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He approached their table unsurely.

"Sit down, my friend."

"I must take care of a business matter first. Then I come right back."

"Sit down, Carlos. We did not finish our business yet."

Carlos shifted uneasily under Pico's unblinking gaze. "Bu…"

"Sit down!"

Perspiration wetting his palms, his upper lip twitching slightly, Carlos jerked out a chair and sat down.

"That's better." Pico smiled. "All I require at the moment is a little information and a tiny favor."

Carlos nodded, trying to return Pico's smile.

"The gringos you just took in the back. Why are they here?"

"They come for a show," Carlos said. "I was going for Carmelita. They want to see her with the dog."

Pico's hard eyes danced with interest. "Which one asked for the animal show?"

Carlos shrugged. "The man paid me."

"The woman, la rubia, did she show much interest?"

"Si, more than the man."

Pico looked at the woman beside him, both of them nodding.

"Esa gringa es muy hermosa. Verdad?"

"Si," Carlos hastened to agree. "Ella es mucha mujer."

Grinning, Pico took out a thin, black cigar from his pigskin case, licked it, bit off the end and spat it out, then lit it. "The room they are in has a peephole?"

"Si, Pico."

"The peephole is mine. I will spy on la rubia while she watches the dog fuck your Carmelita."

"Buy why?"

"You are not going to question me, are you, my friend? There is still that unfinished business between us…"

Pico bowed mockingly. "Gracias, amigo. Now, hurry and give the gringos their show."


The young Mexican girl entered the room where Ruth and Elliott were waiting. She was pretty and smiling, leading her dog, a large collie that was obviously well cared for, on a leash.

"Buenas noches," she said, shutting the door behind her and locking it. Her hand moved to her chest as she looked at Ruth and Elliott and said, "Se llama Carmelita." Then she reached down and patted the dog's head. "Y lovar del Carmelita."

Elliott smiled stiffly and nodded. "Good evening."

Ruth only smiled a nervous smile and took the last sip of her drink, watching the dog's long tongue as he licked his nose.

Kicking off her shoes, Carmelita spoke to the dog and removed the leash. The dog barked once, then jumped onto the bed and lay wagging his tail, watching as his mistress quickly stripped off her clothes.

"He seems well-trained," Elliott observed.

"I'm going to be ill, Elliott. I know I am."

"Shall I send them away? Would you like to go back to our motel now?"


"We don't have to stay and see it."

"Maybe you don't," Ruth said weakly. "But I do."

"But if it's going to make you sick… I don't understa…"

"It's like one of those gruesome horror movies. You know something terrible is going to happen but you can't quit watching. That's the way I feel about this, Elliott."

Carmelita stood just a few feet in front of them, nude and smiling, turning this way and that to show them her supple young body.

"She's very lovely."

Ruth nodded. "So young, too."

Then Carmelita went to the bed and squatted beside it, holding out her arms to the dog. He crawled to her and began licking her face. Her arms slid over the dog's body, one on his back and one on his stomach. Stroking him, one hand moving through the fur on his back and one working under him, Carmelita opened her mouth and began licking back at his slender tongue.

Ruth stared in horrified awe as the girl teased the dog's tongue deep into her mouth and sucked it eagerly.

Rising slowly, Carmelita offered her tits to the dog. He lapped at them until both her brown nipples stood hard and pointed with desire. A dreamy expression came over her face, and she sighed again and again. Finally she pushed the dog away and looked over at Ruth, her face asking if she'd like to join in and her hand motioning a welcome.

"Good Lord, no," Ruth gasped, shaking her head so hard her blonde hair shook.

"The very idea!" Elliott snorted, his face turning red as he grabbed up his drink and finished it off. "We'll have no more of that, young woman," he said to Carmelita, forgetting that she couldn't understand him.

But it seemed that she did understand his reaction, if not his words. It amused her. She laughed openly, nodding her head in assent as she climbed onto the bed. The old bed jiggled and squeaked as she scooted to the center of it and lay down on her back. She propped her head up with a pillow folded double, then spread her legs wide to give Ruth and Elliott a clear view of her crotch.

Teasingly, she held the dog away with one hand and rubbed between her legs with the other, her eyes on Ruth and Elliott every second. "Pussy," she breathed, fingering her cunt open and showing the red inside. "Good pussy… no?"

Elliott squirmed uneasily, his knuckles turning white on the empty glass still in his hand.

It was becoming hard for Ruth to breathe. She felt as if the room had suddenly grown hot and stuffy.

Releasing the dog, Carmelita let her body go limp. He came at her eagerly, licking her tits and belly, making her moan softly as his red tongue left her skin wet and shiny everywhere it touched.

"Aqui, perro… aqui," Carmelita hissed, taking his ear and pushing his muzzle down to her cunt.

He jumped between her legs and licked her entire crotch. "Mmm… Lame, perro… Lame!"

He licked furiously then, Carmelita holding the lips of her twat apart so his flashing tongue could dip deep inside her body. She whimpered with delight, digging her heels into the mattress and lifting her ass off the bed, undulating it as the lewd sound of the darting tongue filled the room.

"I feel faint," Ruth moaned.

"We must have been out of our heads for ever coming here," Elliott said. He took Ruth's hand and squeezed it. "We'll leave any time you want to, darling."

"All right."


"No… not yet."

"When you've seen enough, just say the word."

"I will, Elliott… soon, I think."

In the secret hallway behind the room Elliott and Ruth were in, Pico, grinning broadly, took his eye from the peephole through which he'd been watching Ruth's reaction. He turned to the woman standing beside him. "Faustina, get Carlos back here… quickly."

She hurried off, her full buttocks rolling in the tight flamenco trousers. In less than a minute she led Carlos, smiling sickly, into the secret voyeur's hall.

"Yes, Pico?" Carlos asked timidly.

"I will have la rubia."

"But… her husband is with her."

"An easy obstacle to overcome, my friend. You will take them drinks, compliments of the establishment. His will be heavily drugged, hers very slightly so… understand?"

"No, Pico. Please, no. I could go to prison for such a thing!"

"You will not go to prison if you do as I say," Pico said softly. Then he smiled. "But if you refuse…"

"Please, Pico," Carlos begged. "Don't make me do this thing!"

Faustina stepped forward and pinched Carlos' cheek painfully, glaring into his eyes as she said icily, "Pico is running out of patience with you, Carlos."

"Si," Pico agreed. "You owe me a great deal of money for your last shipment of heroin."

"But I never received the shipment," Carlos protested. "The messenger was killed. The police got the stuff."

"No matter, my friend," Pico said. "He was your errand boy, not mine. You owe me. I assure you I will collect."

"I don't have the money to pay you," Carlos whined.

"Then do me this small favor and buy yourself some time. Do not cause your wife to be a widow at such a tender age, Carlos."

Carlos shifted uneasily, the sweat of agonized indecision beading on his brow. "I don't like it."

"No es importante. Your wife is young and pretty. She will find another father for your children."