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“Did you show him the video?” Royce asked.

Stephanie looked instantly wary. “He doesn’t need to see the video.”

Royce set her aside and strode into the room. “Sure he does. What better way to understand your career. Got any popcorn?”

“We haven’t had dinner yet. I’m not-”

“Then let’s grill some burgers.” Royce pushed up the sleeves of his cotton, Western shirt. “I could use a burger. How about you, Alec?”

“Sure. Burgers sound good.” So did watching videos of Stephanie, especially since she seemed hesitant. Did she have something to hide?

“Well, I’m not sticking around for this,” Stephanie warned.

“Aren’t you hungry?” asked Royce.

She stuck her freckled nose in the air. “I’ll get something at the cookhouse.”

“Suit yourself,” said Royce, and Alec caught the faintest glimpse of satisfaction on the man’s face.

What was going on here?

Stephanie stuffed her feet into a pair of worn leather boots, shrugged into a chunky gray sweater and stomped out the door.

“I thought she’d never leave,” said Royce.

Alec peered at the man. “What’s going on?”

Royce turned down the short passage to the kitchen. “We’re grilling burgers and watching family videos.”

Twenty minutes later, Alec bit into a juicy, flavorful burger. He had to admit, Royce really knew his way around an outdoor grill. Alec was starving, and the burger was fabulous, slathered in fried onions, topped with a thick slice of garden fresh tomato, and encased in what had to be a homemade bun.

Beside him in the opposite armchair, Royce clicked the remote control on the television. “If anyone asks,” he said, settling down to his own dinner. “We were simply eating burgers and watching home videos.”

Chewing and swallowing, Alec glanced from their plates to the television and back again. “No problem. I’ve got your back.”

Royce nodded.

They made their way through their meals as a young, red-haired Stephanie bounced over foot high jumps on a white pony. Her small hands were tight on the reins, her helmet was slightly askew, and her face was screwed up in determination as she cleared the rails.

Alec couldn’t help but smile, and he wondered why Stephanie objected to him watching. She was adorable.

In his short time he’d spent down at the main house on the Ryder Ranch with Royce and his fiancée, Amber, Alec definitely got the sense that both Royce and Stephanie’s oldest brother Jared were in the habit of indulging her. Looking at this video, and knowing the age difference between Stephanie and her two brothers, it was easy to see how that had happened.

Turning toward a crisscrossed jump, the pony gathered itself. Stephanie stood in the stirrups, leaning across its neck. The animal’s front legs lifted off the ground, back feet kicking out. The pair sailed over the white painted rails, jolting to the dirt on the other side.

The horse came to a halt, but Stephanie kept going, flying over its head, arms flailing as she catapulted forward, thudding into the dirt. Luckily the horse veered to one side, stepping neatly around her little body.

Jared and Royce both ran into the frame. The two teenagers gingerly turned their sister over, talking to her-though Alec couldn’t make out the words-brushing the dirt from her little face.

She sat up. Then she nodded, bracing herself on Jared’s shoulder and coming to her feet.

Her brothers kept talking, but she shook her head, walking determinedly toward the pony, taking the reins, and circling around to mount. She was too short to put her foot in the stirrup, so Royce gave her a leg up.

Jared kept arguing, looking none too happy. But Stephanie got her way. She turned the horse, heading to the end of the arena. The camera followed her as she restarted the course.

Alec shook his head, his feelings a cross between admiration and amusement.

Suddenly Royce set his plate aside and lifted the remote control, muting the sound.

Alec turned his attention.

“There’s something you need to know.” Though Royce’s tone was even, his expression was narrowed and guarded.

Alec arched a brow.

“This needs to be kept in the strictest confidence,” Royce warned.

“Everything you tell me is kept in the strictest confidence.” It was a hallmark of Alec’s business.

Royce nodded sharply.

Alec waited, his curiosity growing.

“Right,” said Royce, fingers drumming against the leather arm of the chair. He drew a breath. “Here it is then. We’re being blackmailed.” He paused. “It’s Stephanie.”

“What did she do?” Dope a horse? Fix a competition?

Royce scowled. “She didn’t do anything. She’s the one in the dark, and we’re keeping it that way.”

Right. Stupid conclusion. Alec tried another tactic. “Who’s blackmailing you?”

“I’d rather not say.”

“Okay…” Alec wasn’t sure where to go with that.

“It’s the biggest drain on the cattle ranch’s account.”

At least that explained why Amber thought Alec ought to know.

“How much are we talking about?” he asked.

“A hundred thousand a month.”

“A month?

Royce’s expression was grim as he nodded.

Alec straightened in his armchair. “How long has this been going on?”

“At least a decade.”

Excuse me?”

“I know.”

“You’ve spent twelve million dollars keeping a secret from Stephanie?”

Royce rocked to his feet, shoulders square, hands balled.

“Must be one hell of a secret.”

Royce twisted round to glower at Alec.

“Sorry. None of my business,” said Alec.

Still, he couldn’t help sifting through the possibilities in his mind. Was there a shady business deal in their past? Did the family fortune originate from an unsavory source? Gambling? Bootlegging?

“You won’t figure it out,” said Royce.

“I might.”

“Not this. And I don’t want you snooping around.”

“I won’t snoop,” Alec agreed. He’d respect his client’s wishes. “But I might think.”

Royce gazed at the silent screen where an elevenish Stephanie was taking yet another spill. “Suppose you can’t stop a man from thinking.”

“No, you can’t.”

“Aw, hell.” Royce heaved a sigh and sat back down.

Alec gave him a moment. “How bad can it be?”

Royce scoffed out a harsh laugh. “My father was a murderer and my mother was adulterous.” He paused. “We’re being blackmailed by her lover’s brother. The lover was also the murder victim.” Another pause, and Royce’s voice went lower. “That’s how bad it can be.”

Alec’s brain filled in the blank. “And Stephanie is your half sister.”

Royce drew back sharply, his expression confirming the truth.

Alec shrugged. “That’s the only possibility worth twelve million dollars.”

“She’s never going to know.”

“You can’t keep paying him forever.”

“Oh, yes, we can.” Royce grasped the back of his neck. “My grandfather paid until he died. Then McQuestin paid. I took over a couple months ago.”

Though it went beyond the bounds of his contract, Alec felt an obligation to be honest. “What are you going to do when he ups his price?”

It was obvious from Royce’s expression that he hadn’t considered that possibility.

“You’ll eventually have to tell her, Royce.”

Royce shook his head. “Not if we stop him.”

“And how are you planning to accomplish that?”

“I don’t know.” Royce paused. “Got any ideas?”


Last night’s cookhouse burger hadn’t measured up to Royce’s talents, but it had filled Stephanie’s hunger gap. And at least she’d avoided one more screening of Stephanie Hits the Dirt Across America.