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She remembered how awed she was to see the pink penis just sitting up there like it was some little person to greet her “Good morning.”

At first she was giggling, then serious, then curiosity got the better part of her. She got out of bed and went real close to get a good look at the funny little pee-pee. That was seven years ago and since then many changes had taken place. One was David's decision to no longer sleep with underpants on. At first she wondered if he knew she was watching him whenever the opportunity came up but she decided that was crazy, he'd have said something. But it did make her observations a lot easier and a lot more frequent. She felt privileged to be able to watch the pink little worm grow and develop over the period of seven years. Watch as the first hairs broke through the skin above his cock and finally grew thick enough to surround the base like a little forest. It was also a great thrill to know that her younger brother had exactly the same color hair as she did. The same yellow-blond hair on their heads and the same down there too. It was only a year ago when she got the courage to lift the blankets away when they were covering him, before that she just had to wait until he tossed them aside. But he was a sound sleeper and she moved with great caution. Lifting them up and folding them back, the gazed down on the developing, maturing shaft of her brother. It had changed so much! The cuteness was gone, now it was a beautiful tube of splendid pinkness with a flared head. And it had grown. David usually woke up with an erection because he had to go to the bathroom so Dorothy had ample opportunity to see the delightful cock at full extension.

She remembered the time she touched it and almost woke him up. It was such a daring move after so many years of just peeking and giggling. It was less than a year ago when she had figured he was so sound asleep one little pet from her finger couldn't disturb him. It was so warm! Then he stirred, grumbled, rolled over, and she ran from the room. Then father died and it all ended. Things were different, just different. She wasn't interested in watching her brother grow or anything else for that matter. That's when she started going out with Ted. Then mother married Jake Holloway and they moved in with them. It was a big house, Jake and Mom in the master bedroom, Vic and Len shared a large bedroom, Dorothy had her own smaller room and David was given the attic room all by himself. She hadn't peeked on him since. But this morning was different for some reason.

Maybe it was because she and Ted were “cooling it” for a while, maybe that was it. She knew David didn't approve of Ted though he never said so, they were just so different, that's all. But Dorothy did feel a need to tell David the news, to try and re-bridge the gap that had grown between them since moving into this house. Vic and Len didn't help either, always teasing him. Making fun of his interest in music, joking because he wasn't athletic, didn't like horses and knew nothing at all about cattle. They called him a sissy, a momma's boy, and frequently laughed at him. But for some reason David always took it in silence. Dorothy slipped from her bed and put on her pink houserobe. Everyone else was sleeping as she slowly tiptoed up the stairs to the attic room. She eased open his door and looked inside.

David was sleeping all right, she could hear the wheeze of his breath.

He was on his back. She closed the door behind her and walked softly to the side of his bed. In the dim light she could make out his chiseled features, the delicate, pointed nose and smooth skin. His lips were pink and his eyebrows curved just so. Ever since their childhood people had marveled over how much she and David looked alike. They had the same face… only on her it was considered beautiful, alluring… on him, effeminate. Yes, that was it. All the guys thought David was effeminate. But Dorothy knew better, she knew he possessed something no female could ever hope to have. And his looks, his beautiful face, were like those she saw in the magazines on men modeling clothes. Not the rugged, scarred and beaten faces with broken noses and two days of beard like every man in this part of the country had, but the delicate, sensitive face of a cultured man.

Dorothy always believed David got such a teasing because the rest of the guys were jealous. None of the girl she knew seemed to mind, in fact most of them thought he was handsome in a “different” sort of way. But David didn't want anything to do with them for reasons Dorothy could agree with, they were just the female counterparts of the men. The thing she was afraid of becoming if she married Ted.

Dorothy stood by the bed for several minutes before reaching for the covers. He was still breathing steadily, so she gently lifted the blankets up and back from his leg. He didn't move. She peeled the blanket back to the side and gazed down at the beautiful cock she hadn't seen for so long. Her heart swelled, she hadn't realized how much she missed these secret moments of forbidden intimacy. If he ever woke up he'd kill her but she didn't care. It was a splendid rod and it lay there half hard, sloped across the yellow hair with its belly up like a wounded snake. And the fleshy sac with the two balls nestled between his legs; fine blond hairs grew from that too. He was sleeping soundly so Dorothy decided to touch it. She had to!

Compared to the brutal cock of Ted this was a masterpiece! And it looked bigger, if she stroked it, it would grow to full size and she'd know for sure. Very gently she laid the tip of her finger on the head.

David stirred slightly, he swallowed. Dorothy froze, she was about to run from the room but he didn't wake up. She softly traced her fingertip down the entire length of the cock and felt the warm heat of the soft flesh. It started to expand and grow right under her touch! He was wheezing again so she added another finger and stroked the length. The cock firmed enough to cause the head to lift up from his belly, the soft pinkness was turning to a more visible red. She now brushed her cupped fingers up and down several times, slowly, softly, hardly touching any more than a draft warm air from the window would. The cock straightened and stiffened to a full erection under her hand! God, she thought to herself, it's magnificent! What a beautiful cock! She knew what she was going to do no matter how hard she tried to stop herself, how much she told herself it was stupid and he'd wake up for sure. But she knew she was going to do it, she had to for some unexplainable reason. She checked once again to make sure he was sleeping, then gently eased herself down to her knees beside the bed. She brought her face close to the cock, making sure not to let her long hair touch his legs or belly. She inhaled and smelled the wonderful ripe aroma of his aroused shaft. Her mouth was watering, trembling. She wanted o kiss it, to show it how much she loved it and how much she had missed it the past few months. To apologize for turning to Ted's thick cock for friendship. Her lips parted slightly as she lowered down and touched them to the flesh just under the glans. She lifted away quickly, expecting to hear him cry out. But David was still fast asleep. Dorothy went back down and kissed again. This time her lips lingered and she licked the tip of her tongue across the meaty skin and lilted it. She pulled back and gazed down at the wet her tongue had left on the small spot of his cock. His wheezing was unbroken, she had kissed his cock without waking him. She was telling herself to get up and go us her hand came down and circled the shaft, gave it a gentle, loving squeeze and tilted it upward. She was shaking with fear, she was sure she was going too far… but he still slept peacefully. She couldn't help it. She had tried to do it to Ted but he stopped her like it was something dirty. She wanted to feel a cock in her mouth so badly. She no longer cared if he woke up or not as she leaned back down, opened her lips wide, covered the cock head and felt it touch her tongue. She closed the lips around the delicious spike, swirled her tongue around the flared glans, marveled over the smoothness of the lump. Then she sucked softly and felt it grow even larger inside her lips. She pushed down and felt it glide deep inside her, pulled back and felt the veins and tissues rub against her hugging lips. It was the most tremendous feeling she had ever had. Her crotch was warm and she tingled from head to toe as the taste of the cock began to trickle down her throat. She pumped up and down several times until the cock was coated with her saliva, then she lifted off. David still slept so she went right back to the delightful stolen meal. Now she sucked harder, gave the glans a thorough lashing with her tongue and stroked her hand up and down on the exposed base at the same time. Then his hips started to move. Slowly at first, in rhythm with her bobbing head. She thought he was awake but wasn't about to look up. If he wanted her to stop now he'd have to pull her off. She could feel her own wetness streaming down the in-sides of her thighs, she was on fire inside and nothing could stop her now.