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I had her sit next to me and hugged her with my free arm while I told her that she was safe now. I added, "You know that you need a little whipping now and then so you can be good. Don't you?"

"Oh yes. I need to be whipped sometimes but I am afraid that whip the preacher has might kill me. I heard Dad say he was going to see if he could borrow it from the preacher. Since you are going to be taking care of me you can whip me when you want to."

On the way to the ranch I told her we didn't need to run away because we had this neat place to live that her Dad would never find. My folks had promised they wouldn't whip me anymore if I didn't leave and just gave me spankings now. I asked her if she would miss not being able to go to town.

"Oh I never got to go anywhere anyway except for church, and for running."

"Well you are going to love this. My brother has an airplane. Every now and then we will go to Seattle or Portland and I will take you shopping."

"Will you? Really? I only have two dresses. This one and a white one I wear to church. Dad burned all my underwear."

By that time we were at the gate. She was really impressed when I pressed the remote control and the gate slid open to let us through then automatically closed behind us. A bell rang in the house when the gate opened so I knew Shirley would be scrambling to get into the basement and lock the door as she had been instructed. On the way up the driveway I told Janie I had another surprise. Her old friend Shirley was staying with us too.

"Oh good! I really like her. She gets punished too so I could tell her everything."

At the house I opened the basement door and told Shirley to come upstairs because I had a surprise. Janie was a little surprised to see Shirley was naked when she ran over to hug her but she soon got used to it. Shirley dragged her around excitedly showing her the TV with all the channels and the refrigerator and freezer full of food, pop, and beer. Then she said, "Best of all This place is totally private. The police will never look for me here and you can stay naked all the time if you want. Look at my suntan." She turned around slowly to show her lightly tanned body with no white areas.

Janie said while grinning, "Shirley and I Have known each other a long time. We used to go out in the woods and take off our clothes so we could play in the sun." By that time they had sat on the couch to reminisce so I got beers for everybody.

Shirley giggled and said, Do you remember my cousin Billy?"

"How could I ever forget?" Then she looked at me and said,

"Her cousin Billy was a little older than us and real cute. We must have been about twelve. I remember we were just getting titties. He used to like to play 'Spy.' We would hide and when he found us he would tie our hands to a tree and pull up our t- shirts and tickle us with a chicken feather till we told the secret code word. It was fun at first especially when he tickled our nipples but eventually we were giggling so hard it was hard to get a breath and we would tell him the word."

Shirley interjected, to say. "Yeah we tried not to tell because if we didn't tell in ten minutes he would buy us an ice cream cone. Ten minutes is a long time when you are being tickled. Janie used all her will-power not to laugh and when he saw she could take it. He told her if she didn't talk he would spank her."

"Oh yeah. I remember. It was real hot and I had made up my mind not to tell if it killed me to get the ice cream cone. I got it too!"

"Yeah but he pulled up your skirt and pulled down your panties and spanked it till it was really red before he bought your cone."

"Yeah but he just used his hand and it didn't hurt very much. It was really exciting. Besides, it wasn't nearly as red as yours got when he went over to tickle you and you told him before he started that he would have to spank you too because you weren't about to tell.

"Oh yeah. I remember. He cut a switch off the tree and said I would tell if he used it on me."

"Yeah, Shirley told him she wouldn't tell him no matter what he used. He pulled down her jeans and panties and put red lines on her bottom till they all ran together so her whole butt was glowing. It looked like it would really hurt but Shirley never yelled."

"It did hurt! It was awful exciting though. I remember closing my eyes and imagining I really was a spy and if I told our whole country would be blown up."

"Yeah. He had to go home the next day and we never saw him again. I always wondered what he would have done next if he had been able to stay longer."

"Yeah. Me too. It sure got us started though. We spanked each other all the time till your folks wouldn't let us play together any more."

I really got curious about all this nudity with no mention of sex. "Didn't you guys do anything but spank each other? Didn't you have any sex?"

"Oh no! It never occurred to us. Our folks were really religious. Mom caught me touching my pussy once and spanked my hands with a ruler so hard I couldn't make a fist for a long time. I never had sex till I met you guys."

Janie's eyes lit up. "You have had sex? Tell me about it!"

"Oh Janie it is just wonderful. I can't really describe it. You just get more and more excited till you kind of explode with this wonderful feeling then you just totally relax and kind of glow."

"Oh I think I came close to that when my uncle spanked my pussy. I know I felt I was on my way to a wonderful experience."

I stopped them because I just had to see what Janie looked like. "Janie, why don't you take off that ugly dress. You don't ever have to wear it again. I will get you some pretty clothes."

She took off the dress and I saw she was not fat at all. Her big boobs holding out the dress just gave that illusion. She had a tiny waist and a really tight muscled round bottom from all that running. I promptly picked up the dress and threw it in the fireplace and set it on fire. Janie watched it burn and then said, "I feel so happy. Seeing that darn dress burn finally made me realize I was on my way to a whole better life."