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"No, Pico. A little time… that's all I need."

"Then do as I say. Your action will buy you a month."

Carlos wiped his brow, nodded reluctantly, then left.

"Take a look, Faustina. Tell me what you think."

Faustina put her eye to the peephole, smiling as she saw Ruth put a trembling hand to her cheek. "La rubia's eyes are big as tortillas. She will make the perfect replacement for Rosa. The animal and girl hold every ounce of her attention."

"Yes, my dear sister. She is quite fascinated by the sight before her. I think she would secretly like to take the girl's place, don't you?"

Carmelita, shuddering in orgasm and pushing at the dog's head, moaned brokenly, "Pe-perro… cesa! Cesa, perro!"

The dog backed his head away and sat between her thighs, licking his moist chops and looking up at Carmelita's distorted face, listening to her gasp for breath as her body grew still again.

"Ohhh… perro… vida mia!"

Biting her lip, holding her thighs firmly together, Ruth fought against the urge to open her mouth and scream at the top of her lungs. She no longer felt sick at her stomach. Another sensation was taking hold of her. A warmth was building in her loins, a very upsetting warmth that was most unwelcome to her inhibited mind. She was just about to tell Elliott she'd had all she could take when a key rattled in the lock and the door swung open.

Carlos, grinning sheepishly and carrying a tray with two drinks on it, entered and came toward them.

"We didn't order another drink," Elliott said.

"These are on the house, senor. Please I want you should have them."

"I don't know about you, Elliott, but I need one!"

Carlos turned the tray as Ruth reached for a drink, making sure she took the one intended for her. When Elliott took the other and drank a large sip of it, Carlos sighed with relief.

"Thank you," Elliott said as Carlos moved quickly back to the door.

"Por nada, senor… por nada. Drink and enjoy yourself."

As the door shut behind Carlos, Elliott blinked and moved his lips over his teeth in an odd manner.

"My stars, Elliott!" Ruth exclaimed. "Look at them… look what she's going to do!"

With difficulty, Elliott focused on the bed, watching as Carmelita turned the dog on his back and brought her mouth close to his skinny, fiery-red cock.

"She's gonna suck the dog!" Ruth gasped.

Carmelita's tongue flashed out and licked the secretion from the animal's long, slender cock. She swallowed and smacked her lips, then opened her mouth and took in several inches of the inflamed prick.

As her lips tightened around the ugly shaft and her cheeks hollowed in suction, Elliott shook his head and fought against the revulsion and numbness taking hold of him.

"Oh, for heaven's sake!" Ruth yelped, jumping to the edge of the couch and staring in fascinated horror, watching the hot prick jerk and tremble as Carmelita began bobbing her head.

"Sickening," Elliott said, his voice sounding weak and strange to his ears, the room starting to spin and the bed turning into a blurred mass.

Elliott brought the glass close to his face, started to take another drink to clear his head, then looked at it instead.


But she didn't hear him, and she was sitting too far forward to see him mouthing her name silently.

The glass slipped from his hand and fell silently to the cushion between his legs, the liquid spilling and seeping wetly under him, soaking his pants and the cushion. A thousand trucks ran over him all at the same time. His brain jerked and bucked inside his skull. Then, darkness enveloping him, he slumped unconscious to the couch, his head flopping back and his mouth hanging open.

"Ahora, perro… ahora mismo!" Carmelita shouted urgently, jumping to her knees and bending into position, wagging her butt at the panting dog.

Ruth turned up her drink and gulped the rest of it down, watching with one eye as the dog mounted the girl and hunched into her.

"Ouuu," Carmelita moaned, dropping her face into the pillow as the dog wrapped his front legs around her body and began humping her furiously. "Vida mia… vida mia!"

Ruth wanted to turn away, but she couldn't force her gaze from the sordid scene. She wanted to tell Elliott that she was ready to leave, but she couldn't find her voice. All she could do was sit there on the edge of the couch, holding her empty glass tightly, feeling suddenly dizzy and reeling at the gross obscenity just a few feet before her wide eyes.

The dog thrust so fast his ass made a blur. Carmelita moaned and whimpered, clenching her hands into fists and beating weakly at the mattress. Her toes curled snugly against the soles of her feet. Her belly rose and fell rapidly, the sound of her harsh breathing filling the room.

Then, when Ruth thought she would go right out of her mind if the incredible union went on a second longer, the dog hunched in and held, quivering and making noises of his own.

Carmelita grunted, then gasped, then wailed brokenly as she joined the animal in a shuddering orgasm.

"Let's go, Elliott. Take me out of this awful place."

But Elliott didn't answer, and Ruth still couldn't tear her gaze from the perverse sight on the bed. The dog pulled his cock from the girl and began licking the messy juice as it trickled from her swollen pussy.

"Elliott. Let's go, darling."

The girl sat up on the bed, looking over at Elliott with a strange expression on her face. Ruth looked at him then for the first time in several minutes. He was slightly blurred, and it annoyed her that he'd fallen asleep. She shook him.

"Elliott… Elliott! Wake up!"

A key sounded in the lock. The door swung open.

Feeling as if she were moving under water, Ruth sat up straight and glanced toward the door. There in the hall she saw a worried-looking Carlos and another man she thought looked familiar. She knew she'd seen the handsome Latin somewhere before, but she couldn't place him. It was reassuring to see a familiar face though, so she motioned him to her. He strode cockily into the room, smiling confidently as he held out his hand.

"My husband. Help me wake him up. We have to get back to the motel."

"Don't worry about a thing," Pico said. "I'll take care of your husband."

"Thank you."

"My name is Pico."

"I know you from somewhere," Ruth said. "But I didn't remember your name. I'm Ruth."

"I'm very happy to know you, Ruth. Are you drunk, by any chance?"

"I don't think so… but I do feel strange. Help me wake my husband up now, please."

"Get them out of here," Pico told Carlos.

And as Carlos hurried Carmelita and the dog from the room, Pico bent over Elliott and slapped his face resoundingly, making his head jerk from the force of his blow.

"Don't! Don't hurt him!"

Pico shrugged. "I was only trying to wake him."

Ruth got to her knees, bending over Elliott and holding his head, looking dumbly at his slack-jawed face. "Elliott… Elliott! What's wrong with him?"

Pico grinned. "I guess maybe he was tired and had a bit too much to drink." Taking advantage of Ruth's kneeling position, he bent and slipped off both her shoes.

"What are you doing? For heaven's sake… give me back my shoes!"

"Lock it behind you. I'll call you when I want you again."

"Si, Pico," Carlos said, backing nervously from the room and locking the door from the outside.

"Give me my shoes. Why's he locking the door?"

"Because I want to be alone with you."

"Help me with my husband. Please… something's wrong with him!"

"You're a very beautiful woman."

"Thank you. But Elliott… I think he's sick! Do something!"

"I'm going to do something."

"You'll help me get him to a doctor?"

"No, I won't do that. Your husband doesn't need a doctor."

"Then help me get him back to our motel. I feel so funny. Please give me my shoes. Mr…"