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He dialed Talley’s number and listened to the Nokia ring. He let it ring twenty times, and then he snapped his phone shut so hard he thought he might have broken it.


Talley rolled code three all the way to the hospital. He beat Cooper, arriving a few minutes after three A.M. The parking lot was almost deserted; the remaining press camped by the emergency room entrance. Talley parked at the side of the hospital to avoid them, but got out of the car because sitting was difficult. He leaned against the door with his arms crossed, watching the street, then realized he was still wearing the bullet-resistant vest and the radio. He took them off and tossed them into the backseat. He found the Nokia, and dropped it onto the front seat.

The Nokia rang.

Talley hesitated in the door of the car, thinking the Watchman had finally heard about the house. He stared at the ringing phone as if he was hiding from it, as if any movement might draw the Watchman’s eye and the Watchman would somehow know that Talley was there. Talley should have turned the goddamned thing off. He wanted the Watchman to wonder.

Talley felt his chest tighten, and realized that he had stopped breathing. The phone stopped ringing as Cooper turned into the parking lot. Talley took a breath, then raised his hand, but Cooper was already turning toward him.

Talley watched carefully as Thomas and Jennifer got out of Cooper’s car. They looked pale and tired, and their eyes were anxious with apprehension. Talley knew that they might seem fine now in the initial elation of being released, but later there could be nightmares, flashbacks, and other symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Jennifer reminded him of Amanda all over again. Talley felt himself lifted by such a swell of feeling that he wanted to both cry and hug them, but he only let himself smile.

Jennifer said, “Are we going to see our father?”

“That’s right. Did Officer Cooper tell you about your mother? We spoke with her in Florida. She’s flying back now.”

They beamed. Jennifer actually said, “Yay.”

Talley put out his hand.

“We didn’t really meet before. My name is Jeff Talley.”

“I’m Jennifer Smith. Thank you for what you did.”

She shook his hand firmly, her smile blinding. Thomas shook his hand as if it were serious business. They stood so close together that their arms touched, and both children stood very close to him. He knew that this was normal. He was the man who had saved them.

“It’s good to finally meet you, Thomas. You were a big help. You were very brave. You both were.”

“Thank you, Chief. You’re really dirty.”

Jennifer rolled her eyes, and Cooper laughed.

Talley glanced at his hands. They were streaked with soot and sweat, as was his face.

“I guess I am. I haven’t had time to clean up.”

Jennifer said, “He can be so rude. You should look at yourself, Thomas. You’ve got ash on your nose.”

Thomas rubbed at his nose, but his eyes never left Talley.

“Is our daddy okay?”

“He’s doing better. Let’s go see him.”

Talley brought them through the side entrance. He held their hands, letting go only to badge an orderly who led them through the hospital to the emergency room. Everyone they passed stared at them. Talley knew that it was only a matter of time before word spread to the press that the chief of police had brought the hostage children to their father. When the press knew, the Watchman would know.

Talley refused to bring the children through the ER admitting area. The orderly led them past the hospital laboratory along a hall that the ER personnel used to bring samples to the lab. Klaus and Reese were no longer present, but a nurse that Talley recognized from before stopped them.

“You’re the Chief, aren’t you? May I help you?”

“I’m bringing the Smith children to see their father.”

“I’d better get Dr. Reese.”

“Fine, you go get her. We’ll be in the room.”

Talley found Smith’s room without waiting. He thought that Smith would be sleeping, but Smith was staring at the ceiling, his eyes blinking. He was still wired to the monitors.

Jennifer said, “Daddy?”

Smith lifted his head enough to see, and then his face registered surprise and elation.

The kids ran to him, both to the side of the bed without wires, and hugged their father. Talley waited in the door, giving them a moment, then entered and stood at the end of the bed. Jennifer cried, her face buried in her father’s chest. The little boy wiped at his eyes and asked if it hurt.

Talley watched. Smith wrapped his arm around Jennifer and held Thomas’s arm. He looked up past them, met Talley’s eyes, then hugged his children tighter.

“Thank God you’re all right. You’re all right, aren’t you? You’re okay?”

“Mommy’s coming home.”

Talley stepped up behind Jennifer.

“We reached your wife. She’s in the air now.”

Smith met Talley’s eyes again, then looked away.

Talley said, “Your family is safe.”

Smith nodded, still not looking at him.

“What happened to the three men?”

“They’re dead.”

Thomas pulled at his father’s arm.

“Daddy, our house is on fire. We almost burned.”

Thomas jerked his father’s arm again, then coughed a great shuddering sob and buried his face in his father’s stomach. It was all coming out now, all of Thomas’s tension and fear. Smith stroked his son’s hair.

“It’s okay, partner. It’s okay. You’re safe. That’s all that’s important.”

Talley waited until the boy had calmed, then squeezed Jennifer’s shoulder.

“Could you guys wait in the hall for a second? I need to talk to your dad.”

Smith glanced up, then nodded to send his children to the hall. Jennifer took Thomas’s hand and led him outside. Smith took a deep breath, let it out, then looked up.

“Thank you.”

Talley took out the two disks.

Smith stared at them, then looked away again.

“Did you tell my kids?”

“No. They’ll have questions. Thomas helped me get them. He opened them on his computer.”

“It wouldn’t mean anything to him.”

“He’ll wonder. He’s going to ask sooner or later.”

Smith sighed again.


“Those are good kids you got there. That little boy, Thomas, he’s something else.”

Smith closed his eyes.

Talley watched Smith, wondering if there was anything he could say to get this man to help him. He had negotiated with hundreds of subjects, and that was the game: Figure out what they needed to hear and say it; find their buttons and push them. All of that seemed beyond Talley now. He didn’t know what to say. He glanced over at Thomas and Jennifer standing in the hall, and felt a pain so deep and pure that he thought it might break him. If he could just get Jane and Amanda back, he would never let them go.

He patted Smith’s arm.

“I don’t know where you come from or what you’ve done in your life, but you’d better do right by those kids. You’ve got your family now, Smith. They’re safe. Help me get mine.”

Smith blinked hard at the ceiling. He shook his head, then closed his eyes tight. He took another deep breath, then looked past Talley to his own children.


“Yeah. Shit.”

Smith looked at him. Smith’s eyes were wet.

“If you’ve got the disks, you’ve got everything. You can put them all away.”

“Who has my family?”

“That would be Glen Howell. He was coming to the house today. He’s Benza’s man on the scene.” Talley touched his wrist.

“Gold Rolex here? Dark tan?” Smith nodded.

Talley was getting excited. He had something now. He was close by the door and ready to breach.