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When she came back I was idly rubbing my wool sweater over my now really sensitive nipples. She was angry.

"You are such a slut! If you had not volunteered I could have made him pay plenty to spank your pussy. You let him do it for nothing!"

"Mom! I thought I was doing what you wanted. You had him come in. Besides he made me so excited with the swatter I probably would have paid him to do my pussy!"

"Well we may still have a chance. Even though he remained cool I know you got him excited because he rushed Tina into a backroom. I'll let him simmer a few days and then call the number on his card to see if there is any fantasy he would like to act out with you and what he will pay."

I was looking forward to it. Except for the delays the man had done a perfect job of working me into orgasm.

When we got home the phone was ringing. When Mom hung up she was real excited. It was Bill and he had told her he was on his way back from San Diego with some great coke and I could earn her some. The bad news was that he didn't want to see a mark on my body so I could be ready for anything.

The next two days were Hell for me. Mom kept my hands handcuffed behind my back so I couldn't masturbate but that did not stop my mind from dwelling on the great orgasms I received from Bill. I was so horny by the time he arrived I would have agreed to anything if there was any possibility it could get me off. I had become as addicted to orgasms as Mom had cocaine.

When Bill came I was in my short-shorts and halfshirt that bared my flat tummy from just below my boobs clear to the top of my pussy hair if I had any.

I hoped he would be turned on by the sight of me but he just said I looked great and then told Mom we had a date with a man with special tastes.

I was disappointed but relieved that finally something exciting would happen to me. I should have known it would be bad when he said one of the gang-girls had gone last time but didn't want to do it again. He went on to say.

"It will be better with Honey anyway. He likes girls to look as young as possible. Wash off her make-up and put her hair into a pony-tail. It doesn't matter what she wears because he has a costume for her. We'll pick up an elastic bandage to make her tits smaller. It pays good. Two hundred. You'll be able to get plenty of coke.""

Mom had me strip then washed off the rouge she had put on my nipples and the eye-shadow and lipstick. She already had an elastic bandage that dad had used when he sprained his knee.

When my makeup was off and my tits were compressed to my chest wall she decided that I didn't need many clothes since I would have to change anyway so she just slipped on one of my school dresses.

When we got to his house Bill told us to go into a bedroom and dress in the costume on the bed. I was anxious to see the sexy costume I would wear and was disappointed to see a school uniform consisting of a navy blue jumper, a white blouse, white knee socks with patent leather slippers and cotton pantie that came down to mid-thigh. It was not sexy at all. I just looked childish, about nine years old with my by now throbbing boobs so flat.

Bill came in and said, "She looks great. Just the way he will like her. Honey, this is the deal. You have been a naughty girl at school and have to go to the principal's office for a spanking. All he will want to do is spank. You should have no problem with your firm round butt."

"How many spanks will he give me?"

"I guess that is up to you. He will quit when he is horny enough for sex."

I hoped he would have me strip because I couldn't think of anything I could do to get him horny with my body so covered up.

He placed me in front of a door with a little plaque saying. "Principal's Office" and told me to knock on the door.

At my knock a nasty voice said, "Come in!" I took a breath and opened the door. The man was my school principal!

He had really complained when the school district stopped corporal punishment to substitute detention. Now I knew he was not upset because the kid's would no longer have self-discipline. He got off on swatting them!

He didn't seem to recognize me which was not too surprising since I had kind of faded into the background at school and never needed punishment.

He stood up and said. "You have been a naughty girl. I consider cheating on tests a terrible offence because you are cheating your teacher, your class by raising the grade curve and yourself by not learning the lesson."

He had me lean over a corner of the desk then put leather straps at the far corners to hold me in position.

He showed me a big leather strap and said, "This is for your teacher."

I waited for him to pull up my skirt and pull down my panties but he didn't.

He began hitting my butt so hard he grunted at each one. My clothes did not help much. The heavy strap dug into my butt to cause deep pain rather than the sting on bare skin. I don't know how many times he hit me. I hurt so much I lost count after thirty. The clothes and the fact that all the spanks hit the roundest part of my butt with none close to my pussy made it impossible for me to get excited to ignore the pain.

Then he picked up a thick, long wood paddle and said "This is for the class."

I knew then that I would be getting three sessions and began to sob louder and fight my bonds. He flipped up my skirt and I hoped the sight would excite him until I remembered how big and loose they were. The paddle made a loud "Splat!" with even more pain as it hit my panties soaked with my sweat from fighting my bonds. The paddle was so heavy it made my body lurch forward sliding my pussy on the corner of the desk. Even this stimulation would not let me ignore the pain. I managed to keep from screaming because I had been taught to be quiet but I realized it was a mistake when he finally dropped the paddle and picked up a heavy wood walking cane because he said, "This is for you. You are tough judging by the way you do not scream but I think this will do it."

He jerked down my panties and I felt coolness on my sweaty butt. It was a relief but not for long.

That cane was the worse thing that had ever happened to me. It seemed to bury itself in my swollen butt to hit my pelvic bone. I screamed but that just made him laugh and say,"Now I am getting to you!"

He kept hitting lower until I felt a searing hot burn across my pussy lips that had pooched out between my legs.I screamed and strained to staighten up as much as possible to bring it back between my legs but he wouldn't have that. He pushed down on my back to make it pooch out again and put blow after blow across my thighs just at the bottom of my butt to cause burns on my tender thighs and swelling pussy lips. I screamed until I was so hoarse and exhausted I just laid there shuddering at each blow from the cane.

Just before I was about to pass out he walked in front of me and said, "Do you think you can be a good, obedient girl now?"

I moaned, "Yes. Yes I'll be good. Please. Please don't hit me anymore."

At that he unzipped his fly to pull out a gnarly, fat, red dick with grey pubic hair. There was a drip of snot-like stuff coing out of the pee slit and I was sure I would gag when he told me to open my mouth.

He even made that unsexy by grabbing my hair and jerking my head into him to make me gag when the head went down my throat. It was not a regular blow-job that gave me some control. He was just fucking my face. As an added insult when he finally came he pulled out his dick to shoot cum in my eyes and face.

Even that was not enough humiliation for him. He scraped off his cum with his fingers and pushed them in my mouth to suck them clean. He untied me then told me to stand in the corner and hold up my skirt so he could see the damage I had caused to my buttocks by being so naughty.