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Mohammed shone the torch on a flat rock. “Sit madam.”

I sat down and he switched the torch off.

“Now you can see Allah’s sky.”

I looked up and here in the total blackness the sky was alive with a million, no a billion stars. It was a magnificent sight, one that I committed to memory and then a hand was clamped over my mouth, my arms were held to my side and tape wrapped around me. I struggled but three or four strong men held me fast. Tape was fastened over my mouth and a heavy cotton bag that stank of onions was put over my head. Finally my feet were taped together and then I was bodily carried off. I tried to wriggle free but it was to no avail, there was no escape. I was carried like this for perhaps half an hour and then unceremoniously dumped into the back of some sort of vehicle. It set off and all I could hear was the droning of the engine.

I hadn’t felt any fear up until this moment but suddenly got very scared, where was I being taken and why? If this was for a ransom of some sort they were out of luck, I was a working girl along with everybody else I knew, nobody was about to pay for my return. I was lost, why had I been so stupid to walk away from the campsite, nobody would miss me until the morning and by then I would be miles away.

The ride was very bumpy, my head banged against the metal floor of the vehicle every so often, I was finding it very difficult to breath inside the cotton laden air of the bag and on top of that I wanted to pee, desperately. Every bump of the vehicle increased the discomfort until in the end after a particularly harsh jolt my bladder let go, the relief was instant but the shame came on immediately. I hadn’t pissed myself since I was three and here I was my crutch soaked and nothing I could do about it. I tried to scream but the gag and bag prevented me. The journey dragged on so much that I even felt a hint of boredom it was so monotonous.

Suddenly after what seemed like hours the vehicle stopped and the engine was switched off. It was very quiet for a few moments and then I could hear mumbled voices in Arabic. I tried shouting again and then heard laughing, bastards. We waited there again for an age and then I heard another engine in the distance and eventually recognised it as a plane. It got closer, louder and then the sound stopped. Next thing the tailgate was being opened and once again I was picked up and carried a few yards and once more dumped unceremoniously into another vehicle which I assumed was the plane which was confirmed as the engines started, it swung round and I felt the G forces as it accelerated for take off. The flight was only short I think, a half hour or so and then I was bundled into the back of another vehicle and a few minutes later once more lifted up and carried, not very far. I was put on the ground, a door closed and there was total silence. I lay there for ages straining to hear any sound at all, nothing. It was then I burst into tears my plight was so overwhelming. Here I was God alone knew where, alone and abducted, was my life now over?

Maybe an hour later I heard another door open, opposite the one that had closed on me before. Next thing the sack was taken off my head and the sight I saw just about knocked my socks off, five naked women ranging from white, fair skinned to black as the darkest night.

“Hola,” An olive skinned girl said.

I shook my head.

“Bonjour,” a brown skinned girl said.

Again I shook my head.

“Do you speak English?” The white girl asked.

“At last yes I do.”

“Welcome to Sheik Abu?s little harem.”


“You my girl are the Sheik’s latest acquisition for his growing love nest.”

“There’s been a mistake, I’m not meant to be here, I’m on holiday with my friend Beth.”

“No mistake darling, we were all on holiday and here we are. Now if you don’t mind let’s get those clothes off you, you stink.”

I sniffed myself and yes I did smell a little the worse for wear but I wrapped my arms around myself and stood up.

“I’m getting out of here,” and walked to the closed door. It was of course firmly locked. I walked over to the other door and entered a large room with low beds scattered all around and a low table in the centre surrounded by cushions. There was only one other door off. I went to it passing into a gloriously appointed bathroom with a sunken bath, seven showers and what looked like two gold plated toilet bowls and bidets. The place was exquisite.

The girl I took to be Spanish said something in her native tongue and the English girl answered in Spanish.

She turned to me saying, “Maria told me to tell you the full story so here it is. We have all been abducted, Belen the French girl has been here the longest, about eighteen months, Maria just over a year, me six months, Justine the black girl five months and not forgetting Misha the half caste girl about nine months.”

“Where are we?”

“No idea really, somewhere in the Sahara desert we presume, the Sheik calls it his weekend retreat.”

“Who is this sheik?”

“To give him his full title he is Prince Dhakwan Abu Fathi Habib, third inline to the throne of Bahrabi. We my dear are his concubines, his play things, his fuck partners.”

“Bollocks to that, he can fuck off.”

“Don’t be too hasty, we all said that in the beginning but it’ll be a lot easier if you play along believe me.”

“So what can he do?”

“Don’t be so naive. I was beaten into submission, Maria was starved, Justine was electrocuted and Misha was staked out in the sun to burn during the day and freeze at night.”

“What about Belen?”

“She’s French, you know what they’re like, she gave in without a fight.” She said in a whisper. “Probably the best course of action as it turns out.”

I sighed. “What about escaping?”

“If we could get out of the complex, which I don’t think we could, which way do we go? That plane ride we all took was about a half hour or so, one hundred and fifty to two hundred miles across the desert. It’s a death sentence to even think about it.”

She said something to Maria in Spanish who disappeared into the bathroom.

“She’s gone to run you a bath, then we’ll get you something to eat and then I suggest you put your head down, you must be tired.”

“Do you have any clothes?”

“Nope, we can wear a pair of knickers during our monthlies and that’s it.”

I shook my head, what had happened to me?

I decided to go along with the bath, food and bed and woke up some time later alone, the other five girls had disappeared. I scrunched myself up into a ball on the bed and sobbed my heart out cursing Stephen, if he hadn’t have gone off and left me none of this would have happened, men they are all bastards, users, get their end away and then go off and do what the hell they like, bastards.

When the sobbing stopped I sat on the edge of my bed and looked around. The room was luxurious in an Arab style but the beds and mattresses were of the very highest quality. Then I spotted the door I had entered the room through. It was unlocked and I found myself in a small entrance hall, this had been where my journey from Giza had finished. The door facing the bedroom door was still firmly locked but the door off to the right opened out into a long corridor with two doors off to the left and right. The first on the left was an entertainments room with a very big telly and cinema style seats, opposite was a gym, down the hall a bit was a kitchen and opposite that a sauna. At the end of the corridor were double doors and much to my surprise they were unlocked, I walked out into the sunshine to the most beautiful garden you could imagine. It was vast, the size of two football pitches at least with a central path from which led off eight garden rooms separated by high hedges. The only downer was the twenty feet high wall surrounding the place, topped off with razor wire. Totally naked I walked down the central path, the very hot sun was more or less overhead so it must have been about midday, I must have slept for about four or five hours. I found the girls in one of the gardens sitting under an arbour covered in grape vines providing shade from the searing sun. The arbour was surrounded by a small aqueduct where water trickled past. No expense had been spared making this garden into a wondrous oasis.