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Ann shook her head. Her eyes were glazed and murky, but mildly terrified. "Kathi, no," she murmured. "No, no, Kathi."

"I can't help it," Kathi sighed. "Ann, you're so lovely."

A soft moan of pleasure came from Ann's throat. But she didn't stop slowly shaking her head, shrinking back. "I didn't know you were like that, Kathi."

Kathi kissed Ann's gleaming shoulder. She slid her lips down her sisters sleek cunt, cupping Ann's round left breast in both hands lifting it toward her mouth.

"I'm not like that," she whispered, kissing Ann's breast, her lips inching closer to the soft swollen nipple.

"Ohhhnnnn!" Ann whimpered, jerking quickly away from Kathi, stepping back, out of reach. "Let go of me! Don't touch me any more!"

"I'm sorry," Kathi said. "Ann, I can explain…"

"There a nothing to explain. It's already as clear as day, Kathi." Ann crossed her arms over her naked boobs, her mouth wide open in disbelief. "Is this is the real reason why you and Mike split up?"

Instinctively Kathi's head swiveled back and forth, denying it. She shut her eyes, cursing herself for her foolishness. She felt the wetness on her cheeks and knew she was crying. "Kin, Ann," she wept softly, watching her sister, arms still crossed over her breasts, back away from her toward the bathroom. "I've never touched another woman before in my life. Until… then."

"You expect me to believe that, Kathi? I… I guess I don't care if you want to do that. At least I can't stop you. But I'm your sister, for God's sake!"

"I know, I know! I tried not to let it happen!" she sobbed. "I knew you'd take it this way. I… just couldn't help myself."

Nevertheless, she could see through her hot tears Ann looking at her with a strange mixture of fear and desire. It was the same fear and desire she knew so well in herself. Ann, perhaps thinking that Kathi was too disturbed to notice, ran her eyes up and down Kathi's naked upper body, pausing at her voluptuous naked breasts.

Ann was also aroused, Kathi knew it. But she was as confused and alarmed by the strange desires as Kathi had been. She kept backing up toward the bathroom.

"Kathi," she whispered solemnly. "We'll just pretend this never happened. Honest to God. It never happened. I'm forgetting about it right now."

"I only wish… you'd let me explain," Kathi whimpered.

"There's nothing to explain," Ann said nervously. "If that's what you like, then I'll have to… try to understand."

"But you've got it all wrong!" Kathi wailed.

"I'll just have to understand," Ann repeated nervously, edging backwards into the bathroom. "In fact, I do understand, I do. I really do."

And she quickly closed the bathroom door and snapped shut the lock.


Brian knew that Carla Jennings was waiting for him at her apartment. He had told Ann that he had an overnight business trip to L.A. So tonight was the night. At long last he had agreed to give the girl what she apparently wanted so bad.

The thought of it both worried and excited him. He didn't know deep down if he really wanted to go through with it. He wasn't used to kinky sex. And he wasn't the brutal type. Still, he told himself, she's not asking me to whip her or cane her or really hurt her. She just likes a little slap on the fanny or two before she comes. It freaks her out.

Which is putting it mildly, he thought. Actually it was a little scary because he had seen her once caught in the grip of her obsession. She had been the closest thing to an animalistic sex maniac that he had ever seen. Well, I can handle it, he thought. He was already getting a gigantic hard-on as he drove to her piece, thinking about what was going to happen. Carla certainly didn't look like a sex maniac when she greeted him at the door. "Hi," she smiled brightly.

"Hi, Carla."

"Won't you come in?" She gave him a mocking grin.

"It'd be my pleasure."

She was being so demure, it boggled his mind. She was dressed in a full-length quilted bathrobe that was zipped all the way up to her neck, concealing every inch of her body. Brian was pleasantly surprised. So, he thought. It's going to be sonic sort of game. Well, I can handle that too.

Carla led him into her living room. On the coffee table in front of the sofa were two champagne glasses and an ice bucket with a bottle in it wrapped in a towel. Two candles were burning. How fucking romantic! Brian thought.

"I'll offer you a glass of champagne," Carla smiled. "That is, if you'll pop the cork."

Brian nodded. A game is a game, he thought. I'll be damned if I won't play along. For a while, anyway. Pop the cock, eh?

He took the bottle from the ice bucket and wrapped the towel around its base. Then he worked the wire free from the cork and began pressing out the cork with his thumbs.

"Ok no, no," Carla whispered. "There's a proper way to do everything, you know. You hold the bottle between your thighs like this and…"

She licked her full upper lip. Her eyes glimmered sexily at him as she demonstrated the way he should do it. Brian grinned and followed her directions.

He wedged the bottle between his thighs and began prying the cork free again. Carla's mouth hung open and her eyes grew almost glassy as she watched. The cork was tightly sealed and hard to get out. Brian grew red in the face struggling with it. He could hear her breath quicken in the silence as she watched him. Finally it flew out with a loud pop. Like a thick bullet it bounced off Carla's bathrobe in the vicinity of her stomach. She gasped sharply, her eyes wide with pleasure as she watched the foamy champagne spurt and froth out of the bottle.

Brian quickly handled it so that the mess wouldn't be too great. But it was hard not to watch the sexual excitement she got just from watching him open a champagne bottle. She was, he thought, the most wonderful kind of crazy he had ever encountered.

"God, that's great," she sighed as he poured the wine into the two glasses.

"It is, isn't it," he said calmly. Someone had to becalm.

He handed her one glass and lifted his. "How about a toast?"

She smiled demurely again. "What shall we toast?"

"To a night of incredible… pleasure," he said.

Carla looked at him from under her eyelashes. "I'll drink to that," she breathed.

They clinked their glasses and sipped.

"And to you taking off your robe so I can see more of your incredible… self," Brian said, raising his glass again.

"Oh now, we wouldn't want to rush things, would we?" Carla said coyly.

"Of course we would. Why the hell not?"

To tell the truth, Brian was a little worried. He knew he could probably manage three or four orgasms, but she didn't seem like the type to settle for that.

"Because we've got all night," Carla breathed. "I told you that you could do anything to me you wanted. Remember?"


"Anything… except really hurt me. I mean hurt me bad. You don't want to hurt me bad, do you?"

Brian went over to her and took her hand and put it on his thick thumping groin. "Feel that?" he said.

She smiled. "God, yes!"

"Well if he doesn't get what he wants, he's liable to hurt you."

Carla's breath quickened again. "And what if I say no. What if I say I've changed my mind."

Brian's hand tightened on her wrist. He set his glass down on the table, then took hers and set it beside his. He crushed her body against him and kissed her roughly, digging his fingers into her flesh through the heavy fabric of the robe.

"I'm not finished with my champagne," Carla whispered against his teeth.

"To hell with your champagne."

"You're so rough. I didn't know you were so rough."

Brian reached up and began unzipping her robe. "Only when it's necessary," he murmured.