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“Makes you what you are today,” Jim finished for her. “Sensational! If I weren’t your brother, Carl would’ve had a real fight on his hands, lemme tell you true.” Then he laughed and leaned across to put his arm around Suzie and squeeze her tightly. “That is, until I met my little rosebud, here. She’s a hot one, too!”

Suzie, shocked at the direction the conversation was taking, almost spilled the drink which had been given her. Despite the fact she rarely cared for liquor, she attempted to salvage the situation by raising her glass and toasting: “H-Here’s to marriage, everybody!”

With a chorus of assents, they all clinked glasses and drank heartily… all except Suzie. She tasted hers experimentally. The rum cocktail was tart, without much alcohol taste to it at all, and really very refreshing. Taking a deeper sip, she was glad that she wouldn’t have to pretend to like the drinks, and that she could compliment Verna on them genuinely.

“Hey, that hits the spot,” Jim said, smacking his lips. “Hope there’s plenty more where that came from!”

“Why do you think we were fifteen minutes later checking in than you were?” Verna giggled. “I had Carl stop at a liquor store and make sure he bought enough!”

“Plus a magnum of champagne,” Carl boasted. “Mumm’s!”

“For later,” Verna added. “For after dinner—and you’re invited!”

“Oh, that’s very nice, but I really don’t think that tonight we should bother you,” Suzie murmured.

“Nonsense, Sis!” Carl retorted. “We were going to go over and ask you, if you hadn’t come here first. Now, settle back and enjoy things!”

Suzie tried to, but there was still an aura of uneasiness to her as the conversation drifted onto many different topics. She finished her drink and Jim poured her another from the pitcher, and before she realized it, yet another. The rum gradually began to take its toll, and she experienced a general loosening of her nerves; the tenseness left her and she started feeling more relaxed. Then some of her mental cautiousness began to disappear, and surprisingly, she discovered herself being drawn into animated conversation with the others.

During her fourth drink, the quartet moved inside the cottage to the small, compact kitchen at the rear. Dinner was prepared amidst gales of laughter and teasing, for everything that could go wrong, did. The cookstove refused to light, and when finally it did, it belched smoke like a volcano. The steaks were burned, the potatoes under-done, and the salad had bugs in it. But somehow, it didn’t matter. With the pop of the cork and the pouring of the celebratory champagne, it seemed to the now giddy bride that it was the finest meal she’d ever eaten.

And when at last the champagne was gone and the rum had vanished and it was time to go, Suzie was almost sorry it was over. Light-headed and laughing, she leaned against Jim as they walked out into the clearing again. It was dark now, with the hook of a new moon caught in the floor of the sky… but it was a warm darkness, with crickets chirruping close by, and it wasn’t scary at all to her. Drunk with love and the unaccustomed alcohol, she looked back at Carl and Verna who were standing arm-in-arm on their porch.

“Good night, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe!” she said, waving to them. “Thanks for everything!”

“And good night to you, Mrs. Halford,” her brother called back. He was grinning crookedly, and she could tell he’d had more than his usual amount of alcohol. He was drunk!

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Verna added, and even that slightly risque remark seemed funny to Suzie right then. Starting down the path to their own cottage, she nuzzled closely against Jim and mentioned to him how happy she was that they’d decided to stay later than she’d first planned. Yes, and she thought to herself that Verna wasn’t anything like her mother had labeled her; her mother was an old ninny, that’s all. And Jim Halford was a very nice, very handsome, very urbane husband whom she found herself loving more and more each step she took…

With arms encircling each other’s waist, they climbed the steps of their porch and entered the small, three-room cabin. It was, fittingly enough, a twin of Carl’s and Verna’s cottage, and lived up to the color brochures as much as anything lives up to its advertising: nicely decorated in the rustic, woodsy notion of bare walls, beam ceilings, and black wrought iron legs on wooden tables and chairs. The carpet was a grass fiber matting which tickled when Suzie threw off her thongs and stood barefooted, and it extended throughout the living room, kitchenette, and the double-bed bedroom that was across from the tiny shower and toilet alcove.

Once inside and with the door shut, Jim drew his young blonde bride to him before she could reach the light switch. His lips found hers and he pressed his mouth wetly down, grinding tightly against her lips. She felt herself go limp, then the soft eagerness of his tongue bid for entry and she gently pushed him free.

“Darling, darling, I love you,” she heard herself whisper breathlessly. She fumbled for the light switch, turning on the overhead fixture that was shaped like a miniature wagon wheel, and then turning to her new husband again, she hugged him like a little girl. “I want to be yours, all yours, forever and ever.”

“God, you’ve driven me batty these last few months, rosebud,” Jim groaned passionately against her ear. “And now at last I’ve got you. I don’t know how I managed to control myself.”

“You didn’t,” she giggled. “I made you stop, remember?”

“Yeah, but never again!”

Suzie placed her forefinger gently against his impetuous lips, cooing softly to him: “Never again… but you’ll see, darling. You’ll see that the waiting will be worth it!”

“Will be? Now! Now and not another minute!” Impatient with lust, Jim Halford crushed Suzie to him again, his right hand searching for the zipper along the back of her blue shift. She giggled again, twisting from his greedy arms and dancing lightly a step away.

“No, no, not yet!” she teased him. “Let me get ready first. When I’m all set, I’ll call and you can come into the bedroom! That’s the way it should be!”

“Should be, my ass!” Jim panted, his tongue circling his lips with anticipation. “I’ll just peel those clothes off you like you’re a ripe banana, and that’ll be enough getting ready! Hell, I’ve been ready since I first laid eyes on you!”

Suzie fluttered her eyelids, cocking her head to one side with a cute mock pout. “Now, darling, this is my honeymoon too. It’s something I’ve always dreamed about… please let me have my way. And… and please don’t swear so much.”

Jim clenched his fists and teeth with the urgency of his desire to possess his bride’s nubile body. “Oh, for Chri… crimminy’s sake, make it fast, will you? How much teasing can you expect one guy to take? Especially from his own wife!”

She placed her hands on her hips jauntily, still eyeing him saucily with her head tilted. “Enough so he remembers she is his wife… a good wife! And for him to be a good husband!”

“I’m not promising anything!” he laughed after her, watching her lithe firm buttocks wriggle enticingly beneath the thin fabric of her shift as she ankled for the bedroom.

When the door had been quietly shut, he walked over to where there was a bottle of bourbon on the table. He’d brought it along in his suitcase, and now he unscrewed the cap and drank deeply from the bottle, adding more potent liquor to his already large load of rum and champagne. His fingers shook from his pent-up emotions, and some of the amber liquid ran down from the corners of his mouth. Damn, but Suzie’s beauty stunned him! He wanted to have his long hard cock lodged up inside her tender cunt in the worst way, and being so close to victory now only made him hotter. He’d had plenty of easy girls, but she was another matter, the perfect blend of spice and challenge! He’d pursued that luscious body of hers with all the charm and charisma he could possibly muster, but that inherent puritanism of hers had always prevailed until finally it had been he who’d surrendered! To think! Him! Jim Halford, marrying a girl so he could fuck her! But that was okay by him, because he loved Suzie, loved her with all his heart and soul, and perhaps some of it was because she had held out against him and remained a virgin.