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22 “You play my music”: Antheil (1945), 40.

23 “an enormous fur coat”: Ibid., 46.

24 “I happened to be born”: Boski Antheil memoir, 9.

25 “dark, had high cheekbones”: Antheil (1945), 49.

26 “related to various”: Ibid., 50.

27 Jean Wiener: Stravinsky (1936), 110.

28 “She represented much”: Antheil (1945), 86.

29 “everybody was terribly poor”: Boski Antheil memoir, 10.

30 “When I later”: Antheil (1945), 90.

31 “We arrived in Paris”: Boski Antheil memoir, 8.

32 “which I gave up”… “none of which”: Stravinsky (1936), 104–5.

33 “In contrast to her brother”: Ibid., 102.

34 “Absolutely breathtaking”: Boski Antheil memoir, 17.

35 “When I went to school”: Ibid., 71.

36 “Paris was like a carnival”: Ibid., 8, 17.

37 “I still don’t remember”: Ibid., 18.

38 “she was kind”: Hemingway (1964), 35.

39 “threw up the job”: Walsh (2010), 87.

40 “I tried my best”: Ibid., 93.

41 “Sylvia and George immediately”: Boski Antheil memoir, 18.

42 “was on the look-out”: Imbs (1936), 23.

43 enclosed mezzanine: Ibid.

44 “consisted of one room”… “one went to the public”: Boski Antheil memoir, 20, 40.

45 “I was very shy”: Ibid., 20.

46 “the great piano warehouse”: Antheil (1945), 104.

47 “In order to prevent”: Stravinsky (1936), 101.

48 “the next day we went”: Antheil (1945), 104.

49 “Months later”: Ibid., 107.

50 “tremendously”… “for where”: Ibid., 107–8.

51 “We are done”: Antheil (1924).

52 “A dark, pretty”: Antheil (1945), 121.

53 Le coeur à barbe: See Delson (2006), 47–49.

54 “All the celebrities”: Quoted in ibid., 48.

55 “One day a tall”: Quoted in ibid., 49.

56 “Even though the idea”: Boski Antheil memoir, 6. Boski’s recollection argues against Antheil’s claim in Bad Boy of Music that he conceived his Ballet mécanique first and then “sought a motion-picture accompaniment to this piece” (134).

57 “George was writing”: Boski Antheil memoir, 32 (55).

58 “Georgette Leblanc”: Monnier (1976), 247–48.

59 “the theater, the famous”: Antheil (1945), 7.

60 “The uproar was such”: Boski Antheil memoir, 28.

61 “I now plunged”: Antheil (1945), 133.

62 “After the finish”: Quoted in Whitesitt (1983), 19.

63 “Satie came out”: “Why ‘Bad Boy of Music’?”, 1.

64 “where Antheil played”: Copland and Perlis (1984), 75.

65 “My first big work”: Quoted in Oja (2000), 80–81.


1 “Mr. George Antheil was engaged”: Quoted in Donald (2009), 44.

2 “during the winter”: Antheil (1945), 137.

3 “Kiesler liked it so well”: Boski Antheil memoir, 61, box 17, folders 1–3, Antheil Collection, Library of Congress.

4 “One night we went”: Ibid., 65.

5 “Bullitt is a striking man”: Kennan (1985), 57.

6 “a hearty, charming”: Imbs (1936), 103.

7 “And of course there was Bill”: Boski Antheil memoir, 60–62.

8 “He was furious”: Brownell and Billings (1987), 112.

9 “Bill and Louise”: Boski Antheil memoir, 60–62.

10 “We had a lovely”: Ibid., 44.

11 “One day in the future”: “The Death of Cities,” box 14, folder 3, Antheil Collection.

12 “We went to Vienna”: Boski Antheil memoir, 66–67.

13 “Fritz was immersed”: “Latin America: Double Cross?” Time, 16 April 1945.

14 “are unintelligible”: Sedgwick (1939), 282.

15 “The only serious problem”: Ford (1987), 42–43.

16 “This is the first edition”: Quoted in Whitesitt (1983), 22.

17 “The idea of [sixteen] pianos”: George Antheil, “My Ballet mécanique,” 10 June 1951, box 14, folder 8, Antheil Collection.

18 “There was a great deal”: Imbs (1936), 100–2.

19 “We shall see”: Quoted in Lehrman (1999). Translation corrected from the original German version in De Stijl, 8 June 1924, 101–2.

20 two thousand player pianos: Mick Hamer, “Don’t Shoot the Pianola,” New Scientist, no. 1435/1436, 20–27 Dec. 1984, 52.

21 “And what will the music”: George Antheil, “An Introduction to the Actuality of My Present Music,” Ezra Pound file, box 1, folder 88, Antheil Collection.

22 “When I first came”: Boski Antheil memoir, 110.

23 “The eleven grand pianos”: Friede (1948), 52.

24 “Everybody wanted to meet”: Ibid., 55.

25 “The trouble was”: Ibid., 56.

26 “When it reached”: Ibid., 60–61.

27 “The unheard-of viciousness”: Antheil to Bok, [April 1927], box 2, folder 1.17, Antheil Collection.

28 “This year I made”: Ibid.

29 “heartsick and broke”: Antheil (1945), 197.

30 “America has received”: Antheil to Bok, [April 1927], box 2, folder 1.17, Antheil Collection.

31 “I changed my musical style”: Antheil, “Autobiographical Notes,” box 14, folder 5, Antheil Collection.

32 “The place was well calculated”: Antheil (1945), 265.


1 armed with surplus weapons: Mötz (2010), 56.

2 “The Heimwehr and its principals”: Newton (1986), 545.

3 “Austria may be assured”: Quoted in Johnson (1934), 126.

4 “Mandl also sold arms”: Newton (1986), 545.

5 armed both sides in the Spanish Civil War: Ibid.

6 “He would often ask”… “Sometimes he would get”: Hall (1938), 75–76.

7 “Soon I knew”… “and in these blue violets”: Ibid., 75.

8 “we entertained”: Ibid.

9 “the Jew, Mandl”: Joseph Goebbels, speech delivered at National Socialist Party Congress, Nuremberg, 1937.

10 “I did not do more”: Hall (1938), 75.

11 “Any girl can be”: Schickel (1962), 212.

12 “There were times”: Hall (1938), 75.

13 “My husband would sit there”: Ibid.

14 “but both times”: Ibid., 76.

15 “But still he did not”… “I was out driving”: Ibid.

16 “in his last agony”: Ibid.

17 “I wore black”: Ibid.

18 “From the moment”: Ibid., 76–77.

19 It might even take blackmaiclass="underline" As Lamarr recounted in a conversation with the engineer and inventor Carmelo “Nino” Amarena in 1997. Nino Amarena interview with author, 5 Jan. 2011.

20 She would have to be a sponge: Nino Amarena: “Hedy told me: ‘I was being a sponge because I had to find a way to escape Mandl—even blackmail if necessary. And all I had to do was pose and listen.’” Ibid.

21 “Things were pretty tough”… “We also had the roof”: Boski Antheil memoir, 99, box 17, folders 1–3, Antheil Collection, Library of Congress.

22 “We are around”: George Antheil, “My Father,” June 1945, box 14, folder 8, Antheil Collection.

23 “Bill told me”: Antheil (1945), 270.

24 “a whole coterie”: Ibid. On the premiere of Helen Retires, see invitation in MS 112, box 3, folder 42, William C. Bullitt Papers, Yale University Library.

25 “Bewildered, I stopped composing”: Autobiographical notes, box 14, folder 5, Antheil Collection.

26 “pure Paris”… “an American ballet”: Antheil (1945), 276.