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Janice, Laura's shapely blonde mother, was sitting on the living room sofa beside her daughter, watching her favorite soap opera. She was happy that her daughter got the job, but she couldn't understand the girl's reluctance to discuss the matter. All she could find out was that the girl was to be a typist in the marketing division, and was to start work tomorrow. Nothing more.

Janice would have thought that Laura would be very excited and talkative after landing her very first job, but such was not the case. Her daughter was calm, restrained, and obviously absorbed in her thoughts. But she was sure, sooner or later her daughter would open up and discuss everything in full detail.

But Laura wasn't the only person on the big blonde's mind. Tim, her son, was due home from college this evening. Janice was looking forward to seeing him. She had missed him dearly these many months, for the two had always had a close relationship and had never been apart this long before.

Tim, her darling son, dark-haired and handsome, like his father. Janice could still remember when she used to hold him on her lap and read him stories. And she recalled, with a smile, how the boy used to always grab at her titties whenever she leaned over him. But her fondest memories were of the times she used to quiet his crying by sucking on his little cock.

Yes, she missed him dearly. But she knew that the boy was better off away at school, on his own, learning to be a man. She knew this in her heart. But, still, she would be happy to have him home with her at least for the summer.

"What are you thinking about, Mom?" asked Laura.

"I was just thinking about Tim. He's due home in a couple of hours and here I am sitting here in this old bathrobe. I believe I'll go up and shower and dress. What about you? Aren't you going to put on one of your pretty dresses?"

"No," said Laura. "These cut-off jeans are fine. Tim always liked them. Besides, Dad will be home any minute, and I want to be right here to tell him the good news."

"All right, have it your way. You can start setting the table for me, like a good girl. I'll be down in about a half hour."

Laura watched her mother climb the stairs. Then she switched off the television and went back into the kitchen. She too was happy that her brother was arriving, but she was even more excited about her father. She was sure she could get him to like her in the same way he liked the other girls in the office. After all, she was his daughter, wasn't she?

The table was half set when she heard her father's key in the lock. She hurried to the door then stood waiting, with her young, halter-covered tits jutted out proudly. The door was barely open when she began blurting out the good news.

"Hey, that's wonderful!" said Mr. Holt as he set down his briefcase and turned to hang up his jacket. "You'll learn a lot in the marketing division. And you'll have fun too. The girls down there are really nice people."

Laura didn't want to hear that her daddy knew some of the girls in the marketing division. But her frown only lasted a second. She grabbed his hand and led him into the kitchen, where she sat him down at the table and hopped up on his lap.

"Oh, Laura, baby," he said with a groan. "You're getting too big for this."

"I'm just happy to have you home, Daddy. Let's talk for a while." Laura ground her plump, half-naked ass into her father's cock bulge as she spoke. "It's going to be nice, working in the same building as you, Daddy. I feel great."

"I'm glad you feel that way, baby. But you're hurting Daddy. You're not a little girl anymore. You shouldn't be squirming around in my lap like that."

Laura didn't let up. She moved her plump ass in circles, loving the way her daddy's cock bulge grew and grew. The heat was wonderful to her, and she wondered if that other young girl felt this good.

"Please, baby. You don't know what you're doing to Daddy."

But she kept squirming, encouraging his hard cock bulge to delve into her asscrack. The heat was intensifying and the man's hard muscles were simply delightful to her. This was the first time she had looked upon her father as a lover, and the idea further excited her.

"Just what are you trying to do?" he asked, holding on to her waist. "Is this some sort of game?"

But Laura, with one arm around his neck and the other hand clutching his knee, wouldn't tell him her real intentions, or what she knew about him. She just couldn't. It would be too embarrassing. She just wanted him to treat her as if she were just one of the office girls.

And so her young, half-exposed ass moved round and round his lap, pushing his cock bulge this way and that. He groaned and protested, thinking this was some type of game his daughter was playing with him. Finally, he could take it no more.

"That's enough, Laura! You're making Daddy feel certain things that he shouldn't be feeling with his own daughter. It just isn't right. Now, c'mon, let's celebrate you getting your first job. We'll run down to the corner store and get some ice cream and cake for dessert. C'mon, honey."

Laura sighed as her father gently pushed her off his lap. It was now obvious to her that he wasn't going to voluntarily fuck her. But damned if Laura was going to stand by and let her father fuck everyone else! She was smiling when she left the house with him. She still had hope. And she knew that time was on her side.


Janice was just rinsing the lather from her beautiful body when the front doorbell rang. She listened to see if Laura would answer it, but the bell continued to ring. Not knowing that the girl had gone out with her father, Janice muttered to herself as she stepped out of the tub and wrapped a large towel around her.

"All right, I'm coming," she called, racing downstairs two steps at a time. "Hold your horses."

But it was her that had to hold her horses, for her titties seemed intent on bursting loose. She desperately held on to the towel as she opened the door and peeked around it.

"Hello, Mom." Tim stood there in the doorway, holding a suitcase in each hand.

"Tim! You're early! Come on in, Son! My goodness, how you've grown! Just look at you. I can't tell you from your father!"

Janice closed the door behind him. Then she flung her arms around him and gave him a big hug, forgetting that she was only wearing a wet towel.

Tim returned the hug, leaving his luggage at his side. If he was embarrassed that his half-naked mother had him in a choke hold, he didn't show it. And soon his hands were digging into her bare back, inches above her big shapely ass.

Janice maintained her hold for several long seconds, happy that her son was with her once again. She kissed him on the face and neck. Her big tits, separated from him by her towel, flattened against his strong chest. But her towel had come undone behind her, so her ass was jutting out, each cheek quivering excitedly.

"I'm glad to be home, Mom. I really missed you all. I have a thousand things to tell you." Then he reached lower and found himself clutching his mother's bare ass.

"Oooooh!" squealed Janice. "As you can see, you caught me while I was taking a shower. But we're alone, so go ahead, give your mother a big squeeze and hard slap on her ass. Remember how you used to sneak up on me while I was dressing, and spank me?"

"I was just a kid then," said Tim, but he did as his mother asked.

His big hands dug into the woman's soft ass meat and gripped it tight, making Janice squeal. He held her ass for several seconds, enjoying the terrific heat against his palms. Then, with her asscheeks throbbing, he released them and suddenly drove his right palm into her ass as hard as he could, striking her ass a terrific blow.

"Ahhhh!" cried Janice, throwing back her head. "That felt wonderful! Now come on upstairs with me and we'll freshen up together before supper. I don't know where your father and sister are, but I'm sure they'll be home soon."