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She found herself wondering where Tom was, and what he thought of what he was seeing.

But when she opened her eyes to look for him, all she could see was the thick pulsing shaft of Brad’s large cock protruding from her mouth. Slowly the wet bulging stalk slid in between her lips, then slowly out again. She smiled and brought her hands up to touch it, encircling the stiff pole of hot flesh with her fingers, feeding it in and out of her clinging mouth.

“Ooommm,” she hummed, looking up into Brad’s grinning face and enjoying how much pleasure he was obviously getting out of it too. “Ooommmmm!”

She didn’t know how long the slow simmering rhythm of it went on this way.

Shari’s clever tongue tickled her pussy until it was a frothy pool of hot need.

Once Shari’s tongue even slithered up into her tightly clenched asshole, and Amy shrieked with surprised pleasure.

“Ohhnneeeeee!” she cried out, her hips leaping with squirmy convulsions.

Brad removed his wet cock from her mouth and began rubbing it all over her quivering breasts. He stabbed her stiff nipples with it, while Shari’s tongue continued to do depraved things to her rectum.

Amy had never experienced such wild dirty pleasure. The fact that it was so awful made it doubly exciting. Her body writhed out of control. She mewled and gagged with lust as Shari’s tongue vigorously fucked in and out of her fiery asshole.

“Unngghhhh!” she grunted. “Oohhnnnnn, god it feels good!”

God, Tom, forgive me for being so wicked! she thought, wondering if he were still in the room. Was he seeing her getting fucked in this thoroughly depraved and thrilling way? I can’t help it, Tom, I can’t help it! she wanted to cry out. It feels so good! “I… I can’t help it!” she panted out loud, delirious with lust. “Fuck me, please fuck me. Both of you fuck me!”

She felt them manipulating her trembling body around. Brad was suddenly behind her, his thick hard prick pronging up between her thighs from the rear. Shari was in front of her, crouched between her thighs.

Amy looked down through her desire-glazed eyes and saw Shari lick and suck her husband’s cock a few quick times before feeding it into Amy’s wetly puckering pussy-lips.

“Oohhnnngggggg!” Amy groaned as it penetrated her.

Brad’s arms encircled her and began rubbing her breasts and pinching and twisting her aching nipples as he fucked her..But at the same time, Shari was sucking and tonguing her clit. Amy went completely wild. The sensations were unbearably intense.

“Oh! Oh! Oh god! Oh Jesus!” she gasped.

Both Shari and Brad seemed to know exactly how close she was to exploding, as if they had practiced this before. They knew that the prologue to this moment had elevated her desires to the bursting point. She was like a tautly stretched wire, ready to snap.

And so, when they heard her helpless cries, they went after her together, in perfect harmony. Brad’s grip.on her body strengthened. His large cock speared her viciously from the rear, thrusting up into her cunt like a relentless piston. Shari’s lips fastened on her distended clit and sucked and tongued it until Amy was voicelessly screaming, thrashing insanely in the tight grip of Brad’s arms.

“Ohhh! Oh! Oh god! Oh oh Jesus god shit! Ohhh!” she gasped, feeling the spasms about to engulf her.

One more sharp rip of Brad’s hammering tool up into her depths. One more tormenting suck by Shari’s sensual lips on her pulsing clit. Suddenly she erupted.

“Aannnggghhiiieee!” she sobbed. “Ohn! Ohgodohg.odgod! Uunnngghhhhhiiieeeeee!”

The hot fierce spasms of a stupendous climax shook her writhing body. And just when the first one seemed finished, another one was born from the center of it, blooming like a mushroom cloud deep in her pussy and flowing through her hot pounding blood.

“Oooohhnnnnnnn! Oh God, Yesssss! Uunnnhieeeee!” she wailed as the second orgasm scorched her throbbing flesh.

Somewhere in the midst of it all she felt Brad’s body clench, and felt the thick creamy spouts of his jism spurting up into her. She could even feel Shari’s tongue busily lapping up the gobs of cum that leaked back out of her own pussy as he kept fucking and fucking her.

When it was over, she wanted to collapse. But all the excitement had left Shari unfulfilled. She kissed Amy’s mouth and stroked her, murmuring softly how good it had been to fuck her and how much she wanted to be fucked too.

“Brad’s cock won’t stand up for a while, but you can do it to me,” she whispered to Amy. “Just fucking you with him excited me so much that I think I could come in a minute. Please.”

Who am I to refuse? Amy thought, after what she did for me. Anyway, she realized, Shari had an absolutely gorgeous body. She remembered earlier how she could not blame Tom for wanting to fuck the girl, considering how beautiful she was.

The thought was amusing to her that she and Tom would both have fucked the same girl. Briefly that made her wonder again where he was. But when she glanced around the bedroom, he was nowhere in sight the big prude! She thought.

Couldn’t stand the action, could he?

She bent her head and began to fondle and suck Shari’s large firm breasts; It made the girl begin to coo and moan with delight. Amazingly, after her recent double orgasm, Amy felt her own lust reawakening quickly. She knew how much she loved to have her own breasts sucked and how no man ever did it enough.

So she did it to Shari the way she would like it done to her. Only Tamyra had ever sucked her the way she wanted it, and she did the same for Shari.

“Ohhhnnnn yesssss!” Shari hissed, as Amy sucked sharply on the blood-engorged cones of her throbbing nipples.

She had been right about being very close to her climax. When Amy slid further down her quivering body and began slurping the girl’s gooey slit with thirsty passion, Shari came almost without warning. She arched her back, shuddered, and skimmed through an endless string of connected orgasms, while Amy held the girl’s spasming clit between her softly pinching lips.

Watching them aroused Brad again. And this time, since he had already come twice, he had phenomenal endurance. He was able to fuck one girl until she came, then the other until she came, on and on into the night. Amy had so many orgasms that she wondered if her body would ever be able to produce another one.

And after her last thought of Tom she ceased to think of him throughout the night. Instead she thought only of how she and Brad and Shari could do it next, and how many more times she could come.

And come she did.

Chapter SEVEN

Tom didn’t return home that night. By midnight of the following night he still hadn’t come home. Amy lay in bed by herself, wondering whether she should be worried about him.

She supposed that he was staying away because of his anger over seeing her let Brad and Shad fuck her. But really she felt sort of miffed at him, if that was his reason. Hadn’t she walked in on him and Shari? Hadn’t the two of them just finished a wild fuck only minutes before she came through the door? Then what right did he have to condemn her?

Also, her body still ached all over from the marathon fucking session she had gone through with Shari and Brad after Tom disappeared. God, did we ever fuck! she thought. Her nipples were sore, and her cunt throbbed with a dull ache. She didn’t regret a minute of it. But she enjoyed the chance to recuperate.

She knew that if Torn were there he’d be trying to fuck her just to prove that he could give her as much pleasure as they could. She ran her hands over her naked body under her nightgown, remembering the feel of their lips and their hands on her: And frankly, she doubted if he could.

Finally she fell asleep a little after midnight. She didn’t know how long she slept before she was awakened mysteriously. She lay quietly in bed, wondering what had awakened her. She strained her ears, trying to pick up a sound. But she could hear nothing.

She had never feared rapists before. But now that she was all alone, she began to be scared. The bedroom was so dark that she couldn’t see anything, and yet it felt like someone was there in the room with her. She was afraid to turn on the light.