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Steve nodded furiously and wiped the dash like a demon. He started the engine.

"You're right, of course," he told Linda as he drove out of the park. "I'll be more careful in the future. It's just that I…"

"Got carried away," Linda finished his sentence for him. "You always do, Steve. You've just got to learn better control."

Linda continued raking Steve over the coals as her thoughts shifted to the approaching interview. She could make Steve feel like dirt without even thinking about it. She was an expert. What was on Linda's devious little mind now was the job at the prestigious advertising agency.

That and the burning ache in her virgin cunt that jacking off Steve's cock had caused.


The intercom buzzed, so Patrick Huston pressed the button impatiently. He was right in the middle of proofing the Lyndale Homes final copy, and he thought he had given Mary specific instructions he was not to be disturbed until he finished reading.

"What is it?" Huston inquired irritably.

"A Miss Linda Parker to see you," Mary said in a professional, all-business voice. "From the CJP people. She had a four o'clock appointment."

Huston glanced at his desk clock. The girl was fifteen minutes early. Goddamn overeager kids! the business agency owner said to himself.

"Shall I tell her to have a seat and wait?" Mary asked.

Something in Mary's voice rang a bell with Patrick Huston. The little redhead sounded almost as if she hoped he would tell her to inform Linda whatever-her-name-was that the job had already been filed. That intrigued him.

"Tell her to come right in," Huston said, taking a chance.

"Yes, sir," Mary said, her disappointment obvious even over the intercom.

The door opened and Huston stood up the greet his prospective new employee. He corrected himself to probable new employee as soon as Linda Parker walked into his office.

The student was tall, lean in all the right spots, incredibly full and rounded in all the others, and had the face of an angel. Linda shook her long silky strands of jet black hair behind her bare shoulders and smiled at the handsome blond man walking up to greet her.

"Mr. Huston?" Linda asked incredulously.

"Yes. What's the matter, my dear?" Pat answered with his suave smile.

"Oh, nothing… it's just that I expected someone much older." Linda returned his smile with one just as devastating. "I mean, you're so young to own such a big important business!"

Linda's gushing comment had the desired effect. The thirty-five-year-old agency owner just stood there, shifting his weight from foot to foot for a moment.

He looked as if he were about to say, "Aw, shucks… me?"

Instead, Huston recovered in a few moments and held out his hand. "Have a seat, Miss Parker, please. Let's talk about the job and your… uh, qualifications."

"Here?" Linda asked, indicating one of the high-backed chairs in front of the large mahogany desk.

"No, that much too formal," Patrick Huston said grinning. "It'll make us both nervous. Why don't we just sit over here on the couch?"

Linda nodded, as if that idea pleased her very much, and sat down demurely on the couch. She spread her relatively short skirt over her shapely thighs, but not before the dapper agency owner had had a chance to catch a long glimpse.

"Well, now that's certainly better," Huston said, sitting next to the extremely attractive teenager. "This is much friendlier than across a desk. And I want you to be at ease, my dear. This is a very friendly office."

"I'm so glad," Linda said. "I'm a very friendly girl, Mr. Huston, and I did so want to find a friendly place to work on my first job. Now, should I fill out an application or something?"

"Not necessary, dear," Huston assured her. "It's extremely evident that you have the qualifications for the public relations receptionist part of the job. That dress is a real knock-out on you. Just the kind of image we want here – young and with-it and sexy."

Linda smiled and leaned back on the couch. This was better than she had ever hoped for. This guy was gorgeous! And very hip for an old man. She could tell that right off she'd have a fantastic time working here.

"Just how fast do you type?" Huston asked as if he didn't really care but felt he should.

"Uh… oh, about sixty or so," Linda answered. She giggled like a little girl. "But sometimes when I go that fast I make a tiny mistake or two."

Huston chuckled, delighted with the little nymph and her charming laugh, her flashing eyes, her cute mannerisms and her big tits that shook so invitingly when she giggled.

"Oh, that's all right," the entranced businessman assured the teenager. "Everyone makes a few little errors from time to time. Tell me, Linda, do you take shorthand?"

"Yes, I'm up to around a hundred words a minute on my timed drills at CJP class," Linda said proudly. "And I can handle a ten line PBX board."

Huston grinned again. "Our board only has eight lines. It'll be a piece of cake for a girl like you."

"You… you mean I get the job?" Linda asked excitedly.

"You can start tomorrow, as far as I'm concerned," the blond-haired executive smiled. "You'll have to talk with my partner first, of course, but that's just a formality. I do all the hiring and firing around here. You can see him tomorrow, then start work. Now, how about a drink to celebrate your new job?"

Linda's smile faded, replaced by a look of doubt. She had gotten drunk with her girlfriends several times at slumber parties, and she had gotten a little tipsy one time with the boyfriend proceeding Steve. But she had never been offered liquor by a man before. Patrick Huston was an adult… a well-dressed, well-educated, polished man about town. It made Linda's heart race to think about sitting in a posh office like this one with a man like Patrick Huston, having a casual drink just as if she were years older than she was.

"Uh, I guess I ought to warn you, Mr. Huston, I'm not of age yet," Linda said quietly, as if she hoped he wouldn't really hear her.

"Nonsense, my dear," the dashing man in the three-piece suit answered, starting his blender. "When you're with me, you are of age. In that outfit, with your looks, you're the most stunning, sophisticated young lady I've had in my office in weeks. Who says you can't have one of these harmless little coolers?"

Huston poured the icy pink drinks from the blender and put the bottle of one-fifty-one rum away below in the bar. He came back to the couch carefully and handed Linda her drink as he sat down next to her again.

Linda gulped the sweet refreshing drink down in a few big swallows, almost as if she was afraid he would ask for it back.

"Gee, that was really good," the ill-at-ease teenager said as she finished the daiquiri. "Could I have another?"

"Of course," Huston told her graciously, taking her glass and walking away to refill it.

The tall man returned and handed the girl the potent drink. He slid closer on the couch, studying her eyes.

Linda sipped this drink instead of gulping it. There was something odd about the sugary cocktail. The long-stemmed glass didn't hold much, but Linda could already feel her head beginning to float from the first drink.

"Wow, these are kinda strong!" the willowy brunette exclaimed, setting her half-consumed second drink on the table.

"Oh, you're a big girl, Linda," Huston assured her, his arm moving up the couch behind her. "You can handle your liquor, I'm sure…"

Linda didn't know about that. Her head was feeling lighter and lighter with each passing heartbeat, and having the good-looking Patrick Huston edging so close to her on the couch wasn't helping her heart pump any slower. She picked up the glass and sipped down more of the brain-fogging mixture as she stared into the older man's bright-blue eyes across the rim of her glass.