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No problem-or so she thought. She dropped by Jeff Cooper's room, only to find that he'd been sent home. Next she looked for Phil Rogers and found that he was scheduled for surgery the whole day. But there was still Ted. She'd had a hankering to fuck a different man each day, but in a pinch she could break that rule.

She burst into Ted's room with a big smile on her face-and stopped short. A beautiful blonde was sitting beside his bed, holding his hand.

Ted gave Sally a sheepish grin.

"Uh, good morning, Nurse Anderson," he said. "This is my friend Sarah, the one I was telling you about."

"Oh, yes," Sally sighed, "how do you do?"

To excuse her presence, she took Ted's temperature and pulse. His temperature was normal, but his pulse was on the high side, and no wonder. He could hardly take his eyes off Sarah, the girl who'd finally promised to go to bed with him. He didn't even seem to remember that Sally was in the room. It was hopeless.

"Well, so long, you two," Sally said. "I'll see that you're not disturbed."

Ted wrenched his eyes from Sarah long enough to say, "Hey, thanks, Nurse Anderson, you're really okay."

A lot of good that was going to do her! Here it wasn't even noon yet, and already she was so horny she could hardly concentrate on her work. Her greedy pussy was swollen up taut with need, the flesh flaming hot and very wet. If she didn't get some relief for that burning lust, she was going to go out of her mind.

Preoccupied with these thoughts, Sally rounded a corner of the corridor and ran smack into somebody. As they bounced off each other, she recognized Dr. Kurt Davis, the new intern. Six feet tall, solidly built, and with a mass of curly auburn hair, Davis was really a hunk. He might be a couple of years younger than Sally, but that didn't matter at all.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Doctor," she cooed, giving him her most dazzling smile.

Kurt just gawked at her, his eyes running up and down her tall bigtitted body. Sally knew she had a fantastic figure, especially in her formfitting nurse's uniform, and she just let him look. Finally the young doctor swallowed hard, cleared his throat a couple of times, and managed to speak.

"I'm very sorry, Nurse," he said hoarsely, "it was all my fault. May I buy you some coffee to make up for it?"

By the time they finished coffee, they were on a first-name basis and had agreed to meet for lunch. Kurt didn't know it, but Sally had very special plans for their lunch hour. After all, she was Dr. Anderson's wife, and Anderson was a very important guy. Beautiful as she was, Kurt wouldn't dream of coming on to her. So naturally he didn't dream that she could come on to him.

At noon they met in the hall as arranged, and Sally led Kurt to a rarely used supply room. She locked the door behind them, and Kurt gave her a puzzled look.

"This isn't the cafeteria," he said.

"That's very perceptive of you, Doctor," Sally smiled. "Will you please sit down?"

There was one plain straight-backed chair in the small windowless room, and Kurt numbly sat down in it. Sally grabbed some folded towels from a shelf and set them on the floor. She knelt on the towels, right in front of Kurt's chair, and reached for his fly. As she tugged down the zipper, Kurt turned beet red.

"Uh, what are you doing, Mrs. Anderson?" he stammered.

"It's Sally, remember?" she purred. "And don't worry about my husband. What he doesn't know won't hurt him." She got his fly all the way open and added, "This is my idea of a really terrific lunch, Kurt."

Before he could reply, she'd pushed down his pants and shorts, liberating his seven-inch prick and large hairy balls. She fisted the thick base of his cock and started pumping it in her hot little fist. She dipped her head down, darted out her juicy hot tongue, and began to lather the head of his prick with steaming spit.

"Jesus Christ," Kurt gasped, "I don't believe this."

"Believe it," Sally purred, "relax and believe it.''

"Yeah, b-but why me?" he said hoarsely.

Sally gave an impatient sigh. She couldn't lick cock and talk at the same time. And she didn't want to explain that she was fucking her way through every attractive guy at the hospital, doctor and patient alike. But she had to say something to shut him up.

"I find you a very attractive man, Kurt," she said huskily, "so attractive that I just can't resist you. I don't usually do things like this, but I just can't help myself. You understand?"

"Oh, yeah, sure," he said wonderingly.

As a matter of fact, he didn't understand at all. Like every young intern on the staff, he'd had his eye on Nurse Anderson, and he'd fantasized about her while jacking off. But he'd never dreamed he actually stood a chance of getting it on with her. He sat there in a daze while Sally pumped his prick and whipped it with her hot juicy tongue. Could this really be happening to him?

He decided that her expertly swirling and lashing tongue was very real. He felt hot stabs of pleasure as Sally whipped her scalding wet tongue all over the sensitive head of his cock. It finally came through to him that he wasn't dreaming, that gorgeous Nurse Anderson was really going down on him. He felt a rush of lust so powerful that his prick instantly mushroomed into hardness.

"Mmmmmmmmmm," Sally sighed.

She loved feeling his cock balloon in her fist and under her tongue. The mushrooming meat forced her fingers wide apart and butted the lashing tip of her tongue. She watched the head of his cock swelling into a big hard purple knob of flesh. Another few seconds, and big bright globs of juice were leaking from his piss hole.

"There's my lunch right now," she said hoarsely.

She stabbed at the oozing droplets with the pointed tip of her tongue, spearing them up and rolling them around in her mouth to savor the strong salty taste. Then she gulped them down with a hungry gurgling noise. Kurt slumped back in his chair and watched in a horny daze as the beautiful nurse eagerly licked up his prick cream. He'd never had such a sensuous head job before.

As she slowly and deliciously lapped up his oozing cock juice, Sally sneaked a glance at him and saw that his handsome face was flushed with arousal, his eyes hot and glassy. He was breathing loudly and harshly. As his excitement grew, more and more thick bubbles of juice dribbled form his piss hole, and Sally got every one of them, spearing them up with her darting tongue tip.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm," she murmured, "uuummmmmmmm."

"Holy Christ," Kurt moaned.

He'd love to tell his fellow interns about this, but they'd never believe him. In fact they'd die laughing if he said that Nurse Anderson had lured him into a supply room so she could give him a blow job. He could hardly believe it himself. But he sure as hell could feel her scalding wet tongue as it lashed the sensitive bloated head of his cock and scooped up his dribbling cream.

Sally swirled her tongue around and around the big bulbous head of his dick, cleaning it of every drop of hot salty juice. Then she wriggled the pointed tip of her tongue deep into his piss hole and reamed out more of the tasty cream. She drilled and reamed until there was nothing more to eat. She had to find some other way to amuse herself.

She started licking her way down his cock, running her slick hot tongue around and around the granite-hard column of flesh and leaving it shining with her steaming spit. She lapped and lashed at the bulging blue veins and taut skin. When she reached the hairy base of his prick, she didn't stop. She licked right on down to his engorged nut sac.

"Holy shit," Kurt groaned.

He'd had his share of sexual experiences, but he'd never had a girl lick his balls before. He practically flew off the chair as Sally's hot little tongue tickled and teased all over the taut hairy surface of his sensitive nut sac. She left every inch lathered with her hot spit. Then she started licking her way upward again, over his engorged balls and up his steel-stiff cock.

She was panting with excitement, and she felt her hot breath fanning his prick. She lashed and lathered his cock with her greedy hot tongue. More thick globs of cream began to leak from his piss hole. The molten liquid trickled down his blue-veined shaft, and Sally lapped it up eagerly. At last she'd licked her way to the bloated purple head of his cock.