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Barbara willed her to continue.

Yet she could not bring herself to join in – not until and unless the other girl suggested it.

"Want to fool around?" the girl asked, giggling.

Barbara's lips parted. She tried to say yes. But the word would not come out. She simply could not admit, verbally, what she would have gladly done, physically. She said nothing.

The other girl misunderstood her silence, and took the trembling in her body for fright, or disgust, rather than for the desire that it was.

It embarrassed the other girl.

She removed her hand from Barbara's pussy.

Barbara almost broke into tears.

"Sorry – I guess it wasn't a good idea," said her friend, and she rolled over to the other side of the bed.

Barbara seemed doomed by her timidity…

Now she was sitting on the bed, her open suitcases all around the room and the dildo in her hand. It was a big rubber prick, realistically contoured, with a wedge-shaped knob and a veined stalk. Barbara had become fond of it. Sometimes, she even sucked the rubber cock, just as if if were real and capable of feeling the pleasure of her lips – and practicing, too, so that she would know how to do it if and when she found a real prick to suck off.

If only real pricks were as easy as rubber ones! That would have suited the shy girl – to have a disembodied cock of her very own, a cock that she could do with as she pleased, without having a man on the other end of it, so that she would not have to feel embarrassed and shy.

That was impossible, of course.

Or so she thought.

It had never occurred to the blonde virgin that there was another solution, another way to have a prick without having, to deal with a man.

To have, in fact, a dog's prick! A girl did not have to be shy when she was dealing with a dumb animal, and having a dog's cock was much the same as using a rubber one.

But Barbara had not thought of that.

Not yet…

Now she decided that she would, after all, fuck herself. It seemed fitting that her first act in her new home would be to use a dildo without worrying that her mother might be listening at the door or looking through the keyhole. She smiled a bit ruefully, hoping that it was not going to become a habit – that it would not be necessary to fuck herself much longer, now that she had her own apartment and could entertain men. She was trying to decide if she should take all her clothing off and give herself a prolonged fuck, or simply remove her panties and enjoy a fast fuck and a quick come.

She decided to do the latter.

There would be plenty of time for a sustained fuck once she was in bed for the night. For now, she would simply get her rocks off as quickly as possible. She stood up and tugged her bikini panties down over her heart-shaped ass. The crotchband of her panties was soaking wet and when she tossed them aside, they fluttered to the floor like a moth with damp wings.

She sat down on the edge of the bed again, her thighs parted and her skirt raised so that she could see what she was doing to herself. She liked to watch the rubber cock in and out, and to see how it became frothy and lathered with her cunt juice.

First, both to lubricate the rubber cock, and also because it gave her a thrill, she brought it to her lips and licked all around the fat cock-knob, then pushed the end into her mouth and began to suck lovingly on it – wishing that the rubber cock was full of spunk and capable of shooting a load into her mouth. She wondered what cum tasted like. She knew that cunt juice was delicious, because she often licked her fingers after she had been fucking them up her cunt, and she had an idea that jism would be even tastier. Of course, she knew cunt juice would be tastier, too, if she were to drink it right out of a creaming cunt, rather than deliver it by hand.

Barbara was ready for anything, in her horny virginity.

She wanted a man. She would have even settled for a girl.

But she hadn't yet thought about a dog.

Now the dildo was slippery and glistening with her saliva and she gave the cock-knob a last kiss and moved it down between her widespread, ivory-smooth thighs. Her pussy was already flooded, the crack open into an oval and that oval full of froth. She stirred the cunt slot with the tip of the rubber prick, shivering and shuddering as the waves of pleasure ran through her clit and spasmed in her loins. Then she began to slowly fuck the big tool up her cunt, pushing it in an inch at a time. She worked her cunt muscles, tightening them around the rubber cock, practicing again for when she had a real cock on which she could work those inner contractions of her pussy.

She fed it all up her cunt, squirming on the full penetration, soaking the bed as her hot pussy juices flowed down her crotch.

Then she began to pull the dildo out and push it in with a steady fucking rhythm, so that the whole length of the fat rubber prick ran across her tingling clit, coming and going.

Her pliable pussy clung to the rubber cock, clutching and rippling. Her cunt lips turned almost inside out as they dragged after the withdrawing rod, then sucked back as Barbara fed the rubber prick in again. She closed her eyes, pretending that it was a real cock between her legs – not a man, specifically, but a prick that could fill her pussy with spunk. The cock squished up her cunt. More juices flowed out as the fat cock filled her fuck hole snugly. She began to moan softly, then to punctuate that steady moaning with little gasps and cries as the sensation reached towards the crest, building steadily, long, lateral waves rippling across her loins and spasms rushing down her trembling thighs.

At the peak, she cried out aloud.

Then her cunt melted on the rubber prick and, with a happy sigh, she dropped back across the bed and lay there, arms and legs spread out as if she had been crucified. And the fat rubber cock was still sticking out of her cunt.

Presently, she reached down and plucked the prick from her pussy. It came out with a popping sound, like a cork from a bottle, and the flood of cunt nectar that poured out was frothy as it soaked down her crotch. She held the dildo up. It was coated with pussy juice. Feeling naughty, she slipped it into her mouth and slurped her own cunt juices from it.

Barbara was satisfied now – more or less.

She had had an orgasm and her crotch was no longer burning with need. But still, it had been only a mild orgasm, levered and pried out by a false prick and it did little to ease the need that the virgin felt for a proper fucking.

Soon, she hoped, soon.

Maybe even that very night! She was going to try to get up the nerve go out, perhaps to a cocktail lounge or dating bar, and hoped that some man would pick her up. She knew she would be blushing and shy and unable to flirt with a man, certainly unable to give him any sign that she was available, but still, some horny fellow might persist – and succeed! But it was too early to go out now.

She finished sucking her cunt juice from the rubber cock, polishing the big prick-knob to a high luster, and sat up. She still had plenty of boxes and crates to unpack, but she wasn't in the mood now.

Barbara remembered the kind invitation that Melanie had extended.

It seemed a good idea. She could meet her neighbor over a cup of coffee and kill some time until – she hoped – it was time to get fucked.

She moved to the dresser and put the dildo away in the top drawer, glad that she no longer had any reason to have to hide it at the bottom of her underwear drawer. Then, thinking of underwear, she wondered where her clean panties were. She couldn't recall having unpacked them from the suitcases and supposed that they must be in one of the boxes. She picked up the pair she had been wearing from the floor, but the crotchband of the tiny bikinis was still soaking wet. Although Barbara liked her cunt juice when she was horny, it wasn't so appealing a prospect after she had come and she didn't relish the thought of putting a pair of wet panties back on. But neither did she feel like unpacking the boxes to find a clean pair.