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"Don't pull away from your lover!" Pico snapped. "I think he likes you. Kiss him. Pull his head up and kiss his mouth."

"Oh, God," Ruth moaned.

"The syringe… shall I send Rosa for it?"


"Then kiss the donkey. Make me think you like it."

Half lifting the donkey's head and half bending to him, Ruth fought the nausea his terribly foul breath caused and kissed his clammy mouth quickly.

Pico laughed. "Again. Put your tongue in his mouth this time."

Ruth nearly threw up, but she did as Pico ordered, holding the disgusting kiss as long as she could, then spitting on the floor and wiping her mouth clean of the animal's thick saliva.

"Not bad," Pico muttered. "Even Rosa could never stomach that."

"I feel sick," Ruth croaked.

"Not yet. You may be sick later if you wish, but you know what will happen if you don't finish."

She gulped and shook her head to clear it.

"You may fondle his cock now. Kneel beside him and take it in your hand."

Nothing seemed real to Ruth any more. Everything was a nightmare. She moved to the donkey, a haze clouding her vision, and dropped to her knees.

"Do you see it?"

She saw it, all right, about six inches of it, limber and blue-black, hanging with its almost flat glans pointing at the floor.

"Touch it."

Her hand shaking violently, Ruth reached out and touched the soft, warm cock, then jerked away from it, then touched it tentatively again.

"That's the way. You see, it isn't as bad as you thought."

And it wasn't as bad as she'd thought, though she still detested having to touch the animal's cock.

"Stroke it."

Leaving her hand open, Ruth stroked the soft prick gently.

"Put your fingers around it now. Take it in your hand and make it hard."

It was already beginning to grow longer and firmer as Ruth wrapped her fingers around it. She moved her hand back and forth along it, feeling it become thicker and longer and hotter as she did so. Soon her fingers wouldn't touch around it. Its size beginning to scare her, Ruth jerked her hand away.

"Very good, rubia. Very good!"

"It's so big!"


"It'll kill me!"

"I think not. I think you'll manage quite well, in fact. Kiss the donkey's cock."

"Oh, God! Not that!"


Her heart pounding with fear, Ruth hurriedly swung her head under the animal's body and kissed his cock. It felt very hot and hard to her lips.

"Lick it."

Expecting to pass out at any second, she extended her tongue and licked. But she didn't pass out. In fact, she found licking the donkey's dick less distasteful than kissing his mouth.

"Take it in your mouth and suck it."

Wanting to get the sordid act over with as soon as possible, Ruth moved her face in front of the blunt-ended prick and took as much of it into her mouth as she could manage without choking. She moved her head back and forth, letting the foul organ slide in and out of her mouth without actually sucking it.

"All right," Pico said. "Enough. Put her on the platform and strap her down."

The donkey's cock was as big around as her wrist, and Ruth, greatly fearing the moment of penetration, broke away and ran. She reached the edge of the stage before Pico overtook her.

"No, no, no!" she screamed as he dragged her back to the platform.

But Pico didn't attempt to silence her. He seemed to enjoy her shrill screams as he held her down on her back and Rosa fastened the leather straps tightly about her wrists. Then they moved to the other end of the special platform and forced her legs wide apart, strapping first one ankle into position, then the other.

"She's ready. Bring the donkey."

Ruth couldn't see the animal as they made it rear up and move over her. She lay beneath thick boards on which the donkey's hooves clattered as Pico and Rosa prodded him into position. Her ass rested on the very edge of the lower part of the platform, and she couldn't move it at all, try as she did when she felt the blunt glans jab against her cunt.

"He'll kill me! He'll kill me! Somebody help me!"

"Help him get it in her, Rosa."

The next instant Ruth felt a ripping pain race raggedly up from her loins. The tip was in. She tried to scream but could only gasp for the breath. Then, all at once, the enormous donkey cock battered into her until it felt like it was coming up into her throat. The pain was too intense. As the donkey began thrusting, Ruth's eyes snapped shut and her head rolled to the side.

She was still unconscious when she was carried upstairs and dumped onto the bed with Paula.


Looking at his watch at least two times for each minute that dragged by, Elliott limped nervously back and forth in the air-conditioned hotel room. She was fifteen minutes late and he was beginning to fear she wouldn't show up at all.

"Garza, maybe you'd better call again."

"Relax, Mr. Strickland. She'll be here any minute."

He felt like leaping at the private detective and shaking him into action. His professional calmness grated Elliott's on-edge nerves.

"It's sort of a custom down here in the Canal Zone. Call-girls are always a few minutes late, especially when they are assigned to an American gentleman. The procurer instructs them to do so, knowing the American habit of punctuality and wanting to heighten the suspense. They think it makes their merchandise more appealing when it finally arrives."

"She isn't merchandise!" Elliott bellowed. "Stop talking about her like that!"

"I beg your pardon, Mr. Strickland. I meant no disrespect, sir. My intention was merely to explain why she is late."

"I'm sorry," Elliott mumbled.

"For nothing. I understand your feelings very well. If it were…"

"That must be her," Elliott said, hurrying to answer the soft knock at the door but stopping halfway there, turning around and coming toward the couch. "I can't. I'm too nervous."

Garza got calmly to his feet. "Sit down, Mr. Strickland. I'll let her in."

"Are you sure it's her?" Elliott demanded, slumping to the couch, having trouble breathing because of the turmoil of emotions within him.

"No, sir," Garza answered, moving across the room. "I'm only sure it will be the girl I saw in the show. You will have to determine if she is your lady."

"Yes. Of course," Elliott said, recalling that Garza had only tentatively identified her from the snapshot he'd given him. "Let her in, please."

Garza opened the door and she walked sensually into the room, smiling seductively and laughing a throaty little laugh as her hand reached boldly to his crotch and gave his genitals a promising caress. For the first time since Elliott had hired him, Garza seemed ill at ease. He cleared his throat and pushed her hand away, motioning with his head to where Elliott was sitting.

She threw Elliott a puzzled glance, then turned back to Garza. "What are you guys trying to pull?" she demanded. "There was only supposed to be one. If I'm going to take you both on, the price is double."

Elliott still wasn't sure. As Garza closed the door and began explaining to her in his unhurried way why she was there, Elliott looked her up and down carefully. She was blonde, all right, but taller, and her body was much more shapely than he remembered. She looked older too, but it had been over a year and it was hard to guess her age because of the heavy make-up she wore. But she did resemble Paula, and when he heard her voice for the second time he knew.

"Paula," he called, unable to wait for Garza to finish his explanation. "Paula!"

Her head snapped around, her eyes growing large as she stared at him. "Who are you?" she asked fearfully. "How did you know my name?"

Elliott could see the partial recognition in her eyes, as if she realized she should know him but couldn't quite place him. He got to his feet, holding out his arms, limping toward her, fighting to see through the veil of tears forming over his eyes.