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"Have we mounted a rescue operation?"

"Yes. That's part of the problem. She was patrolling outside Wonsan harbor. Pyongyang is claiming it's a provocation for war and using it as a propaganda tool."

"Crush depth on those big nuclear subs is just under twenty-two hundred feet," Lamont said, "but she might survive deeper than that. The crew could still be alive."

"It's possible. We can hope so, but that's not our job. It's a touchy situation because North Korea's leader is unpredictable. Nobody knows what he's going to do."

"Why did you say yes and no about how she was sunk?" Selena asked.

"The sub went down because a virus was transmitted into her computers. We know that because of the record on the beacon. That's the 'yes' part."

"I thought you couldn't transmit something like that underwater," Lamont said.

"Usually you can't. Salt water blocks transmission of everything except very low-frequency or extremely low frequency transmissions. The virus wasn't sent in that manner. Before the sub's computers failed, the emergency buoy recorded a distinct signature. It was done using a top-secret device developed by our own people."

"What kind of device?" Ronnie asked.

He settled his broad shoulders against the couch and rubbed his nose.

"An underwater drone codenamed Black Dolphin. It's programmed to attach itself to an enemy vessel and transmit the virus, using the hull as an antenna. Hood told me about it when we talked on the phone this morning. Technically none of you are cleared to know about it. You can't mention it to anyone."

"Wait a minute," Lamont said. "The computers on our nuclear subs have so many firewalls no one could get through them without the proper codes."

Nick just looked at him.

"Oh, boy," Lamont said. "Someone gave the Koreans the codes?"

Nick nodded. "Yes. What we don't know is who it was. That's the 'no' part, Selena. Whoever it was, there's a traitor somewhere in our command structure."

"Those are strong words, Nick," Ronnie said.

"There isn't any other explanation. That technology is as secret as it gets. Only a high-ranking officer would know the codes or be able to access plans for the drone."

"We're certain about what happened?" Stephanie asked.

"The beacon recorded a specific signature that identifies Black Dolphin. The computers on the sub were compromised and taken off-line. They wouldn't have had time to do much of anything before the ship went into negative buoyancy and headed down."

"Where do we come in?"

"I'm not sure yet, but you can bet Rice will come up with something. He isn't going to walk away from those men. He's gone to DEFCON 2."

"That was fast," Ronnie said.

"The whole situation is dangerous as hell," Nick said. "North Korea's so-called Great Leader seems to be getting ready to invade the South. That's why California was lying off Wonsan, to observe their preparations."

"Here we go again," Lamont said. "That guy is a nut job. He never quits."

"If Pyongyang invades the South, it brings China into the mix," Selena said. "Not to mention Russia. Orlov won't sit on the sidelines."

Nick nodded. "Beijing knows we won't permit the North to conquer South Korea. We'd intervene, as we did in the 50s. It's not in Beijing's interest to see a war start between North and South Korea, but you can be damn sure they don't want us taking over the peninsula."

"We could be looking at another Korean War," Selena said.

"You mean the police action no one wants to call a war?" Ronnie said.

"Rice spoke with China's President Zhang an hour ago and told him we think North Korea sank the sub. He told him we're going to send a rescue mission whether Pyongyang agrees or not, and that we will defend against any effort to keep us from doing so. Advance elements of the Seventh Fleet are already on their way from Yokosuka. If the North Koreans start shooting, we'll shoot back."

"I bet that made Zhang's day," Ronnie said.

"Zhang may decide China has to assist her ally. Or he could pressure Yun not to interfere with the rescue mission. He could decide they've had enough with Yun's erratic behavior and take over the North entirely. That's another scenario we won't tolerate. Whatever happens, if we start trading shots with the North Koreans it could lead to a confrontation with China."

"The Korean War was a long time ago," Ronnie said. "Everything is different now."

"Missiles and nukes are what's different," Nick said. "If a war starts between North and South, it's going to escalate. Yun can't win, but he's crazy and arrogant enough to think he can. He believes his enormous army could take Seoul in a few days. He'd be right, except for the fact that we guarantee South Korea's safety. He has nukes, as he's always telling everyone. If he thinks he's going to lose, he'll use them."

Selena said, "Where do we fit in?"

"Remember how we helped the Chinese avoid a coup?"

"How could I forget?"

That mission had brought Nick and Selena together. The high mountains of Tibet and an ancient fortress guarding an emperor's tomb had been the scene of Selena's initiation into combat.

"Rice and Zhang have scheduled a teleconference this afternoon at the White House. The Chinese are as worried about war in Korea as we are. The Chinese ambassador will be there as Zhang's personal representative. Rice wants you to listen when he talks to Zhang. He trusts you. It's not just because you understand Chinese. It's because of your intuition, your ability to sense what's being said behind the words."

"I'm flattered, but he's overestimating my ability."

"I don't think he is. Remember the last time."

"What about the rest of us?" Lamont asked.

"There will be protests when word leaks out about the sub. Anything to do with North Korea, the Chinese, or nuclear submarines brings people out on the street. The rest of us will be on the scene and liaise with the Secret Service while Rice is talking to Zhang."

Lamont said, "Those boys are pretty territorial. They'll have us guarding the White House outhouse."

"There's an outhouse?" Ronnie said.

"If there isn't, they'll probably build one for us."

"We'll work with them, not for them," Nick said. "I don't know why Rice wants us there, but we don't have a choice about it. We'll be outside. If there's going to be trouble, that's where it will happen.. People always want someone to blame for the mess we're in and there are powerful interests happy to oblige them."

"It's not as though Zhang will be here in person," Selena said.

"His ambassador will. Now that Rice's administration is on its way out the door, the White House is springing more leaks than the Titanic. Someone will organize a demonstration. It could be about Tibet or nuclear power or about American neo-colonialism in Korea. It doesn't matter."

"What a great country," Lamont said.

"You know, Nick, you don't have to go with us," Ronnie said. "This is just a dog and pony show, nothing's going to happen."

"I need a break from this desk," Nick said. "Besides, Rice asked for me to be there with everyone else."

"Yeah, but you're supposed to be running things, not doing grunt work like this."

"Hey, I have to keep an eye on you, don't I?"


The sinking of USS California leaked before noon. The White House Press Secretary announced that a rescue mission had been dispatched from Japan. He went on to say that, Rice would talk later in the day with the President of China to discuss "regional stability," and that the Chinese ambassador had been invited to the White House to participate in the call.

By two o'clock there were more than a thousand people outside the barriers on Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House. They carried homemade signs protesting nuclear weapons, climate change, and the Chinese occupation of Tibet. An hour later new signs appeared, printed to look as though they were homemade. Those called for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from South Korea.