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When they reached the terminal area, however, the driver continued past the departures drop-off zone. This puzzled Ess, and she became more apprehensive that Angoli did, in fact, have a way around security.

Sure enough, the car pulled into a smaller drive further down the way and passed another building that was connected to a large airplane hanger. John swiped a card through a checkpoint at a security gate and drove onto the airport's tarmac, pulling up beside a plane. It appeared much smaller than any plane Ess had ever thought she would be flying in. The writing on the side declared it to be a Citation X, and it was rather sleek in clean white metallic with a blue design along the side and massive engines mounted high on the tail. The very sophisticated shape of the aircraft further indicated the extent of Angoli's wealth and his desire to display it.

Angoli commanded Ess to remain in the car as he and the driver spoke to the two pilots. He then produced some passport identifications and pointed to the grimacing woman in the car. One pilot gave Ess a good look through the window, comparing her to the photo on one of the passports. She couldn't be sure if the pilots worked directly for Angoli or if she could possibly risk notifying them of her hostage situation. She assured herself that she would look for the opportunity to find out.

Angoli walked with the pilots towards the front of the plane, while John the driver helped her out of the car and led her with a tight grip up the steps, through the open door of the plane's cabin. He sat her down in a seat and belted her in. "No funny business, Okay? I've got my eye on you."

With that, he headed back out the door to get the bags. Ess unbuckled her seatbelt and peered out of the window. She could chance a run for it, but John had parked the car so close that there could be no clear path to run around it and get away fast enough. She didn't know exactly where she could run either. Still, she told herself, it would certainly be better to chance it, than to regret doing nothing.

Unluckily, though, as Ess headed for the door, Angoli walked up the steps into the plane.

"Please, Esther, have a seat. John will see to your luggage. You've had a long day. It's time for you to relax. Go on and sit down. The seats do recline all the way back, you know." He smiled patronizingly at her. "Would you like a glass of wine to help you rest?"

"No." Ess needed to keep her wits about her. Alcohol certainly wouldn't allow that.

"No?" Angoli feigned surprise.

"No, thank you." Ess glared, which caused the arrogant man's nostrils to flare. She found herself rather thrilled when she could get under his skin.

John brought their personal bags onboard with a stern scowl that never seemed to leave his face. The pilots followed. Having already loaded the larger items underneath, they now headed for the cockpit. Ess noted that Angoli visibly changed his demeanor when they boarded. He acted more passively superior rather than exhibiting his naturally supercilious self; obviously, trying to keep up pretences. Ess surmised from this, that the pilots must not work directly for him. That was a promising observation.

Angoli now eyed her outfit, after only having given it a passing glance in his earlier rush to leave the estate. She had chosen a pair of business slacks and a white button up shirt, which she buttoned all the way to the top. This dress decision had been made as a point that she in no way wanted to entice Angoli's appetite and definitely had no desire to receive his notice. "The captain told me that since the Maldives are such a long way away, and this plane is made for speed rather than distance, we will have to make several stops on our trip. I do hope you will be comfortable."

Opportunity. Finally, Ess found a window of opportunity. "Well, now that you mention it, I wouldn't mind changing into something a little more comfortable before the long flight begins. May I have my bag?"

Angoli looked suspiciously at her for a moment, wondering at her sudden display of easy compliance, and then decided that there was nothing she could do at this point to escape. With John and himself between her and the only exit, Ess wasn't going anywhere outside of these closed quarters. He motioned for John to hand over her luggage and watched closely as she closed the door to the water closet behind her.

Now it was time for Ess to make her move.


The Rolls Royce surprised them all. It was amazingly fast for such a huge and heavy thing. Max roared down the highway, speeding at twice the legal limit, and praying that he wouldn't draw the attention of any highway police troopers. Who knew if Angoli hadn't already alerted the police force and had them out looking for him. Then again, this was Angoli's car he was driving. Max doubted that the local law enforcement would dare to stop this vehicle. With that thought in mind, he laid his foot on the gas all the more, and sped along like he was sure no one had ever sped in a Rolls Royce before.

As they neared the airport Martin decided to bring up a good point. "You know Angoli charters a private plane, right?" Max looked at him through the rearview mirror as if prompting him to make his point. "He won't be boarding at the commercial terminals. He meets the plane at an executive jet terminal, a private center at the airport. You have to pass the terminals and go around to a separate building."

"What about security?" Manda asked.

"They have a private security entrance, and the pilots verify the passengers with the FAA. Won't be a problem for Angoli."

"But how are we supposed to get past security?" Manda continued with concern.

"Well," Martin used his slimy grin, "we have a big boat of a car. I'm sure it'll come in handy." This time, Max actually returned his smile.

* * *

Ess took a deep calming breath, trying her best to reduce her shaking chills. She knew she had to do this, but the thought of finally having the opportunity to actively seek her own freedom became nerve-racking. With her hand on the door handle, she continued to take additional tranquilizing breaths, until she felt the roar of the engines firing up. No more time to dally. Time to act.

She generated as little noise as she could while she stepped back into the cabin, keeping her right hand behind her back; and pausing to discern the scene before her so that she could determine how to make her move. The pilots remained in the cockpit readying the plane for its impending flight, but the airplane door was still open. Angoli lounged in a seat, facing forward, where he sipped a glass of red wine. If he heard Ess re-enter the cabin, he made no acknowledgment of it.

Luck had to be smiling on her finally, because John was nowhere in sight. A peek out of the windows showed her that the Town Car no longer sat beside the plane. The security guard must have gone to park it in the lot. With one less person present to contend with, Ess felt surer of herself and moved to follow through on her plan.

From behind her back, she produced a little 'Molotov cocktail' she had thrown together while in the water closet. It was simple, really. While back at the estate, she had perused her limited selection of beauty products and chose the bottle of Chanel perfume, half of which she dumped down the sink, and a bottle of acetone based nail polish remover. She packed them in her carry-on bag, noting that both appeared harmless enough, in case Angoli or his security guards decided to search her baggage.