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Mom told me to go to bed and after two whippings and sex I should have dropped right off to sleep but my mind was racing. What had I become? When I was little I would cry for hours over a few hand spanks on my pantie clad bottom. Now I had become so perverted that I had asked for a whipping and had held my position with no bonds while that nasty whip welted my body. To make it worse I had been brought to a fantastic orgasm that was obviously much more exciting than the fucking that followed.

She gave me the pictures she had taken with instructions to tape them on my wall next to my bed to remind me what could happen if I didn't obey.

The last pictures she had taken were on top. Unlike the pictures with my tits tied these just excited me. As I looked at the pictures my nipples and clit began to tingle. They didn't produce the effect of fear she wanted at all. I marvelled at my bravery to be able to kneel with my breasts pushed out to feel the whip biting into me and actually lifting my hips to absorb lashes on my pussy I knew that would make Mom or anyone I knew scream and try to escape. I began to feel very proud and thought I looked so sexy naked being whipped that any man, even a movie or rock star would go crazy with desire seeing me. Mom obviously enjoyed being fucked and I knew that down deep she had to be grateful to me for getting our neighbor so excited he was able to fuck her more than once.

She proved that the next morning by bringing me breakfast in bed. While I ate it she went on and on about how awesome I was to be able to take the pain of the snake whip without trying to escape and even lifting my pussy to let him get to all of it. "You should be grateful I stopped him when I saw you were in terrible pain." She obviously did not realize that I was brought to orgasm by it and I thought it was best she didn't know in fear that she might do something really terrible to make sure I was being punished rather than excited.

She actually felt sorry for me.

"Honey, I could tell you didn't get off when Jim fucked you. You must have been too exhausted from the whipping. When Bill shows up I'll make sure you get off since the reward I had planned in having Jim fuck you didn't work out. The bastard tried to cheat us. He hit you long after he was hard but I made him pay for it. Get up and we will buy you some clothes with the extra money."

I put on my cotton panties and bra with my baggy sweater and long skirt. I had been naked for so long it seemed strange to be so fully covered. I had also become vain from the compliments on my nude body so it was a disappointment to walk down the street completely un-noticed by men.

We went to expensive stores indicating I had made a lot of money and it was obvious the clothes I would get had to be sexy, not just pretty. For recreational use she bought tiny short- shorts that exposed the bottom of my butt cheeks and my tummy way below my navel, then she picked out half-shirts of white cotton or spandex that barely covered the bottom of my boobs only as long as I kept my arms down. My blouses were sheer, skin tight, or both. She bought three mini-skirts of leather, spandex and a stretchy white cotton like a t-shirt. I was anxious to wear them to see if men would still ignore me on the street but she had me put my frumpy clothes back on telling me that I would have to get underwear that didn't leave lumps and lines before I could wear them.

We went to a store that specialized in sexy underwear. It had large dressing rooms and by voices on both sides of me it was obvious that men were in them to choose lingerie for their wives or girl friends.

I didn't feel guilty about wanting to show off my body when the salesgirl came in and opened her robe to show a tiny bra and panty set in red. I thought they were pretty but Mom had something definite in mind. She told me to undress while she went out with the sales girl to pick out some things.

I was standing naked awkwardly wondering what to do with my hands when they came in to try on a series of tiny bras and panties that were simply little triangles that barely covered the lips of my pussy and nipples. The salesgirl lifted and squeezed my boobs then said, "Oh good. They are really firm, that helps to keep the triangle from moving around and the material is flexible enough to let the little bumps show in her blouse when her nipples are excited. See?"

At that she pinched and pulled at my nipples until they stood out then smoothed the material over my pussy at each change. Naturally all the touching of my private parts was getting me excited.

Mom settled on two sets of white transparent silk and a silk gauze. I asked her why I bothered to wear anything since my nipples and my tight slit showed perfectly through the material.

"I think men like a little bit of mystery but you might be right. I wish we had a man here to give his opinion."

The salesgirl said, There is a customer outside who buys a lot of things from us. He should be a good judge."

"Yes. Get him."

"Mom. This is embarressing I am almost naked."

"Are you arguing with me?"

"No Mam."

Actually the idea increased my excitement I just thought I should make some protest in front of the girl so I would not look like the slut I was.

A very distinguished older man came in. His eyes widened and he smiled at me making me proud of his approval. He also came over and fondled my boobs agreeing with the sales girl that they were firm enough to keep the triangles in place.

"I think you have made a perfect choice except possibly the color. Her nipples are a very pale pink and her vagina is nearly as white as the material. It might be better if she got a little tan and her nipples given some color. I'll show you what I mean. Tina bring me the swatter."

Tina rushed out to return with a thing that looked like a miniture fly swatter. It had a flexible fibreglas rod with a piece of leather on the end shaped like a heart.

He came over to me and said, "This won't hurt much it will just give you a little color. Should I demonstrate."

I was so excited I hoped it would. I just gave a little moan and nodded my head.

He took off my bra and told me to put my hands behind my back and stand perfectly still so I would not spoil his aim.

He snapped the heart shaped tip on one nipple after the other while I watched them sink in to my breasts in the mirror to pop back out a litlle redder and stiffer with each sharp sting. He lied about not hurting but it was a delicious hurt and I trembled as my excitement moved to a peak but just as I was close he stopped to turn to Mom to say, "See how that makes her nipples delightfully stiff and a deep pink. Should I touch up her vaginal area?"

Before she could answer I panted "Yes! Oh yes! Make it red."

He smiled at my obvious excitement and pulled down my panties to hit the area that would have been covered by the triangle over and over until I was at the terrible part just before climax. He stopped!

"Yes that is much nicer her vagina now matches the color of her nipples."

I felt totally frustrated being so close and moaned, "No, don't stop. Make it red! The nipples too."

He smiled and began hitting much harder. I was soon in a series of orgasms so strong my strength left me and I slipped to the floor.

He said, "That seems sufficient." then he gave Mom a card saying, "She is delightful. Give me a call if you would not mind having her introduced to other exciting episodes."

As soon as he and Tina left she pulled me to my feet and told me to get dressed as we were leaving as soon as she paid for my things. I felt dazed but had the prescence of mind to suggest she buy a swatter too.

"No way! You like that too much."

She had not brought in my new clothes and had taken the bra and pantie sets with her so I just put on my baggy clothes. I dropped my old bra and panties into a waste basket since they now seemed ugly and I wanted to feel my sensitive nipples moving against my sweater.