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"Tell you what," Doug chirped. "Since you're not hungry, what do you say we go have a drink? Maybe two drinks. That'll make you feel better."

"I don't want a drink," she said tiredly.

"But you need something to settle your nerves, and we can't go home yet. Hub said-"

"Piss… on… Hub!" Sue hissed through gritted teeth, raking the fingers of her left hand down through her silky blond tresses as she stamped her foot and gripped her purse so tight the knuckles of her right hand turned white. "Take me home. Will you take me home? Will you just take me home right this goddamned minute?!"

The tension of their strained silence was oppressively heavy during the drive home. She jumped out of the car as soon as Doug braked to a stop at the curb in front of the house. Her highheels clicked rapidly and loudly up the walkway. Then, with her door key in hand, she all but tiptoed up the steps and across the porch. Quickly she unlocked the door and pushed it open. The sight which greeted Sue was not unlike her lurid imaginings. Helen was tipsy. She was lying on the couch with one nylon-stockinged leg hanging off. Hub lay atop her, between her legs.

He had her dress bunched up around her waist. He'd just drawn Helen's sopping-wet panty crotchband to the side with his fingers and was, at that very moment, sinking his huge erection into her hairy crack.

"What the goddamn hell!" Hub growled, instinctively backing his dick out of Helen when he spotted Sue standing in the doorway.

"Don't stop now, darling," Helen murmured. "You've made me want you and it feels so nice. Take me!" Then Helen's glassy eyes followed Hub's enraged glare and she saw Sue. Doug's head suddenly popped into view above Sue's shoulder. "Oh, nooh! You said they wouldn't be back for another hour, hub!"

she screeched. "Let me up! Let me up! Oh, dear lord in heaven, I've never been so embarrassed in all my life!"

"We'll go for a drive and come back later," Doug mumbled. "Hub, I'm sorry about this. Come on, Sue!"

Doug tugged at Sue's arm but she shook his hand off and just stood there dumbly, staring almost expressionlessly at her disgusted stepfather-in-law and his mortified date, who was frantically attempting to arrange her disheveled clothing as she struggled up scarlet-cheeked off the couch.

"Helen, wait!" Hub called, as the flustered widow dashed past Sue and Doug and ran, sobbing with shock and shame, out the front door.

"Now look what you've done!" Hub bellowed. He charged toward Doug and Sue with his big prick, the front half of it glistening with female sex oils, protruding unapologetically from the gaping fly of his trousers.

He drew back his fist as if he were going to strike them both, but then he snorted, "Ahh, shit!" and he slammed shut the door.

"We're sorry," Sue said. "It's my fault, Hub. My nerves were on edge.

.. and I've got a headache."

"I've got a headache!" Hub mimicked derisively, grasping his hard horn and shaking it at Sue. "Well, I've got a hard-on and now, thanks to you two, I've got no place to put it! Damn your hides anyway, why in the hell couldn't you have stayed gone for a few more minutes?! You know what I ought to do?" he snarled menacingly, glowering at the young husband and wife both before he fixed his gaze on Sue. "I ought to throw your stupid little blond ass right down here on the floor and cram this bone up your cunt!"

"Now wait a minute, Hub," Doug said. "That's my wife you're talking to."

"I know who I'm talking to!" Hub huffed. "All right, I won't do it. She is your wife, and I gave you my word that I wouldn't screw her again.

But I've gotta do something, the condition I'm in! And, by God, the both of you can just stand right where you are while I do!"

With that, Hub began running his hand vulgarly up and down his rampant rod. He whipped it fast and hard until, in a matter of seconds, heaving a half-grunt, half-groan, he sprayed come on one of Sue's shins, over the toes of both her high-heeled shoes, with the less-pressurized part of his massive load falling silently onto the carpet between them.

"Clean up that mess!" he barked at Sue as he spun on his heel and stomped angrily off toward his bedroom.

"Why, the nerve of that sonofabitch," Doug muttered. "Expecting you to — "

"Give me your handkerchief, dear," Sue said matter-of-factly, holding out her hand as she interrupted her husband in mid-sentence.

Too dumfounded to refuse, Doug pulled out his handkerchief and handed it to her. He watched, with a mixture of shame and perverted arousal, as his wife wiped his stepfather's semen off her leg and her shoes and then got down on her knees to mop the bulk of the slimy stuff off the carpet with his handkerchief!

"I can't get over that," Doug said in a tense voice, as he and Sue were getting undressed for bed. "The unmitigated gall of the man, treating you that way! Do you still want to move into an apartment of our own?

Let's pack up and clear out of here right now!"

"We can't afford it, dear," Sue replied, sounding strangely calm and serene. "You know that."

"Yeah, but… after that, I thought…"

Sue smiled enigmatically. "I guess he had every right to be angry. But he kept his word. He didn't even touch me."

"But he masturbated right in front of us, and he made you get down and clean up his semen!"

"It wasn't all that bad," Sue scoffed. "Honest, it wasn't. I didn't really mind, darling. It seems to have upset you more than it did me."

Doug grimaced at his wife's remark. The indecent incident had upset him, but it had also aroused him and Sue must never know that, so he dropped the subject.

When they turned out the lights and got into bed, Doug gathered his bride in his arms. They were both naked because, although neither of them had mentioned it, they knew they were going to have sex. The doctor had told Sue it was all right for her to start having marital relations again. They would've done so the night before if Hub hadn't volunteered Sue as a baby-sitter and then brought her home so late that Doug had already fallen asleep.

Sue noticed that her husband's penis felt extra hard and hot when she took it in her hand and began fondling it. She also noticed that he kept rubbing his foot against her shin, the one that Hub's come had spurted onto. She'd wiped the seminal fluids off but hadn't thought to wash her leg.

What Doug noticed about Sue was that her nipples were already peaked as if with desire when he touched them the first time. He wondered about that but didn't say anything. Instead he put his hand down between her legs. He found her hairy hole wet and ready. This only added to his excitement, because usually he had to rub her up for at least a couple of minutes before she became moist enough for him to insert even his finger.

"You're already warm and slick," he said. "How come so soon?"

"Because I'm anxious, too, silly," she cooed. "It's been a long time since my wonderful husband has made sweet love to me."

"Too long," he sighed, relaxing, accepting her explanation without further question. He swung atop her, between her welcomingly legs, and, taking his peter in hand, began wedging the head into her furry slot.

"Am I hurting you?"

"Not a bit," she replied.

Her hot, slippery snatch gobbled him whole in one hungry gulp. He was into her right up to his balls, and never had penetration been so easy.

"It feels bigger," he complained. "Looser."


"Your pussy."


"Is it bigger?"

"Well, I suppose it might be, at that," she admitted. "After all, darling, I did have a miscarriage."

"Yeah," he said, sounding somewhat relieved by her statement, never stopping to think how tiny the embryo of the baby she'd lost so early would've been. He began screwing into her ever so gently. "I'm not..

hurting you, am I, honey? I don't want to hurt you."

"You're not hurting me," Sue assured him, wishing he would just shut up and do it to her as he generally did, without talking, so she could concentrate on her pleasure and maybe have an honest-to-goodness come with him this time instead of having to fake it, as she always did in order to protect his delicate male ego.