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Suddenly she beard the sharp gnash of a zipper, only inches, it seemed, from her left cheek. Oh my god, it is one! She thought. Oh my god!

But before she could think of anything to do about it, she suddenly felt the bed sink as someone crawled under the covers beside her. Amy whimpered with fright. She felt a man’s strong vise-like grip on her throat, and a dagger of fear pierced her thumping heart.

“Please!” she whimpered.

“Don’t move!” whispered the man.

“Tom?” she gasped tentatively.

“You’ll be lucky if I don’t kill you,” Tom hissed in a menacing whisper.

“Oh god, Tom, you gave me such a scare! Please let me go,” she begged, trying to pry his fingers from her throat with her hands. But he wouldn’t let go.

“You fucking little whore!” he hissed, tightening his grip. “You can’t get enough cock, can you? Oh, I found out all about you.”

“Tom,” Amy gasped, having a hard time speaking because of his tight grip on her throat. “Please let me explain!”

“What can you explain? That you’re a fucking nymphomaniac? Funny you didn’t mention it before we were married!”

“Tom, I can’t breathe! Please let me go. I can explain.”

Tears poured down Amy’s cheeks as she begged him. She was afraid to mention his own episode with Shari, afraid he might choke her to death in anger for bringing it up. She felt his other hand slip under her nightgown and manipulate the flesh of her body roughly.

“I’ll give you cock,” he muttered. “I’ll give you so much cock you’ll be begging me to stop!”

Something about his violent manner excited Amy tremendously. She knew his anger was real. In this state he might actually hurt her. But at the same time it was oddly thrilling to have him treat her like this. His hands squeezed her breasts mercilessly.

“Owwchh!” she cried out in pain. “Tommy, please don’t’!”

But suddenly with both hands he reached up and tore her nightgown completely off her body from the throat down. For the moment she was so glad to feel his fingers leave her neck that she didn’t mind. But when she felt his tough demanding hands and mouth all over her body, she began to quiver with fear again.

“Ohhhhh Tommy, baby, do it soft,” she murmured. “Be gentle with me, please.”

But gentleness was the farthest thing from his mind. His strong hands squeezed her body violently everywhere they touched her. His mouth found her breasts and nipples and he bit her sharply.

“Aaalleeeeee!” she wailed as his teeth sank into one of her soft nipples.

“You want to be fucked!” he shouted at her. “Okay, I’m going to fuck you! I'm going to fuck your fucking ears off! I’m going to fuck your mother fucking brains out, baby!”

“Oh god, please don’t hurt me,” she moaned.

Nevertheless, her body responded to his rough treatment. She could feel her cunt blossom with warm juice and her breasts throb with heat as he mauled them with his mouth. She tossed and twisted as his rough fingers bit into her flesh.

“Oh! You’re hurting me!” she cried out. “Please, Tom, don’t! Ohhnnnnn! Owwchh!”

“Don’t you want me to fuck you?” he snarled.

“Yes… but-”

“From the looks of things, you’re just dying to be fucked every waking moment,” he growled.

He pinched her tight stiff nipples between his thumbs and forefingers until Amy’s eyes welled with tears from the pain. She moaned and pleaded with him.

“Ohhhnnnn god, that hurts! Please, Tom! Please don’t do that to me! You’re hurting meeeeeee!”

“You’re going to wish that’s all I did to you by the time I’m finished,” he panted.

He began sucking and chewing her breasts wildly again with his mouth. But now for Amy the pain in her nipples began to merge with an incredible pulsing pleasure that rippled hotly through her body. She writhed and tossed, moaning deliriously.

She could feel Tom’s thick turgid cock pronging against her naked thigh as he squirmed all over her, devouring her swollen nipples. Her body ached and throbbed with pleasure. She got her hand down and squeezed and stroked his cock frantically, wanting to be filled and crammed by it.

“God, put it in me, baby! Put it in me!” she begged.

But he slid down her body and between her yawning thighs, not wanting to fuck her until he had feasted on her body everywhere. He began, sucking her wet cunt the same way he had sucked her ravaged nipples: viciously. He mauled her cunt-lips with his lips and teeth, stabbing his tongue deep into her achy slit.

“Is this the cunt everybody gets to fuck!” he shouted angrily.

He opened her pussy with his thumbs and buried his face in it, licking her insides with such passionate rage that Amy’s body flipped and bucked with unbearable lust. She was out of control. She mewled and whimpered helplessly, thrashing and pitching about wildly on the mattress.

“Ohhhh god, fuck me, please fuck me!” she begged.

His tongue on her clit was like a piece of hot iron. It flicked and stabbed the swollen bud of nerves without mercy, making her caw and whoop with pleasure.

Meanwhile his fingers bit into the flesh of her thighs and straining buttocks.

His hands were everywhere on her lower body, squeezing and digging into her flesh, probing her wildly aching pussy.

Suddenly she felt him turning her over onto her stomach. Her pliant trembling body did whatever he wanted it to do. He wants to fuck me dog-style, like Max did, she thought. Good! Anything that’ll make him happy!

Briefly she remembered the feel of that huge monster of Krip’s splitting her cunt as he rammed it up into her from behind. Then she felt a sharp spasm of guilt. Her husband was right now giving her the punishment she deserved, but she could think of nothing but that massive prick of Max’s. Oh god, fuck me, Tom, fuck me, she thought. Make me forget! Fuck my brains out, like you said you would!

She scrunched her knees up, tilting her quivery ass into the air to tempt him further. She knew it made her appear even more wanton in his eyes than he already thought she was. If you want to think I’m a depraved bitch, then go ahead she thought. Just fuck me, honey, fuck me hard!

Tom was panting wildly, nearly bursting with hot hammering lust. The sight of his young wife’s tender ass tilted up vulnerably to his long pulsing rod was enough to make him choke temporarily. He couldn’t take his eyes off the long red wet puckered seam of her groin. Her cunt was in full runny flower, the swollen petals shiny and slick with juice. The tiny ring of her pinched-shut asshole was just at the top of her gaping slit.

Just looking at it made his cock stiffer. It jumped with a crazy life of its own between his legs.

“God, Tommy, put it in me!” his wife moaned, gasping with submissive passion.

“Please! Please!”

He wanted to fuck. her everywhere at once. His lust had now obscured his vengeance, and he wanted to completely master and obliterate her with fucking.

He wanted to fuck her in the mouth, the cunt, the ass, and wherever else his prick could penetrate her, all at once! He knew it was impossible, but his blood roared and his prick throbbed with the same insistent need.

He steadied her shaking ass with both hands and probed the glistening outer lips of her pussy with the bulbous head of his prick. He was determined to go slow, to enjoy every second of this. She could moan and beg and plead with him, but he was going to have it all his way.

“Ohhhbnnnnn!” she moaned softly, biting her lower lip.

Amy could hardly bear the intense pleasure she got from the feel of his prick gently probing the wet groove of her outer pussy. Maybe he’s going to fuck me tenderly after all, she thought. She shut her eyes and bit her lower lip as she felt the long stiff fleshy stalk of his prick slithering up and down her sopping wet cunt-lips.

“Ohhhnnnn yesssss, Tommy! Yesssss. yesssss!”

But suddenly she felt the ominous presence of his finger skittering around her tightly shut rectum. Oh no! She thought. Please not there!