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I closed my eyes for a moment enjoying the relaxed feeling you get after a good fuck and make no bones about it The Prince was a great fuck, excellent in fact. I began to realise why the other girls were always so keen to join The Prince, they wanted a good seeing to and who could blame them. We girls did mess around with each other from time to time but there is absolutely nothing like a good prick up you to satisfy your cravings.

I wondered if I should say anything to the man, did he want to talk or was he like a lot of men a silent one.

Five minutes passed without a word being spoken and then he sat up, “Thank you Susan that will be all.”

I got off the bed and headed to the door, as I opened it I turned and smiled at him, he smiled back and then I closed the door. The three crones were there to escort me back to our room. The were talking in Arabic and cackling away, I can’t say for sure but I reckon it was something like The prince gave this Western whore a good seeing to, she won’t want ever to go back to her own kind, possibly, maybe?

Over time I actually began to wonder if this life wasn’t so bad, okay I was a prisoner but apart from that what worries did I have, food and drink were plentiful, there was plenty of entertainment, the girls were good company and my language skills were coming along no end. Once every three or four weeks I had great sex with The Prince and between times one or other of the girls would see to my needs, and me to her. Is that the so called ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ or was I just adjusting to my fate. I just knew it was not worth getting into a lather about or depression could and would set in which wasn’t going to do me any good at all.

Once in a while The Prince would actually join us ladies in our room for a feast. The old crones would bring in platters of the finest foods and even bottles of wine and he’s spend an evening with us, telling us stories and jokes. He was a very personable man and in any other circumstances I think I could have fallen in love with him, perhaps I already did love him just a little.

Chapter 6

Three months or was it four, without a calendar it was difficult to keep track of the days passing and we were joined by another woman, Jackie an American lady. She was truly striking looking and had a figure the carbon copy of us other six ladies. When we released her from the sack and bindings in the little vestibule she immediately accepted the offer of a bath to freshen up some food. After a rest we explained how life went on in the house and Jackie very quickly got with the programme and said she would do exactly as we advised. I thought she was a little odd giving in so easily and so readily but it takes all sorts, look at Belen. The following day we introduced her to the garden and after a very thorough walk around, where she could almost have bee accused of surveying the place the seven of us were in the pool splashing around and having fun when we heard the whump, whump of a helicopter approaching.

“This is it Jackie, you get to meet The Prince.” I said.

“Wanna bet.” She answered, I looked at her odd.

“Girls listen to me, we are about to be rescued, out of the pool and over there behind that low wall, duck down there’s going to be a very big bang.”

We all looked at her.

“Move it ladies, come on.”

We ran for the wall and took cover and I realised that the helicopter noise was much louder and with a far deeper tone, also if I was not mistaken there were two of them, military helicopters. Moments later there was a whoosh followed by an almighty explosion and when it was over Jackie shouted, “Follow me.”

We ran to the wall farthest from the house where a huge hole had been blown, as we did so men dressed from head to foot in black streamed into the compound, they were all wearing helmets and carried weapons. Any body looking for trouble was going to get it from these guys and make no mistake. I turned round for a last look at the house and saw the three old crones at the door looking at us, gesticulating for us to return, huh no chance. WE stumbled over the rubble and through the hole in wall and two huge black helicopters sat with their rotors still going, a guy at the side door waved us towards him and helped each of us up and into the body of the machine. I watched as the men in black started to retreat back through the opening in the wall and splitting up between the two helicopters and climbing aboard, as soon as the last man threw himself inside the engine note changed and we lifted off. A guy sitting at the back of the passenger area threw us each overalls, we girls were still naked. One guy strapped himself into a safety harness with his gun trained on the compound; anybody coming out into the open would be headed for trouble. A few minutes later when we were safely away from the area the guys started to remove their helmets and there as large as life was my Stephen, I looked at him amazed and he came over and swept me into his arms, holding me like the most precious thing he had ever seen.

The engine noise was too loud for conversation but Stephen managed to shout in my ear. “This is my last job, okay?”

I nodded enthusiastically.

After a ninety minute flight we landed on a U.S. aircraft carrier somewhere in the Mediterranean and from there were flown to Cyprus and onto our homes countries. There were plenty of hugs and kisses between us girls as each set off on the final leg of the journey with promised to keep in touch.

Stephen and I had to spend the night in officer’s quarters at RAF Akrotiri where he explained what had happened.

“Beth contacted the authorities the next morning when she realised you were missing but to be honest they didn’t have a clue and dismissed the case as just some foreign tourist going missing. By the time we Brits got involved the trail was completely cold so we enlisted the help of our U.S friends and the lovely Jackie. She was a plant pure and simple with tracking devices in her shoes and clothing. Once her position became stable an AWAC was sent over to take aerial photos from then we planned our strike we piled in and here you are.”

“Wow, I thought I was going to be a prisoner there for the rest of my days, I’d resigned myself to it in fact.”

“There’s no way I wasn’t going to find you Sue, you are the most important thing in my life and that’s why I’ve resigned. Beth told me why you took the holiday and I can’t say I blame you, my job and married life does not fit together and being married to you is the most important thing to me.”

Back home Stephen got a job recruiting ex forces personnel for personal security operations. He had to go away on business occasionally, but it was rare if those trips lasted longer than two or three days. I settled back into my job and life was sweet. Regular sex with Stephen was also on the menu, wonderful but I must admit after a while I began to wonder if and how I was going to tell him about Judy and Alec’s little set-up