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I blushed.

"Could have been that too."

I gulped some of my hot chocolate.

"Alana,” I asked, “would you tell me the story of when you caught your youngest son and his friend skipping school?"

She laughed.

"Daniel, I've told you that story a hundred times."

"I know, but that was typing it or over the phone. Would you tell me in person now?"

She nodded her head and took a sip of coffee.

"He was in the tenth grade,” she began, “and thought he was grown. He was, in fact, much taller than me, but still had an adolescent mind. Anyway, I came home from work in the middle of the day and found he and his friend at our house playing video games. They were supposed to be in school."

"What did you do?” I asked, knowing full well what she did but wanting to hear the story again.

"I must have screamed, yelled, and scolded for half an hour,” she replied with a little laugh to herself, “and then I thought ‘this is going in one ear and out the other. These boys aren't even listening to me', so I took matters into my own hands and gave them both a spanking."

"How did you get boys that old to submit to a spanking?” I questioned.

"Well, I told the other young man that if he did not consent to a spanking, that I would call his parents and tell them what he had done. He was pretty worried that his father would take away his privileges and make him quit the football team."

"What about your own son?"

"I told him that I would turn him into the truant officer and he would probably have to do time in juvenile detention."

"Wow. Would you have really done it?"

"I'm not sure. I didn't think that far ahead. I just knew I needed to get control of the situation."

I squirmed in my seat.

"Go on with the story, please."

"Well, to make a long story short,” she continued, “I bent both the boys over my lap, one at a time of course, pulled their shorts and underwear down and blistered their naked bottoms with one of my wooden kitchen spoons."

"So they got spanked in front of each other?"

"Yes, they did."

"Did they ever skip school again?"


"Did they ever bring up their spankings again?"

She chuckled.

"The other boy came to me a couple of years after they graduated, gave me a hug, and told me that me the spanking I gave him when he was a teenager probably was the best thing that could have happened to him. He's now a successful lawyer."

We caught up on some current events that were going on in our lives and then I finally had to ask the critical question.

"Did you drive your van today?"

"Yes I did."

I couldn't help twitching a little in my seat. She had told me how, when her sons were young, she had had a van, and if they acted up in a public place, she would promptly take that child to the back seat of the van and give him a bare bottom spanking. It didn't happen many times, she had told me, but just the mere thought of it made me tingle with jealousy. She drove a mini-van these days, no longer in need for a big van and carrying a carload of boys to baseball games.

"Daniel, why did you ask about my van?” she asked.

I bit my bottom lip.

"Do you remember telling me how you would spank your sons in the back seat if they misbehaved in public?"


I looked down and toyed with the spoon.

"Well, I was thinking that maybe we could sit in the back seat and talk some more."

A smile curled at the left side of her lips.

"Is talking all you want to do?"

I swallowed hard and nodded my head.

"Yes ma'am. I don't know if I have the nerve for anything more."

She reached in her handbag and pulled out a set of keys, then handed them to me.

"It's the blue and silver mini van at the end of the parking lot."

* * * *

Sitting next to her in the back seat of her van made me feel like I was ten years old again. I looked at her hands; small and delicate, and tried to picture them when they would be as hard as leather. I took a deep breath and asked the question that was on my mind.


"Yes, Daniel?"

"May I lean over your lap, you know, fully clothed, just to see how it feels?"

She smiled.

"Yes, you may."

She slid over to the middle of the bench seat so that I had enough room on both sides of her lap. I hesitated at first.

"You can see if someone comes up, can't you?"

"Yes, I can see."

I gathered my nerve and eased myself over her knees. The warmth of her thighs came through the material of her skirt and I could feel it against my stomach. The position was embarrassing, especially for a man of my age, but at the same time, it was exciting and arousing. I felt her hands resting on the seat of my jeans. I felt my cock hardening. I knew she could feel it too.


"Yes, Daniel?"

"Would you hand spank the seat of my jeans?"

"Yes I will."

I began feeling her hand swats on rump. It didn't hurt, but then, I did have the denim material between her hand and my skin.


"Yes, Daniel?"

"Did you bring your hairbrush?"

"Yes, it's in my purse."

"Would you use your hairbrush on the seat of my jeans?"

"Yes I will."

I heard her unzip her handbag and then I felt a bit of a sting as she began smacking my tush with the brush. It didn't hurt, but then, I did have the denim material between her hairbrush and my skin.


"Yes, Daniel?"

I was almost too embarrassed to ask.

"May I pull my pants down and have you hand spank the seat of my boxers?"

"Yes you may."

I sat up, then reached for the button and zipper of my pants, and slid them down to my knees. I blushed as I realized she was watching me, knowing she could see my erection standing up in my boxers.

"Over my knees, Daniel,” she told me.

"Yes ma'am."

I gathered my nerve and eased myself over her lap again. The warmth of her thighs came through the material of her skirt and I could feel it against my stomach. The position was so embarrassing, especially for a man of my age, but at the same time, it was exciting and arousing. I felt her hands pushing my jeans a little further down my legs and then resting them on the seat of my boxers. My cock hardened more. I knew she could feel it. I began feeling her hand swats on fanny. It didn't hurt too bad, but then, I did have the cotton material between her hand and my skin.


"Yes, Daniel?"

"Would you use your hairbrush on the seat of my boxers?"

"Yes I will."

I felt a bit more of a sting as she began smacking my tush with the brush. It didn't hurt all that bad, but then, I did have the cotton material between her hairbrush and my skin. I began to want more.


"Yes, Daniel?"

I swallowed what felt like a log in my throat and looked over my left shoulder at her.

"Would you take down my boxers and spank my bare bottom?"

"Are you sure, Daniel?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Have you been a naughty boy?"

My dick hardened every time she called me a naughty boy. It was beginning to feel like a tree limb.

"Yes ma'am. I've been a naughty boy. I've been very naughty and I need to be punished."

"And does this naughty boy need his bare bottom spanked?"

"Yes ma'am. I need it. I need it bad."

"And you know that I'm not going to stop until I'm good and ready, don't you?"

"Yes ma'am. I know you're not going to stop even if I beg and plead for you to."

"That's right, Daniel. Now are you prepared for your spanking and the consequences?"

"Yes ma'am."

"And you know that I won't stop spanking your bare bottom even if someone walks up and looks in the van, don't you?"

I swallowed again.