning around to show his cock to his brothers. "Look what her pussy did to my cock mask!"

"Wild," Peter answered, his eyes glittering with uncontrollable lust. "Move aside, little brother, and let me see what she does with mine."

Elaine was still bucking and twisting in midair, suspended by the wooden stocks that trapped her wrists and ankles. She whimpered at the terrible threat in Peter's words, but that couldn't stop the wild passion that made her writhe and twist against her bonds. Another boy slipped his cock into her mouth and others clamped her delicate hands over their stiff, brutish cocks, and she sucked and rubbed and squirmed in a world of raw, painful sex.

She squealed when Peter clamped his strong hands on her hips and wedged his way between her slippery, satiny thighs, but she was no longer certain whether she was squirming to escape the torture fuck he was about to give her or entice him to drive his cock inside.

"Ready, set, go, whore!" Then he slammed his cock inside her.

Elaine groaned with pain and rapture as Peter's long thick cock, capped with the plastic devil's head, plowed into her swollen, throbbing pussy. She was fucked raw, fucked to the point that every bit of cock friction she felt caused burning pain to shoot through her body. Her clit was swollen to five times its normal size, her cunt felt like a raw, open wound. Still her pussy squirmed wetly against the brutal plunge of her nephew's cock.

She tensed, expecting the horns and tongue to spear agony through her pulverized pussy, but instead Peter just fucked her, thrusting his cock inside her with speed and strength. Her ankles pulled painfully against the stocks that held her in place as she slammed his cock inside her.

Her voluptuous, beaten body shook with every pounding blow. He slapped her upraised ass while he slammed his cock inside her. First one asscheek and then the other, he whipped the palms of his hands against her flawless, vulnerable flesh while he whipped his cock inside her tenderized cunt.

Elaine gasped at the pain and lust he was stirring inside her. Her cunt was wriggling with newborn ecstasy at the punishing fuck. Her clit was burning with a pain-filled excitement. She slurped eagerly at the cock in her mouth, pumped her soft hands enthusiastically over the knobby cocks she was beating off.

In rapid fire order all three of the boys pelted her with their jism. The sexy, sex-drenched redhead swallowed cum and showered with cum, and by the time the three boys had finished cumming, she was writhing through another terrible, wrecking climax of her own.

And then Peter squeezed the rubber bag and plunged her into hell. Agony shot through her cunt. Three sharp spears of pain pierced her beleaguered pussy. She felt her cunt stretched in ways that it had never been stretched before, in ways that no woman's cunt was ever meant to be stretched. She felt something rip inside her, and she twisted and thrashed like a captured snake, her body writhing through a sinuous display of sexual agony.

Elaine shivered as though she were dying. Her orgasm ripped through her, made her drive herself back on the cunt-ripping device that Peter was fucking inside her. Her pussy clamped tight around the awful devil's head, making the pain a hundred times, a thousand times worse. Peter held himself root-deep inside her while she twisted and wriggled through her agony and pleasure. And then he did something even more terrible. He started fucking her.

Elaine babbled insanely as the long, sharp needle fucked back and forth through her cunt. She rolled her hips from side to side. The spike that extended from the devil's mouth sliced into her tender pussy flesh like an icepick, making her swing and wriggle in a maddened, futile attempt at escape. Her poor cunt felt as though it was being torn asunder. Still her orgasm raged inside her.

Peter started teasing her with the devil's head, letting the spearing horns and tongue slip back into place, then squeezing the rubber bladder again to make them shoot back out. He changed the rhythm constantly, making each stab of the triple prongs an unexpected burst of anguish.

One second Elaine's wriggling pussy would be gripped tight against bulbous plastic and hot cock flesh. The next it would be squirming through the agony of a triple knifing of sharpened plastic. It didn't matter. Nothing could stop the lust that was rippling through her sexy body.